Long Night

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It was a cold night Anna was shaking and a bit used to her wolves so I snuggled more into her giving her my warmth. 'Please don't.' she whisper before she was quiet again, her head falling to my shoulder. I let her sleep like that not caring she used my shoulder as a pillow, Rick must have also heard her speak in her sleep because he was now looking over at us a bit worried but decided to go back to sleep seeing her safe with me.

She was a beautiful woman strong and smart. She could do things normal people couldn't. I fell asleep with her beside me.

Anna pov.

I woke up at the sun rising I slowly crept away from Daryl seeing he was holding me close and let my head be on his shoulder. I wriggle out and started the Stormkitchen to boil up the food from yesterday so they all could eat before we kept going. I sat on the side looking over town my eyes falling everywhere taking in all the walkers and all the details.

I could hear someone waking up and when I turned I saw it was Rick he sat down beside me. 'Thank you for everything you do for my family and friends.' he said and I smiled back. We spoke silently about stuff that have been going on while looking over the walkers. My feet hanging outside. He was a funny guy. Rick was nice.

'Will you Stay Anna? we could use someone like you.' he asked I looked over at my wolves and gave a warm smile. 'I don't think so Rick, nice offer but we are good on our own.' he was a bit disappointed in my answer but didn't keep asking I looked at the walkers all turning to one side going that way so I dragged Rick back and laying down only my eyes over to see. Rick wanted to ask me why I dragged him down not seeing anything. 'The walkers must have heard something they all walk that way meaning there is someone there or there was a random sound. We need to lay down just in case to not be seen if it's Nigeal or someone else' i lay there looking I could hear a car coming.

I walked over to Daryl my finger to my mouth making him quiet when I shake him a bit to wake him he was about to speak when he saw me serious and finger telling him to be quiet. I made him wake the others too. I laid back seeing Rick stay there this time I have binoculars (kikkert) with me trying to see who it was. And it didn't take long before a car drove down the road with Nigael on top.

I turned back hiding with Rick everyone was now awake and looking at us. I wink at Judith my finger on my lips and she nods holding the unicorn close. I push Rick back to his people before I turn to see what Nigael was doing. He drove slowly but faster than walkers looking around. He kept driving around checking the buildings. I could see them stop on the side four buildings over. I gave a smirk knowing this would happen. I hurried to pack everything taking the chair away the others followed I took Judith on my back telling everyone to be silent. we made sure there was no proof we were there I stood up went to Carl lifted him having two people on me before I ran to the next roof over I jumped 10 roofs before I hid them before a wall I killed the walked hiding him.

I jump back to the others stopping the walkers from getting to us I take Maggie and Glenn over my shoulder not having time for complaints. I start to jump back to the kids setting them down behind the wall with the kids. Daryl stayed back for protection Rick followed with Michonne. before Daryl kept going. We were all now behind the wall. I looked back thinking about the walkers I killed earlier. 'Stay here.' i told them before I rushed back got to the walkers lifted them and threw them inside the stairs and closed the door before I rushed back just in time. Nigel and his men were now standing on the roof. all of them having their back to the wall I stayed before them and listened my wolf curled up to the kids taking the job to protect them.

One wolf growled and I turned to him it was like he told me with his eyes they were standing on the roof trying to see where we went. I sigh low before I took some glass out, my hand taking it out the side of the wall trying to see what Nigael will do. He was still standing there trying to find any proof. He was a smart man. I sigh. 'Princess take care of my wolf for me? I need to make Nigael go on a run.' Judith smiled and kissed my cheek. 'You can't go alone.' Daryl tried Rick agreed. 'I will have to do it alone it will be faster my wolves will keep you all safe if they move to follow them if they growl be quiet and if their head is turned in a direction not moving to be quiet they are only trying to figure out if it a threat or not. The wolves will always get to me. So listen to them.' I nestle my wolfes nose kissing Judith's cheek back making her smile grow. 

'Daryl can you tell me when all the men have their heads turned I will take that chance to jump.' He nodded taking the glass from me. I stood ready waiting for the signal when he nodded I winked and jumped from the roof. Making all their eyes grow big. It wasn't like I could fall from a high building I jumped down from wall to wall before I was on the ground. I saw Rick's head check on me I nodded and he nodded back before I started to walk on the street. 

I killed some walkers while I walked away from the building before I let myself more known. 'Boss someone is over there.' i heard a man call over a dangerous move in a city filled with Walkers but I could feel Nigael's eyes on me he walked into the building probably to follow me. I stood in middle and jumped on a lamppost before I saw Nigael on the street far away so I jumped down and rushed behind a building and ran as fast as I could, took down some walkers on the way before I turned in a different direction then we were going and cut some more walkers making some trail making Nigael follow a different path.

Rick pov.

Shocked she jumped down from this building like it was nothing. We could hear the car start up and drive off after her we were scared for her safety after some time the wolf's ears moves as they listened to something. They stood up. Judith on the wolf's back. he pushed the backpack signalling we need to leave when I lifted the back he growled pushing his body to me. 'I think he wants you to take the backpack on him making it more secure for Juith.' Daryl spoke up the wolf gave a nod and I took it on him making Edith more secure the other wolf made Carl sit on him and did the same to Daryl making him more secure.

Then the wolf rushed of jumped over to the next building away from where Anna was. They stopped on each building making sure we followed we helped Maggie and Glenn we weren't able to carry them and jump Like Anna but we will help them over we jumped about five roofs before one of the wolves stopped and growled before it turned to Daryl signalling his head to jump over that there must have been a threat there.

Daryl jumped over his crossbow ready when two walkers came he took them both down before we followed. We must have jumped about 20 buildings before there was some more cover and the wolves stopped. Laying down the kids still holding on to the wolves. Carl got off but Judith stayed in case we needed to move again. the grey wolf walked to the roof and jumped away from us. I was about to follow but the withe growled.

We have been staying here for an hour now I was worried and so were the others about Anna. will she be safe? The grey wolf was back and lay down. I have no idea what it did but we let it go. we sat there and waited for Anna if she was even able to find us.

Anna pov.

I made sure they followed a trail to the other side of the city and into the woods, I made sure I jumped from three to three so they couldn't follow my footprints I took some walkers down so they could see corpses and follow that trail when I made a trail far into the woods I made a turn and jumped back right before I jumped out of the woods Nigael and his men came to the car wouldn't be able to follow between the trees so they walked off into the woods when it was clear I rushed back to the city not killing any walkers close to making sure there wouldn't be any more trail if they went back.

I stopped at a store took some water and a snack bar and eat it before I kept going. I rushed back to where I left them knowing my wolf will take them away for safety. There was no trail to follow they were quick and left nothing behind but I knew my wolves. I rushed in the direction I knew they would take after jumping through some building I stopped, knowing Nigael was away I whistled my wolves knew better than to growl and give their place away so the grey wolf started to run to me and nustled me happy that I was safe.

I followed him back and I could see them all relief. Judith tried to get out of the wolf but I stopped her. 'We need to keep going he's been on a wild track for some hours making it our time to keep going.' I smiled and they all stood up. Jydith on the wolf. I stood before my grey wolf knowing he didn't like to carry people usually. 'Can you carry carl we need to be quick.' he nestle my nose so I strap Carl back on and made sure Judith was secure on the white one. I picked Maggie and Glenn up and we all started to run roof from the roof.

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