The world pt 2

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Rick pov.

we have been stuck in this car I don't even remember how we had a plan it was a solid plan what happened suddenly there were two troops of walkers clashing making us stir off the cliff where there already were walkers. and more came we were surrendered Daryl, Carl, Judit and I were scared for the kid's life. I would give mine if I could lure them away but there was no way out of this grope we were stuck. We were too busy holding the walkers off keeping the kids away until a woman in all black on the cliff called out.

She wanted to help us how were stuck and what could she do. She turned on the music making them all go to one side. Some relief came but we were still stuck with no way out. That was until Daryl whistled seeing the woman jump from the cliff taking down the walkers while getting over to us it was like she was dancing there getting closer and closer. she didn't make a sound trying to keep most to the music.

She jumped over to us making us walk to the other side of the cliff after whistling some tunes making a rope come down. Did she have some people with her? Was it safe it should be safer than being here? We rushed over but Daryl and she linger a bit I tried to figure out how they could climb the rope. that was until she walked over taking both the kids in the rope before whistling some tune with a beautiful smile on her face. The kids were getting dragged up the walkers were closing in. We had no weapons.

But it was okay the kids were safe. She walked away from us a woman with few words. She threw a lighter on the ground and a fire swirled around us protecting us from the walkers shielding us from them while she was on the other side. I was a bit scared but decided to go along for now. We never utter a word probably the safest.

Some more whistles came drawing a few Walkers but she had no trouble taking them down. The rope was thrown down again. I was about to climb before she whistle making me also get dragged up still holding on. She was dancing around the walkers. She was amazing. How one person could do so much damage was new to us.

When I was up I saw two wolves they were bigger than dogs but not too big. They howled signalling to her that while she whistled back they understood each other. The rope was back again she was standing on top of the car not caring about the walkers she laid down and relaxed a bit, maybe to get some energy back she laid there not caring about the walkers surrendered her Carl and Judit not saying a word. Daryl was now up seeing the same as I did. the wolves howled again making her look over to us seeing all of us safe. some more whistle tunes came one wolf rushed off.

We watched as the wolf rushed over to the other side throwing the music box over the cliff. Making the walkers rush for the music more she jumped of the car not caring about the walkers coming for her she didn't turn she looked like she was relaxing but her ears were moving they were listening in. Before one walker could get to her she threw a knife at him and kept walking to the rope was over she looked at the rope and started to run for it jumping as high as she could before she started to climb it while the wolves dragged up.

All of us just watched as she was jumping overtaking the rope and swirling it before she put it in her backpack. Ruffling the wolfes hair a bit before turning to us. She was about to speak when her wolf took her attention. They turned right sniffing and a low growl came out. Her finger came to her mouth signalling it wasn't safe for us to talk but she smiled brightly at the kids making them relax before she walked into the woods the wolf following with us one wolf in the back still looking to the side. We walked for an hour no one said a word before we walked out of the woods seeing a house it looked empty but she whistled to the front wolf.

The wolf rushed forward into the house before it came back. And we all walked in. She closed the door the wolf was inside more relaxed. They swirled around laying on the ground and when she made sure the house was empty she walked down. 'Are you guys okay?' she said not looking over at us. 'Ehm, thank you for saving us.' i stood up walking over, Daryl was leaning on the wall the kids on the couch were silent. 'It's safe to speak my wolves will know if danger is close.' The kids then smiled and rushed over. 'Who are you miss.' Judith spoke.

I saw her sit down on her knees. 'im no one dear and you?' 'No one?' she questioned. 'She Judith im Carl that is my dad Rick and Daryl.' her attention turned to the one speaking smiling at Carl. 'Are you hungry?' she asked not looking at us but only at the kids. 'She started to look at something in her bag before she took two chocolate bars out and two big metal boxes with some food in them before she started to heat them. She also gave us some water bottles.

She whistled to the wolves they growled some back making her get back to her backpack and get a pack of beef turkey one wolf walked up and took it after she opened it and the two wolves shared it. 'So are you alone?' trying to get some discussion in. 'i have my wolves.' she spoke little but she answered.

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