Year later

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Daryl and I have become good friends he has learned a lot from me we kept going between the city. Every time we went to Alexandria Judith and Carl tried every possible way to get us to stay a few more nights so one time we ended up staying one week. I was able to get back out but it was difficult.

Snow and Rain got used to Daryl they listened to him I always had the last word but they listened to his command he started to learn how we communicated. We got closer and I trusted him with my heart we had a few fights with Nigael over the year but we kept hitting back hard.

We were on our way back now to Alexandria when we saw a horde of walkers I followed it and saw Rick trying to get them to the bridge knowing how stupid he is he would probably sacrifice himself for the others Daryl was close my wolves rushed forward to stop Rick from doing the stupid My wolf ended up pushing Rick on his back and rushed away he tried to protest but he saw my look and stopped right away.

Seeing all the walkers I decided to take them down myself. I rushed forward my sword held high I don't usually use both my twin sword but this day would be different I put my backpack on the ground and rushed forward Snow helped me Daryl shot from distance. I took down more and more never giving up I could feel my muscle burn but that didn't stop me I kept fighting my wolf and got everyone from Alexandria to safety while I danced between the living after taking about half the horde down I danced back and raised my gun and shot the barrel on the bridge making it fall taking a big group of the walkers I could hear Daryl call out for me in despair not knowing if I was fine so close to the bridge.

I took a water bottle from my backpack threw the water on me and rushed over to jump back to kill more walkers. I didn't care how long I kept going I kept killing them flames coming from the bridge my wolf in safety. I then felt a knife hit my stomach my eyes grew I looked at the walker seeing human eyes I dragged his face seeing a human under it a human pretending to be a walker I got so angry. I took out my handgun and started to shoot walkers all around me not caring if they were humans or not they were dressed as walkers.

I was bleeding out but that didn't stop me I used up a lot of magazines I could see the fear of some humans I could see the walkers turn knowing that was a human so I shot them all down I then took up my sword and held more distance and started to kill off every walker around. After I have taken down every Walker in sight I decided to go back.

I felt my weakness I started to rush and jump over to the other side of the bridge knowing there were the people from Alexandria. I didn't speak I walked to my backpack. I drank some water. Snow and Rain now at my side knowing I was hurt held everyone back except Daryl. 'Are you okay?' i gave a short nod before we walked back to the town. Knowing Rick was there safe I didn't speak I walked feeling my energy get dangerously low. I looked over at Daryl who looked at me studying me knowing something was wrong.

We finally got to town I walked up to the house Daryl and I used when we were back. I washed my wound clean with alcohol hissing at the pain before I started to sew my wound up Daryl walked in shocked and scared that I was hurt. I then made sure it wouldn't get wet and took a long shower thinking about what just happened.

Daryl and I walked to the meeting room Rick sitting in a wheelchair not allowed to walk. 'Thank you Anna.' he smiled brightly but I slapped him hard. 'How can you try and sacrifice yourself knowing your kids will be without a father leaving Michonne alone in this world if you are going to bring children to this world you sure as hell will keep fighting to your last breath.' I scolded him angry but also angry at myself I become attached to something I didn't want to.

I sigh when everyone sat there and listen to my rant instead of stopping me Rick looks guilty. I sat down now more seriously. 'We have bigger problems.' everyone sat down Rick still didn't meet my eyes.  ' Those walkers were led here.' there was some discussion. 'How do we know who will do that?' Some spoke I didn't care who did. 'The reason your plan failed was that someone was leading them this way.' This made them all confused. 'While fighting the walkers I was stabbed something that shocked me since walkers down carry weapons or so I thought I looked at the walker who stabbed me and looked into human eyes filled with emotions so I dragged his face of seeing a boy maybe 20 years old. hiding in walkers skin leading them meaning there is a bigger leader and more of them.'

I let it sink for a while. 'you were stabbed?' Gabriel now asked I raised my singlet and dragged off my bandage showing them I was stabbed. the meeting kept going about the threat we need to bring to The kingdom and Hiltop. 'I will take the information back do not let a stranger into the wall unless you trust them we do not know anymore who is a friend or foe we never know when the enemy change clothes and walk inside the wall so don't let anyone come in and if you do let someone in keep a close watch.' I stood up. 'im leaving in the morning.' then I walked out angry at myself for getting stabbed and angry for getting attached.

I went to the house my wolves close they went to sleep in the living room. I walked up to my and Daryl's bedroom and lay down my hand over my eyes. I didn't even know that Daryl was back. 'Are you okay.' he knew me too well after our long travel together. I didn't answer so he took a shower then went over to me and lifted my hand away. 'Speak to me.' I kept looking at the roof.

after some minutes and his begging eyes. 'I've been getting attached that was one of the reasons I won't stay with others, I never should have stayed how stupid of me.' i said more to myself but Daryl sat there with Different emotions swirling in his eyes. 'Do you regret meeting me?' he then decided to ask me. 'no I don't it's just this is the reason I.' I tried to speak but was stopped by lips on mine. My eyes grew Daryl was kissing me I always thought he had a thing for Carol seeing how close they were.

I laid there kissing back before I pushed his chest stopping him. 'why did you kiss me did I say this is the reason I don't get attached.' I argue but my feelings went against me. 'I love you, Anna, I always have.' this made my mouth open my eyes growing bigger as if it was even more possible. 'Don't you have a thing for Carol?' I questioned in a low voice. 'Carol?' I nodded scared of using my voice at the minute. 'Carol and I are just friends I never liked her more than that she's one of the few I like.' I still lay there not moving not saying a word. I closed my mouth unsure what to say.

Daryl laying halfway over me. He then smirked at me seeing my conflict. 'Anna I always had a thing for you everyone knows that.' my eyes met his again. I didn't say a word before he kissed me and this time I didn't stop him my hand sneaking around his neck. 'I love you anna.' he whispered between kisses and I was scared of saying it back but I kissed him with all my love. His hand ran around my body his warm hands make my skin crawl at his touch. 'You scared me I thought I lost you.' he also whispered never stopping our lips leaving each other before all our clothes was off his lips on my neck kissing me down over my shoulder and back to my breast.

I could see the hunger in his eyes they darken he was so ready for this that i was about to stop him knowing we didn't have a condom but he took one out of the night shelf. He didn't put it on yet he wanted to feel my inside bare first. He slowly let his member be soaked by my wetness pushing slowly in I have been hurt worse so the pain didn't bother me but we still did it slow before the pain was gone and he started to fuck me hard and long. 'Fuck Daryl.' I called out his member smashing into me. 'You feel so good.' he whisper back before he came he stopped himself going slower and wanted to drag it out knowing each other for years never taking a step closer even when we both have been feeling the same.

He slowly took his members out of me missing the feeling he took the condom on before he rammed it into me again it wasn't the same loving it more without but it was still good. He bit me on my shoulder making me cry out in ecstatic loving how he wasn't scared of being rough. We both screamed out to each other named comming togheter.

We laid there a while before he took his member out took off the condom and laid beside me. Draggin me close to his chest holding me close. 'Anna I love you.' he whisper and I fell asleep feeling his warmth and exhausted after our lovemaking.

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