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we three with carl close to me quietly we walked down the stairs and closed the doors to make sure the walkers didn't come after us we made it to the first floor. There were about 10 walkers the store had some useful food. I turned around thinking of a plan to try not to kill them. 'Carl can you get me one Coke, dog food and three chocolate?' he smiled brightly. 'Rick and Daryl get whatever else you think will be useful flashlight food, batteries lighters. I'll keep the walkers busy while you get the stuff, try not to kill the walkers.' they nodded but understood if it came to it they needed to kill them.

I walked out and walked to the end of the store where there was nothing useful making the walkers follow me I jump to the shelf and started to talk. The walkers all tried to grab me making the shelf wiggle a bit. 'That is the one carl good job.' i called out I saw some walkers in the window trying to get in but it was no danger. It didn't take long before they were done, back to the door ready to flee and only waiting for me. I was about to jump when I saw some unicorn teddy so I jumped over the walkers and rushed for the unicorn before running to the other side of the store I rushed for the door closed it and we walked to the second floor.

'now we need blankets or a sleeping bag.' i smiled I tried to check if there were some walkers in the store I wasn't able to see any but I heard some growling so I walked to the room and called out and there were three walkers that rushed for me a bit faster then usual once, probably some athletes in their life I took some rope and swirled it around them holding them close while Rick Daryl and Carl started to take some Backpack and Sleeping bag and other useful stuff like a storm kitchen.

When they were all back at the door I open the rope and rushed to them Rick closed the door after us. Now we had sleeping bags, food and lights even something to make some food with. We were quiet and walked back up no Walkers on the stairs making it easier for us I took a chair with me to use as leverage to hold the door closed when we get back up just for safety.

The others were happy to see us back. I gave the unicorn to Judith who smiled happily. I also handed some more arrows to Daryl I took before I walked out of the second store. We all sat there with a sleeping bag I was offered one but I had my wolves and blankets so I only used it to sleep on top of it.

I made some soup with boxed vegetables and some meat. Carl handed me the stuff I asked for so I hugged him and took a soda enjoying drinking it again and handed two of the chocolate to Carl and Judith. 'That was why you wanted three I thought you would give the wolves.' I shake my head. 'Dogs or wolves or rather a lot of animals cant eat chocolate it's poison for them.' i lecture carl. Knowing the world has been going under they don't know the normal stuff anymore.

We spoke some when Judith looked confused about some of the stuff so I explained so a two-year-old would understand or rather three soon. I took a notebook from my backpack and drew some drawing animals she would most likely meet and their name but she didn't know how to read so I drew the letters. Trying to teach her the alphabet. We sang the alphabet making her giggle and learn how to write her name.

'Were you a teacher?' Miconne asked curiously how I got along with the kids so well. 'No I was in the special corpse Military but I have a little Brother who I raised.' i smiled down at Judith. The others didn't ask more my wolves asleep. 'You can all sleep it's safe and we will need our energy to get through the town safe and sound.' i told them all to go to sleep Judith slept soundly holding the unicorn. Carl is close with his dad's hat on his head.

I sat there for some time when Daryl sat down beside me. 'You are amazing you know.' he said having trouble using the word fully because of his accent and where he's from I just gave a small smile. 'Thank you. Where is your brother if I may ask?' he looked down at his hand now I reach over and held his hand giving him an encouraging smile. 'He was left behind being a danger to the group so we went back for him but he was gone he was able to get loose and I didn't find him. I stayed with the group and found him some months later with his group but they were dangerous he came back to us but in the end, he saved me from getting bit by a walker so I killed him.'

I sat in silence before I held his hand running a circle on his skin. 'Thank you for telling me, He sound like a lovely brother even when he was a bit psycho. But this world isn't for everyone it changes people. But he loved you dearly or he wouldn't have taken your place and that is all that matters, your brother loved his little brothers wishing him to keep fighting.' I smiled encouragingly at him and he smiled at me back.

Rick has been awake listening but stayed out of it and I was glad he did. 'Arnt you lonely walking around alone?' i sat there thinking a bit. 'Not really, I have my wolves. I have saved some humans some turn out to be okay I help them to a safe place and give them some food and something to protect themself but I don't usually take someone in. I also meet some people only wishing to steal everything you have or get in your pants. To be honest, I think Humans are eviler than the walkers they are true to their goal they wish to eat you, but humans are deceptive and dangerous using every means necessary to get what they want and I rather stay away from that.' Daryl could agree more since they have met some dangerous people already.

'Some are nice. there are some towns.' i look at him and he stops himself. 'Yes I know some towns are nice and look safe but they will always fall be it with walkers or other humans wishing to take your food, woman or town. also, most of the towns wish for you to contribute to choosing your place not letting you decide. I will rather be alone than be someones bodyguard.' i shake out of the thought. Daryl smirked thinking the same. 'Alexandria was like that but it changed after Rick took over.' I yawned tiredly.

I closed my eyes after taking the blanket more over myself. 'You need to sleep Daryl.' i told him my eyes closed ready to fall asleep. He didn't answer so I put half my blanket over him and snuggled a bit for more warmth and fell asleep.

Daryl pov.

We have been saved by this woman over and over again, she prefers to be alone than with people but she has a weakness in children. She was easy to like she talked little but she always calculated with her eyes strong and smart. She saved us more than once alone with her wolves I respect her.

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