Chapter 10

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Bluey, Bingo, the ScarePoodle, and the Dalma-Tin had just entered the dark woods. It was a bit spooky, so the girls were getting a little scared. Bluey stopped when she heard a weird bird call. The ScarePoodle and the Dalma-Tin got concerned, so she said,
"I don't like these's dark...and scary..."
As Bingo stayed close to her sister, the ScarePoodle asked,
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't it get darker sooner than lighter?"
The Dalma-Tin nodded, while looking a little scared as well.
"Do you think we'll meet any wild animals?" asked Bluey.
"Hmm, maybe" replied the Dalma-Tin.
Now shaking, the ScarePoodle asked,
"A-animals that eat...straw??"
"Some, but mostly lions and tigers and bears" the Dalma-Tin replied.
Bluey and the ScarePoodle were now even more scared.
"Lions??" Bluey asked
"And tigers??" The Scare Poodle asked
"And bears" finished the Dalma-Tin.
Feeling scared, Bluey said,
"Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!"
When the girls began running down the Yellow Brick Road out of fear, the ScarePoodle and Dalma-Tin joined Bluey in with,
"Lions and tigers and bears"
"Oh my!"
"Lions and tigers and bears!"
"Oh my!"
"Lions and tigers and bears!"
"Oh my!"
"Lions and tigers and bears!"
"Oh my!"

As they ran through the woods, they suddenly heard a loud roar, stopping the girls in their tracks! And then up ahead, they saw a white chow chow puppy dressed up like a lioness. She was barking at them with anger and she ran towards them. She hopped down from a log and onto the Yellow Brick Road, sending the girls running to hide behind trees. She continued to bark and she looked around. She barked at the ScarePoodle, who was scared. She then barked at Bluey, who was also scared. And finally, she barked at the Dalma-Tin, who was worried. The chow chow got up and formed her paws into little fists.
"Put 'em up! Put 'em up!" she said.
"Well, who's gonna fight me first?"
The ScarePoodle and the Dalma-Tin came out from hiding and then the chow chow said,
"I'll fight both of you if I want to! I'll fight with one paw behind my back!"
She began hopping up and down as she continued with,
"I'll fight you on one foot! I'll fight you with my eyes closed!"
She then noticed the Dalma-Tin's axe and said,
"Oh, you brought an axe, huh?"
She turned to the ScarePoodle.
"Sneaking up on me, huh? Why..." she said.
She walked back to the Dalma-Tin and growled at her.
"Hey! You leave us alone!" said the Dalma-Tin.
"Oooh, are you scared? Afraid?" said the chow chow in a mocking way.
Bluey, who was still hiding, was shocked from what the chow chow said.
"Let's see how long you can stay in that tin can!" said the chow chow.
She laughed and then said,
"Come on and fight you piece of metal!"
She walked back to the ScarePoodle and said,
"Put your paws up, you walking haystack!"
"Now now, let's not get personal, lioness!" said the ScarePoodle.
The Dalma-Tin said to the ScarePoodle,
"I agree. Get up and teach her a lesson!"
"Me?! Why not you?!"
"I don't know her very well!"

Suddenly, Bingo yelled to the chow chow,
"Hey! You leave Bluey's friends alone!"
"I'll especially get you, little red!" replied the chow chow.
She began chasing Bingo while barking at her. Bluey was so scared that she immediately ran for Bingo.
"Bingo!" She called out
Bluey found Bingo and held her paw tightly. The chow chow chased Bluey while barking. Bluey stopped and the chow chow ran towards her. She then slapped the chow chow's nose as a defense mechanism. This immediately caused the chow chow to stop and she even began whimpering.
"You naughty chow chow!" said Bluey, looking upset.
The chow chow continued to whimper and she said,
"Why did you do that...? I didn't hurt her!"
"Well, you tried! It's bad enough to see you picking on the ScarePoodle over there, but when you go around picking on my sister-!" replied Bluey
"You didn't have to hit me on my nose!"
She put her paw on her nose and asked,
"It's not bleeding, is it...?"
"No, it's not" replied Bluey.
As she noticed the chow chow whimpering and tearing up, she said,
"You're really making quite the fuss, aren't you? When you go around picking on things weaker than're nothing but a coward!"
The chow chow, who wiped some tears with her tail, replied with,
"I am!! I'm a Chow-ardly Lioness!! I don't have any courage! I even scare myself..."
She pointed to her eyes and then said,
"Look at the circles underneath my eyes! I haven't slept for forever!"
The Dalma-Tin then suggested to the Chow-ardly Lioness,
"Why not try counting sheep? That helps me"
"That doesn't work...I'm scared of sheep..." replied the Chow-ardly Lioness.

The ScarePoodle felt bad seeing her whimper and said,
"Oh, I'm sorry..."
She leaned to Bluey and said,
"Hey Bluey, don't you think the Wizard can help her too?"
"I don't see why not!" replied Bluey.
She then said to the Chow-ardly Lioness,
"Hey, why not come with us? We're going to see the Wizard right now to get her a heart"
"And her a brain!" added the Dalma-Tin.
Bingo then said,
"I'm sure he'll help you be brave!"
The Chow-ardly Lioness said,
"Well...wouldn't you laugh at the idea of a Chow-ardly Lioness...? I know I would..."
"No we wouldn't..." said Bluey, with everyone else nodding no.
"Thank you...that's really life has been one big joke..."

Bluey wiped away the last of the Chow-ardly Lioness's tears while saying,
"Everything's alright now...the Wizard will fix everything!"
"It's been in me for so long that I just have to tell you how I feel!" said the Chow-ardly Lioness who finished whimpering.
Bluey said,
"Let's go!"
As everyone began walking down the Yellow Brick Road, the Chow-ardly Lioness sang,
"Yeah, it's sad, believe me, missy
When you're born to be a sissy
Without the vim and verve...
But I could show my prowess
Not a mouse, but a lioness
If I only had the nerve..."
She continued to sing,
"I'm afraid there's no denying
I'm just a dandy-lion!
A fate I don't deserve...
I'd be brave as a blizzard..."
The Dalma-Tin sang,
"I'd be gentle as a lizard..."
The ScarePoodle then sang,
"I'd be clever as a gizzard!"
Bluey finally sang,
"If the Wizard is a wizard who will serve..."

One by one, each girl sang,
"Then I'm sure to get a brain!"
"A heart!"
"A home!"
"The nerve!"
Now linking arms, the ScarePoodle, the Dalma-Tin, Bluey, and the Lioness all began skipping down the Yellow Brick Road, with Bingo following them, and they sang,
"Oh, we're off to see the Wizard! The Wonderful Wizard of Aus!
We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz, if ever a Wiz there was!
If ever, oh ever, a Wiz there was, the Wizard of Aus is one because
Because, because, because, because, because...
Because of the wonderful things he does!!"
The girls continued to skip through the woods and they continued their journey as they all finished singing,
"We're off to see the Wizard!  The Wonderful Wizard of Aus!!"
Unfortunately for the girls, they were being watched by the Old Fashioned Witch.

This special episode of Bluey is called "The Wizard"!Where stories live. Discover now