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'This makes it more difficult for us to take the normal route back.' I spoke up after sitting for a few minutes. 'Nigael will be back with more men trying to figure out what happened he will know where we were going so we need to change directions and take a different route.' i sat there again everyone tried giving some ideas all of them sucked.

'Let's go through the city.' i said while standing up. 'Are you crazy?' Michonne said angrily. 'well yes but that isn't new. It's the safest route for now. Nigael will try and follow but will be backed away with all the walkers, and it's more places to hide.' Rick could see my idea but was still unsure. 'I walk through the towns a lot I will help okay, so just listened to me and I will do everything in my power to keep all of you safe.' Michonne was still angry but Rick agreed, making her back down.

We walked for two hours before we saw the city. 'I can take one of the kids on my back.' i spoke up. 'I can fight I will help.' Carl spoke up not wanting to sit and do nothing. I looked him in the eyes. 'Will you listen to my every command?' he nodded seriously taking my order in. I gave him a gun and some knives. 'Do not use the guns unless you are about to be bitten I will help and using the guns will only attract more walkers. Does everyone have weapons?' i turned to look around Darlyl had knives and his crossbow. Maggie had knives and a handgun the same as Glenn. Rick nodded but I didn't see any weapon except the gun I gave him earlier MIchonne had her sword.

I took Judith on my back as I will be able to move anyway. 'Princess when I'm fighting I want you to lay your head down on my shoulder so I can move easier can you do that for me?' i asked again motherly and she smiled while nodding making me smile back. We walked to town I could see some walkers my wolf rushed forward making them follow them before they run around some big building getting back to me I knocked on a window listening in is there was some growling or anything before we walked into the building.

There were some clothes so I made them pack what they needed while I took another blanket and a sweatshirt and some jeans with singlets. We walked up to the second floor I knocked on the door there was some growling making me open the door Daryl killed the two walkers before we walked in and took food before we kept going until we were on the roof.

I looked over the town seeing the next building on the other side. 'Hold on Princess.' i told Judith before I started to run and jump over to the next building I made some sounds to make sure there were no walkers before my wolves followed I put Judith down and jumped back I lifted carl's bridal style and jumped back putting down. The others just stared shocked it was far. 'Is there anyone not able to jump ?' i questioned seeing that they will probably get over. Daryl followed together with Rick I stood close just in case Maggie jumped only making half before I raised my hand took a hold of her and dragged her towards me making me fall backwards with her on top.

Seeing that Maggie struggled Gleen become a bit scared so I jumped over again lifted him against some protest and jumped back. Michonne followed us having no trouble. I started to make a plan we could jump three more buildings and raid the store. 'It's starting to get late let's jump three more buildings before we raid the store and get some sleep till tomorrow?' i asked when they all looked over at me. They all smiled and gave a nod.

I carried Judith like a princess my backpack on my back. 'Stay here Ill be back.' whistled for my wolves before I started to run and jump from building to building I jumped three times letting Judith down with my wolves before I killed off two walkers making sure the roof was secure before I jumped back taking down some more that came while I just rushed off.

I jumped back to Carl and lifted him jumping back to Judith before I went to help the grown-ups. Maggie was unsure but she walked back some and jumped making it. I smiled to encourage her. Rick and Daryl had no problems, for now, Glenn did the same as Maggie almost made it I lifted my hand and took him he was so close so I dragged him up. Michonne followed. we jumped until there was one left Rick slipped and almost fell I rushed over and took his hand before losing my feet myself I dragged him up while I fell.

I could hear Carl and Judith calling my name but it was okay. I was trained for this situation. I was able to get my hands on a window all of them were now looking at me I kicked with my feet jumped to the other side of the building and kept going before I was one top jumping back and forward. I was now on top relief washed over me I saw Glenn, and Maggie left on the other side I was tired and didn't want to drag it out so I jumped over and threw them both over my shoulder before I rushed and jumped to the other side letting them both down before I laid my self on the ground tired. Breathing hard. My wolf snuggled me.

Daryl gave me a water bottle letting me drink some. 'Thank you.' all of them said. 'how did you do that?' Glenn asked. 'I have been trained to get out of most situations but it has been a while so my body is now sore.' i complained but smiled Judith lay beside me, she must like me.

I let my eyes fall for 5 minutes before I stood up getting ready to raid the building. 'Little Princess, can you take care of my wolves? while I check the building?' Judith happily obliged. 'we can stay and keep watch.' Maggie said. 'Glenn, Maggie, Michonne if you all stay you can take all the sides of the building do not get known there might be other humans in other buildings and we don't know if they are friends or foes it's safe up here no walkers can jump so far and not many humans can either so I am impressed.' I smiled Daryl and Rick made themself ready before I open the door to get a move. 'Do not kill the walkers kill as little as known for now if Nigeal get back and he sees dead walkers everywhere he will know how to follow us.' i spoke up.

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