Chapter 4

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     Bluey and Bingo were in slight shock after their house landed on the ground.  But after they collected themselves, they got off of Bluey's bed and exited their bedroom.  They headed downstairs, looking around their home.  After noticing that all of the furniture was messed up due to the gravity, Bluey ran straight to the front door.  She turned the doorknob and then opened it right up.  What she saw was unlike anything she had ever seen.  It was a brand new world that was a lot more colorful than Brisbane had ever been.  Bluey stepped out of the house, with Bingo following her.  The two sisters were amazed with this new world they had landed in.  It looked like a world that would be in one of their fairy tale books, only much more real and beautiful.  A lovely fountain, big and colorful flowers, and even some little houses could be found.  And in the center was a spiral leading to a road made out of yellow bricks.

     Bluey and Bingo, with wonder in their eyes, walked up to the spiral.  Bluey then broke the silence with,
"Bingo?  I have a feeling we're not in Brisbane anymore"
Unbeknownst to Bluey and Bingo, some little fairies were peeking from flowers nearby. They sparkled, which Bingo in particular overheard.
"What was that?" asked Bingo.
So, she turned around to see what she heard, but the fairies went back to hiding by the time she turned around. Bluey, who was still looking around the new environment, then said to Bingo with excitement,
"We must be over the rainbow!"

     As the sisters continued to admire the village, they then saw what looked like a beautiful pink bubble from the distance.  They got curious about the bubble and wanted to get a closer look.  But the bubble kept coming closer and closer and when Bluey and Bingo realized that the bubble was bigger than they thought, they stepped back a little as the bubble began to approach the ground.  When it landed, the bubble disappeared and what appeared before the girls' eyes was a lovely light orange English cocker spaniel with a beautiful pink gown, a lovely pink crown, and she was holding a long silver wand.  She smiled warmly at Bluey and Bingo.  They were amazed at her appearance, but they were a little shy at the same time, especially Bingo.  Bluey whispered to Bingo,
"Now I know we aren't in Brisbane anymore"
The cocker spaniel stepped up to Bluey and asked her,
"Are you a good witch or a bad witch?"
Bluey, who got confused, briefly looked around.
"Me?" She replied as she pointed to herself.
The spaniel nodded.
"Oh, I'm no witch.  I'm Bluey Heeler, from Brisbane"
The cocker spaniel pointed to Bingo, who was hiding behind Bluey, with her wand and then asked,
"Well is she a witch?"
"No, that's Bingo.  She's my little sister" replied Bluey, who perked up a little.
"Hi" said Bingo who waved at the spaniel.

     The cocker spaniel giggled and then said,
"I'm a little confused.  The fairies called me here because they told me that a new witch and her little sister have dropped a house on the Greedy Queen"
The cocker spaniel pointed her wand to Bluey and Bingo's house.  When they turned around to see it, they could see a pair of little dog legs sticking out from underneath the house, which caught them off guard.  The cocker spaniel then continued with,
"There's the house, here you girls are, and that's all that's left of the Greedy Queen.  So all the fairies want to know is that are you a good witch or a bad witch?"
"I already told you!  I'm no witch at all!  And neither is Bingo!  Witches are mean old ladies!" replied a slightly annoyed Bluey.
She then heard some giggling and got startled.  She asked the cocker spaniel,
"What was that?"
"The fairies" replied the cocker spaniel.
"They're laughing because I'm a witch myself.  I'm Frisky, the fairy godmother witch"
"You are??" said Bingo, who was surprised.
Bluey and Bingo's eyes lit up after hearing that and after they curtsied before her, Bluey said,
"Wow...I've never seen a young witch before!"
"Only bad witches are mean old ladies" replied Frisky.
"The fairies are happy thanks to you freeing them from the havoc of the Greedy Queen"
"Fairies?  I don't see any fairies" replied Bluey, as she looked around.
She then heard more giggling and while she got startled, Bingo got really excited.  Frisky then explained,
"The fairies are the citizens of this village, which is known as Fairy Village.  And you, Bluey, are now their national heroine"

     Turning to the center of Fairy Village, Frisky announced,
"It's alright, you can come out now in order to thank her!"
As the tiny fairies began to come out from behind flowers to see Bluey and Bingo, Frisky began singing in a lovely singing voice,
"Come out, come out, wherever you are
And meet the young puppy who fell from a star..."
While Bluey was curious about the fairies, Bingo was so excited that she did her best to keep in a squeal.  As more fairies fly to Bluey, Frisky continued to sing,
"She fell from the sky, she fell very far
And Brisbane she says is the name of the star..."
Some fairies decided to join Frisky with,
"Brisbane she says is the name of the star"
Many fairies has gotten curious about Bluey, so Frisky decided to guide her to the front of the fountain while holding her paw, with Bingo following Bluey, all while singing,
"She brings you good news or haven't you heard?
When she fell out of Brisbane, a miracle occurred..."

     As the fairies watched Bluey, she began to sing,
"It really was no miracle, what happened was just this!
The wind began to switch, the house to pitch,
And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch,
Just then, the witch!  To satisfy an itch,
Went flying on her broomstick, thumbing for a hitch!"
A fairy flew forward and then sang,
"And oh, what happened then was rich!"
Some other fairies joined in with,
"The house began to pitch!  The kitchen took a slitch! 
It landed on the Greedy Queen in the middle of a ditch!
Which was not a healthy situation for,
the Greedy Queen!"
Suddenly, all the fairies began dancing with each other and sang all together,
"The house began to pitch!  The kitchen took a slitch! 
It landed on the Greedy Queen in the middle of a ditch!"
Just then, a carriage drawn by two horses began approaching the fountain and Bluey and Bingo got excited seeing it, all while the fairies finished singing with,
"Which was not a healthy situation for,
the Greedy Queen!
Who began to twitch!  And was reduced,
To just a stitch!
Of what was once the Greedy Queen!"

     Bluey and Bingo climbed aboard the carriage, with Bingo sitting on her sister's lap.  Two fairies, one of them holding a bouquet, then flew up to the girls.  The first fairy said,
"We thank you very sweetly!  For doing it so neatly!"
"You've killed her so completely!  That we thank you very sweetly!" said the second fairy and then they gave the bouquet to Bluey, who was very happy to receive it.
Frisky then announced,
"Let the joyous news be spread!  The Greedy Ol' Queen at last is dead!"
The fairies all began to celebrate in their village after hearing that announcement from the Fairy Godmother witch herself.

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