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We were there soon I could see the gate but there was no one there. Snow and Rain growled in anger knowing what was going on I picked up Snow and Rain over my shoulder. 'Daryl show them where the guns are.' Then I jumped over to the car everyone watching in shock before I jumped over the gate Shiva joined us I made sure to open the gate before I rushed away telling them to be quiet and find out the situation.

I rushed to the other gate scared of what was to come and I saw Nigael in front of Rick and Carl. he spoke some words I tried to listen in on them only getting about half of it. I could see the others coming over to me telling them to be quiet. I looked over to see NIgael ready to hit Carl so I rushed forward and whistled a dangerous tune making snow, Rain and Shiva attack. I rushed forward with two guns one in each hand shooting the enemy not scared of being shot. While the others also started to rush forward with some cover I stood in the middle shooting them I looked over at Rick and Carl and gave a sweet smile before I walked off to the enemy.

I kept shooting bodies falling. Nigal was hiding behind a car they got some can smoke to come but that didn't stop my eyes. Nigel was running for his life after knowing he couldn't do more I kept whistling tunes to my wolves while walking forward not scared of any bullet. but they haven't got a shot in me yet too busy with my wolves to distract Ezekiel called out that Alexandria will not fall today.

The enemy started to retreat, Everyone, was fighting some wasn't able to rush out of Alexandria they were shot dead, an emergency red shot was in the air some more smoke bomb came making it impossible for some to see. They started to retreat into the woods I was looking at them who hid behind the car. 'They falling back.' Rick said. 'Nigael is smarter than we thought having an emergency plan out.' i spoke up making them all turn to me before I kept pushing after them.

'now we finish this.' Ezekiel called out making them all rush to take most of them down. I was walking with them until I heard a car I turned and saw Nigale driving off with some of his men his fingers out the window. everyone kept shooting at the car trying to do some damage but I rushed after it running as fast as I could while whistling for my wolves they both came running on my side. I whistled for them to follow in the woods scared that they could be shot. The men finally saw me following and shot me I turned but was slow enough to get hit on the side of my stomach. stopped my wolf about to stop to when I whistled for them to keep going I cut my shirt before I curled it around my waist to keep it from bleeding out.

I then kept running after the car Killing the man who shot me I jumped into the car before I shot the wheel making it turn and crash into a tree I was too busy taking care of the men down not to see Nigael jumped into a bike that has been there to pick him up and drove of after killing of everyone seeing Nigael drove of I tried to follow but my wolves stopped me. Knowing I have been shot. I stopped knowing they were right. they protected me and I protected them I started to walk back.

I was met with many people there while I walked up to Shiva ruffling his fur. I kept walking into the town where I have my backpack so I could take care of my wound. Rick and most followed me not seeing that as my mind went to Nigael getting away my wolves safe and this wound needed to take care of. in the meeting room, my backpack was still there so I went inside and took the emergency kit I have a packet and got a pincet threw alcohol over it before I lifted my singlet and started to move the bullet out. The others tried to stop me but my wolves held them back.

I took out a needle so I could sew it up it hurt but I have been hurt more so I sewed it up fast before I put a bandage over it. when I was done I saw my wolves ready to bite a head off making me laugh. 'Snow Rain takes it easy I'm fine.' they came over extra protective now that I have been shot. We all sat down at the table some stating their concern about me taking care of my wound on my own. I ignored them all. 'Did we lose someone?' i now asked changing the discussion. 'We lost 6 people.' i nodded not that many compared to how many Nigeal got killed. 'Nigael got away while I fought the others a man on a bike picked him up and my wolves stopped me from following since I was shot. Nigael will be back but not now he needs to make a new army he lost too many this time or he will try to lure you out.'

There was some discussion. 'Well, Alexandria and The Kingdom will now partner up to help each other.' Ezekiel stated proudly and I laughed at him. he crossed his arms. 'So arrogant Ezekiel.' he huffed out a man with glasses scolded me for not calling him king making me laugh harder. 'Ezekiel you know I will never call you king but Shiva I might consider.' i joke but I meant what I said I don't believe in kings at this time not even as much as leaders. 'It's key Anna is allowed to call me my name or whatever she chose.' he spoke up.

'How do you know each other?' carol questioned. 'I was hurt dying when she came and killed all the walkers and patched me up not even knowing me. Shiva was only a baby at that time so she and Anna become good friends with her wolves she must have liked that she wasn't the only one with an animal around her.' I shrug my shoulder making the others smile.

I sat there and listened for some time before I got bored this was one of the reasons I didn't like to stay. Judith came running in happy to see her dad and Brother alive and jumped into my lap I wanted to shout out when she leaned into me making my wound hurt more. But I kicked my pain away and smiled at her. 'Little one have you been safe?' she nodded happily and told me about who she stayed with the others were a bit worried about my wound but didn't talk up knowing me.

'Judith it's getting late you should go back to bed now, I will see you next time I visit.'  I smiled and hugged her before I poked the necklace making her give a small smile but turned brightly when I poked the necklace. She walked off with some woman and the meeting kept going.

I was ready to leave my backpack already done I just waited for the meeting to be over but I ended up falling asleep instead it was boring to listen to. I slept my arms and head on the table I wasn't able to curl with my new wound. Daryl put his jacket over me to keep me warm the others haven't seen me falling asleep yet my wolves are ready to bite someone who disturbs me.

I slept for two hours before Ezekiel and Rick got an agreement. Carol would be going with Ezekiel back I woke up listening in to the last of their conversation. Two hours of sleep wasn't bad. I sat up recognizing Daryl's jacket over me I smiled no wonder I slept so soundlessly. I gave it back giving him a warm smile.

'Well I will be leaving now' i spoke up when Ezekiel and Rick were done. Rick turned so fast towards me about to protest. 'I told you I would help with Nigael and I will he's still alive but I will not stay here and wait I will keep travelling and visit whenever. maybe take the long way between The Kingdom and Alexander even go to Hilltop.' Rick wanted to protest he did. 'The doors in the Kingdom are always open for you Anna.' Ezekiel said kissing my cheek and walking off Shiva came and licked me too. I nuzzled her nose and she gave some goodbye to snow and rain and off they were.

Daryl was a bit sad seeing Carol leave and now me too. 'Can you at least rest until your wound is better?' Gabriel tried having a bit of medical training. 'I have had worse it will be fine.' 'Can I come?' i heard a worried voice I turned to see Daryl standing there determined but worried I would say no. 'It's not up to me ask Snow and Rain and you a leader.' Daryl looked at Rick pleadingly. 'If we go between the town we can make sure they are safe and have what they need sometimes even take letters with us get some walkers on the way and gather some supplies.' he said making sure Rick would say yes.

'I have no problem as long you came back regularly.' Daryl smiled before he turned to the wolves. He got down on one knee. he stared at the wolves in question waiting for them either to accept or decline. Rain walked over accepting him right away. Snow stood there looking at the floor. I whistled to him asking what he wanted. He howled a bit looking at me. 'It's your choice sweety I don't mind whatever you chose.' Snow now turned to Daryl he was pleading a bit his eyes screamed he wish to come on our journey. Snow finally accepted everyone else have been watching the scene waiting for a response. 'Can you at least leave in the morning? sleep some?' Rick now pleaded. the wolf accepted before I could decline. 'Looks like I have no choice.' i answered back looking at Snow and rain.

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