My wolf

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I fell asleep on top of the truck with my white wolf and Daryl. I was woken up early the next morning by some howling signaling my wolf was back I sat up straight and whistled some sound telling him where I was.

I jumped down from the truck and was soon hugging my wolf. He has been running back and forward all night and must be tired. I happily snuggle him and he happily applied. Daryl climbed down and my White wolf jumped while snuggling together with his brother.

We walked back to the meeting room I looked at the Letter. not reading it before the meeting started again. I curled on the chair just relaxing to the quiet my wolf on each side they both got some food and water. It took an hour before RIck with the other leaders came and sat around the table. I read the letter telling me they will start to get ready to assist. It was short and simple and I liked it.

When the meeting began I gave it to Rick and he read it out loud. all of them happy that The Kingdom will help. I wanted to leave but knowing Ezekiel he would want to meet up again but then again, I never listened to others now did i. I saw the others so into their meeting that I slowly got up and tried to get out but was stopped by Rick a bit surprising I thought it was Daryl that kept his eyes on me. 'Anna, please stay we could use your help.' He begged.

I stood there my wolf looking at me. Aaron walked up now. 'Come on Anna you know how he is.' he spoke up reminding me about how cruel Nigael was. I looked down at my wolves. 'what do you guys wanna do? Help them or leave?' they turned their head from Rick and Daryl to me sometimes before they pushed me back on the chair. I sigh my wolves have spoken they want me to help. 'Fine but I'm leaving right after.' i cross my arms and my wolf snuggles happily into me.

'You need weapons I can go out and gather some Nigael is too busy at the moment to follow the wrong path I'm sure he won't be here for a few days.' Rick nodded. 'we need to send someone out to town to find some more weapons.' i thought for a while we came from a city it must be having some weapons there. 'I'll go and get some.' i stood up ready to leave. 'alone?' Aaron now asked. 'You know I work better alone and get it done faster.' He nodded knowing how I liked to work.

'We can't send her alone.' Gabriel said now. 'It's okay I have been alone since the start and still been able to save people on the way I'm faster this way.' Gabriel wanted to protest everyone did. 'how will you get there?' Rick asked now. 'I will run and can find a car in town.' he nodded knowing I was able to run for quite some time. I could see Daryl itch to join me. 'Daryl if I'm not back tomorrow morning why don't you come and help me?' he nodded happily at that. I started to unpack my backpack only taking what I needed.

I looked over to my wolf whistled some tunes asking if he wanted to stay and relax after his long run. he ended up deciding to stay. 'Daryl can you watch over my wolf he's tired after the long run to the Kingdom.' Daryl happily agreed and I only had some weapons one handgun my sword some water bottle and beef turkey I didn't need more since it will be a short run.

I gave one backpack to Daryl. 'keep it safe till im back.' he took it not letting anyone else take it. I smiled before I got down on one knee nustling my wolf. They all followed me to the gate. Judith and Carl saw me and came running. 'Anna.' Judith called out. 'Hello little one.' i smiled ruffling both their hair. 'You're leaving?' she was about to cry out. 'im going for supply I will be back tomorrow.' she was happy knowing I will be back. I made sure to drink some water and also my wolf did before we walked outside the gate.

So how you wanna do this snow?' I asked my white wolf whose name is Snow and the others are rain. he howled out in reply. 'Full force it is then.' We both started to run without more talking we ran of until no one could see us but we didn't stop.

Rick pov.

We got Anna to stay for some time maybe we could get her to stay longer we had to try but needed to take it slow. She ruffled Carl and Judith's hair before she rushed off with her wolf she was fast it didn't take long before she was gone. Carl and Judith linger a bit. so did the others Anna wolf was close to Daryl.

'Do we even know her?' a voice spoke up I turned to the other leaders. 'She saved us more than once kept us all save and is now out probably going back to the city to find weapons she doesn't want to stay but I want her to stay.' some were talking. 'I don't want to hear any bad thoughts about her and neither would her wolf.' Everyone now turned to the wolf who was snarling at us all. 'I agree and my kids would also.' I walked off with my kids the meeting, for now, was done Anna was off to who knows where and all we could do was wait.

I spent some time with my kids never seeing them both so happy before. Daryl was closely watching the wolf and the wolf walked around probably to check out this place. Judith started to carry her Unicorn everywhere and her necklace was always around her neck. Anna would be good for the family in this place.

Daryl pov.

She entrusted her wolf to me which was not expected knowing how much she cares for them. I know I would make sure the wolf is safe. I followed it before it hid under a tree laying down to rest I sat beside him and we relaxed together. Judith played around with other kids and Carl talked to some people it was a quiet day. 

I will go after her if she hasn't returned tomorrow to the meeting. I don't even know where she went but I'm sure her wolf will be of some help.

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