The world cp1

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I have been alone since the start my family saw the news and left me, not that I cared that much any way they never cared for me anyway. I miss my brother but it might have been for the better.

I was 23 years when this all started, I guess I'm 25 now. I saved two puppies from walkers and since they have become my loyal companion, they know how to hide and get away they listened to me and we help each other.

We have been out for a while and have a lot of gunpowder on me since I rarely use them I prefer my throwing knives and swords. I stay away from people, I have met all kinds of them and they are just as bad as the walkers. They have all gone crazy since, I help if I come over a human that needs it but I prefer to stay away.

While walking through the woods my backpack secure on my back my sword sharp and clean my wolves walked beside me we have been walking all day, never staying too long in one place. That was when my wolfes head turned to the right signalling me something was there I was just waiting to see if they would walk that way or if I should stay away it took some time but they walked in that direction, we have this good partnership between us. I could hear growling but they kept walking so I knew it must be something important.

That was when I saw a cliff with thousands of walkers a car in the middle and some people on top. There were two men with two kids standing on top of the car unsure what to do. They haven't seen me yet too busy keeping the kids safe.

I looked at my wolves whistle some tune before I started to hang some rope on a three and gave the rope to my wolves walking away from that side of the cliff. I needed to fight through it could be dangerous but it won't be the first time it has happened. But before I went to the other side I threw some liquor on the ground in a half circle.

I looked over them it looked like the car was about to turn over. 'Do you need some help.' i called over drawing their attention towards me also some walkers. I could see some hope but it was fast washed off. I sigh hard before I took some music on to the highest drawing the walkers to me. They all rushed to this side of the cliff I let my music play putting it on the ground before I looked over the others seeing some relief but also conflict. They were trapped or so they thought.

I Jumped down seeing them freak out from the height, I started to slice the walkers that tried to eat me instead of following the music. I was fast I was used to running a lot I used my muscle and it was so good to finally let loose sometimes. I rushed over and jumped on the car before more walkers came I could see about half of them ignored the music coming for us. I stood there and looked over to my wolves I could see they followed my sight.

I whistled some tunes giving my wolfes the signal to let the rope go. 'Go Ill hold them off.' I could see some hesitant but they didn't have the choise to complain they rushed off the one guy with a crossbow lingered a bit longer but I signalled for him to leave. I walked to them I could see some struggle to get up the rope. I walked over took the rope from them and swirled it around the little kids and the little boy. 'Hold on tight and don't be scared.' I gave a sweet smile before whistling a bit making my wolf drag them both up. I walked away from them seeing the walker closing in.

I stepped over the liquor that I put on the ground my hand in the pocket two men looked between me and the kids halfway up. they were relieved. I took out a lighter. 'Now get up.' i light the liqueur up shielding them from the walkers and the flames hiding them also if they walked over the walkers would burn. I walked slowly not rushing having time. Taking down walkers that came to me. I hears the wolf signal to me the rope was ready so I whistle back there were two more men.

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