Chapter 3

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     The wind in Brisbane had not only gotten worse, but a tornado had formed!  When everyone realized this, they immediately started looking for places to be safe in.  Coco, Chloe, and Judo were panicking as many leaves were flying everywhere.  Judo shouted,
"Girls!  We need to get inside somewhere!"
"But what about the leaves we worked so hard on??"asked Coco.
"Forget the leaves, we need to save ourselves!"
Judo then she realized she couldn't see Chloe and was getting pretty scared.
"Chloe?  Where's Chloe??" shouted Judo.
Chloe had caught up to Coco and Judo and she said,
"It's a twister!  It's a twister!"
The three of them suddenly ran outside of the Heeler residence looking for another place to go to.  Meanwhile with Chilli, she was looking all over the backyard for Bluey and Bingo.
"Bluey??" shouted Chilli, who was getting very worried at this point.
She then shouted,

     Meanwhile with Bluey and Bingo, they arrived in the neighborhood and they began looking for their house.  It was hard for them to see since there was so much dust blowing into their eyes, but they kept on going through the wind storm.  As for Bandit, Chilli, Coco, Judo, and Chloe, they decided to go to Judo's house as they deemed it the safest place to go to at the moment.  Judo opened the door and everyone rushed in.  Coco shouted,
"Everyone!  Inside Judo's house!!"
Chilli was reluctant with going inside without her daughters and with tears in her eyes, she shouted,
"But my girls are still missing!!"
"Chilli!  We'll find Bluey and Bingo soon!" said Bandit as he held Chilli's paw.
They all then entered Judo's house and shut the door tight and locked it. 

     With Bluey and Bingo, they had finally made it to their house and they start looking for their parents.
"Mum?!" shouted Bluey.
She and Bingo went outside to the backyard looking for their parents.  Once again, Bluey shouted,
After some brief looking around, she and Bingo left their house and decided to head to Judo's house.  They try to open the door, but it was locked.  Bluey and Bingo then shouted,
"Mum!  Dad!  We're out here!!"
Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, the wind was too loud for anyone inside the house to hear the attempts of opening the door, alongside Bluey and Bingo's shouting, so they went back to their own house. 
"Mum!!" shouted Bingo as she and Bluey looked around the living room.
They then immediately go upstairs to their room and started looking in there.  Bluey went onto her bed, opened the window, and shouted,
But just as she shouted that, a branch from the tree outside breaks off and hits Bluey in the head, causing her yipe and then pass out onto her bed. 
Bingo saw this, gasped, and shouted,
"BLUEY!!  Wake up!!"

     As Bingo was trying her best to wake up her big sister, Bluey began to have a strange dream during the storm.  In the dream, the Heeler house got lifted by the tornado and it was getting carried away.  Bluey was still passed out while Bingo looked at her with concern in her eyes.  But then, Bluey overheard some birds squawking and flying and that's what woke her up.  She looked out the window to see where the squawking came from. As the last bird flew by and squawked, Bluey got confused and asked herself,
"What's happening...?"
Bingo was relieved to see Bluey awake and she watched the window with her to see what would pop up next.  The two of them saw who appeared to be their cousin, Muffin, dancing like a ballerina.  She excitedly waved at Bluey, who then waved back, still confused.  Following Muffin, they saw little Socks barking with excitement and running around.  Bingo said,
"Socks?!  What are you doing here?"
Bluey and Bingo then saw who appeared to be Rusty and Jack pretending to be in the military and they too waved at Bluey, who waved back as well.  But then, Bluey looked down from the window and saw what looked like to be the inside of the tornado.  Or at least, that's what Bluey assumed it to be.  As soon as she saw that, she told Bingo,
"I think our house is inside the tornado!!"
"It is?!" replied Bingo, who was shocked to hear that.

     As soon as the girls looked out at the window again, they saw who looked like Nana walking.  Worried, Bluey shouted,
"Uh oh!  It's Nana!"
As she and Bingo observed closely, they then see their Nana turn into a witch flying on a broomstick.  As soon as that happened, Bluey and Bingo got scared, turned away from the window, and they put their paws onto their eyes as they heard the witchy nana let out a wicked laugh.  Shortly after that, the tornado let go of the Heeler house and it began to fall quickly.  Bluey and Bingo held onto each other tightly all while screaming for dear life as the house fell down and their room got messed up from the gravity.  The house continued to fall down through the sky. After a while, it finally landed on ground, slightly shocking the sisters in the process.

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