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I stayed in Alexandria Rain by my side we were a good team I never looked at any other woman than Anna. I kept being strong I knew if I wanted to be with someone like her we had to keep being strong.

Rick scolded the others a lot about how to treat others. Some regretted and some never stopped. It has been two years now I miss her. We had a lot of fights over time. I worried if she even was alive Judith and Carl cried for a week until they heard why she left then they went off on people Rick didn't even stop them and I sure as hell wouldn't.

I visit The Kingdom a few times Ezekiel was a bit angry too. But we all kept going strong. Anna has been alone for all this time she is strong she will be able to come back.

We have been struggling with The human Walkers their leader one son of a bitch or rather the two leaders.

It was finally been some time hilltop crashed and built up again. Rain stayed strong I could see his struggle to not be with his brother or mom. I consider myself his dad. We have been pushing back and are now stuck at an old building the walkers swirling around the building were able to push us back and were now stuck it's only a matter of time before they get through especially with the human walker guiding them.

The leader is angry that we were able to kill his wife or whoever it was I'm not sure who killed her I didn't care as long as she was dead. I had Rain close to me with Judith. Rick and Carl stood guard Carol trying to get a plan up we were a lot of people. We were on the top roof and the roof it didn't take long before Carl called for us to come and we all walked back to the roof. Rain suddenly started to get overly happy I got worried.

We stood on the roof now and from a smaller roof stood a woman with a  closer look it was Anna. Snow close to. Snow howled eagerly smelling us. They must have tracked us all I could do was smile my woman was back and I sure as hell will make sure she will not leave me now. Rain and snow howled back together communicating. 'Anna has a plan we are to sit tight.' I spoke up to everyone happy she was there.

Anna pov.

I looked over all the walkers more than a thousand of them there was also the leader in the middle slowly walking around he was bigger than the others so I knew it was the leader. snow howled together when I heard they were in trouble their plan failed I rushed back to Snow tracking them. I smiled seeing Rain and Daryl standing there safe. Judith carl rick so many people made it but they were stuck. The whisper they called them self but I preferred the human walker.

'Beta' i called out as high as possible the walkers coming closer to me. I could see him turn to me studying my sword and pointing him out. 'Your Alpha was so easy to kill you know she didn't even beg she stared into my soul her last word was Beta. was she your lover?' i question knowing his anger would take over. the walkers now coming to get me. 'How do you think all the Whispers kept getting smaller and smaller these past years? Nigael might be a bastard but he was easy to get in and it was easier to get you one at a time.' i screamed high making the walker surrender me. Beta growled in anger I could see him standing there.

Rick pov.

We listen as she screams over getting the walker's attention and Beta all this time she has been out there fighting and even teamed up with Nigel to get to them no wonder we never got run over so much. Beta must have believed it was us seeing Nigael return to us. 'Shouldn't we help?' i questioned out to the rest on the roof. 'No we might stop her plan all we can do for now is trust her. she told us to stay put.' Daryl commanded I could see his fist he wanted nothing more than to go help. Snow was howling again. but Rain didn't answer it wasn't for him it was for Daryl. 

His eyes grew a bit but stood still. 'We are to stay here until they get back or till Snow gets here before we can leave.' he looked so worried I have no idea what that howl meant. 'Dad, will anna be okay?' Judith asked missing her more than anyone her being her hero and all. 'Anna is strong we have to believe in her.' Carl said before me. My kids loved her too much sometimes it was like they trusted her more than me.

All we could do was stay on the roof and listen to her taunt the beast and make all the walkers go for her.

Anna pov.

I made almost all the walkers come for me now seeing Daryl bike free knowing I could use that and take that making the walkers follow me. I looked straight into Beta's eyes I could see the anger and how he struggled to hold back. ' Snow you need to stay there are too many walkers here can you keep my family safe?' I sat down hugging him. 'If I don't get back listen to Daryl Okay love.' snow started to howl in pain my tear falling a bit knowing how dangerous this is. Rain responded in the same howl of pain. Snow will listen knowing if I lost him I would rather die than fight. He lay down whimpering in pain but it was low.

'Beta you keep going for the living when you are practically dead, how was this better? Alpha called out for you at her death struggling to breathe as I slit her throat. now let's finish this once and for all shall we?' I called out hating how Beta stood there he's knuckled more white than usual. I looked at the roof I gave a brilliant smile to the people who stood there some tears flew knowing the danger in putting myself into. 

Daryl pov.

when snow howled in despair and sadness I knew what was to come I knew what Anna would do I would do anything to stop her but this wasn't only my life. Rain started to howl in equal pain finally seeing his mom again only to risk losing her. My tears now running. 'What is going on?' Rick asked understanding something was wrong. 'Snow and Rain are mourning.' i couldn't get out more my tears flowing I watch her taunt Beta more before she turned to us with a bright smile with few tears but smiling lovingly to us. 'She's going to risk her life isn't she that is why Rain is howling in pain.' Carl now said trained a bit to understand some of the wolves. 

I didn't answer and that was enough. 'Anna don't.' Judith started to scream tears of her own, Rain growled at her making her stop. 'Remember the world isn't Sunshine and rainbow but keep going one day at a time always do you hear me always keep going for the living and the dead for the future and the world, for those who died and those who lived you're never alone.' She screamed out one last time before her face changed.

She looked back at Beta.

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