one month

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I kept staring into the forest the wolves never gave up so neither did I Judith and carl stood there to Rick on his way with food until the wolves jumped over the wall scaring me they didn't howl or anything they jumped over and rushed off. I opened the gate and ran after them Judith, Carl and even Rick after me before we soon found them wriggling their tail happily standing there before I heard someone cry the wolves was big and hide the person they were snuggling.

We walked forward and saw the one person we have been waiting for Anna. She was crying holding into Rain and Snow. happily, they are okay. I rushed over lifted her and hugged her close I could feel her flinch but hugged her back again. her head falling to my neck. Judith and Carl rushed forward hugging her it ended up being a big group hug Rick happily joined. Snow and Rain happily howled into the air their mom was back Anna was back my love was back.

I didn't let her go I held her close her feet ended up around my wrist her head buried in my neck not meeting anyone's eyes. I started to walk back I could hear her snuffle. Judith jumped around Carl's big smile Rick was relieved. we all walked back to Alexandria. I walked to my house and sat down on the couch we got a lot of looks some incredible and some strange but all I could think of was this woman in my arms.

She didn't let go and neither did i. After an hour of relaxing into me she slowly started to lift herself off. and sit on the chair close by snow and rain both at her feet. I could see her warm smile to her wolves. 'Anna you came back I knew it I kept the necklace on.' Judith responded having grown so much over the years.

'Yeah I promised didn't I?' she sounded weak but smiled. But her warm smile held a different meaning. it held so many emotions regret, sorrow, disbelief love.

'How did it go?' Rick asked seeing more people in the house but no one was too close to her except her wolves Carl, Judith and I even Rick by her side. 'I lured the walkers off to a grope where I had stuffed bombs it only took one shot to kill off half the horde and the rest started to follow the sound and fire so I tricked most. I was able to leave for an old building Beta followed with a few walkers and some of his men. I killed them all but Beta got the better of me.' she stopped looking at the floor still a warm smile on her face.

'He got me he could have killed me right there and then after I stuck two knives into him but he had other plans. when walkers came he killed himself and dragged me to a room more secure. His anger overclouded his better judgment and for the first time I was scared I raised my knife rushed for him and tried to kill him but he snapped out of his mind swirling me taking my hands making me stab myself.

I started to fall my eyes clouded but I started to think how pathetic I was I have more training than this so after some breathing I knocked him back as hard as I could. Taking the two knives I had stuck him with crashing it into both his eyes pushing him over to the window kicking him out he fell out the window he laid there while the walkers started to eat him. I rushed for an emergency kit and more ammo before I rushed to a new room made sure to kill him and started to take care of my wound. I only woke up a week ago.' she finished. 'why didn't you come back right away?' Gabriel questioned her now.

'I needed to save my energy and train my muscle I didn't have my wolves so I wouldn't be able to sniff out the danger and take a long way around so I stayed three days before my food run out then I made my way where I left all of you checked the building found some food that I bought back and well made my way here.' We all listened we all took it all in. 'Well everyone out let her rest she came a long way.' Rick pushed out everyone even his owns kids.

He came back and sat in front of her. 'Can I check the wound?' she nodded and lifted her shirt taking off the bandage seeing how irritated it was and red also big.' do you need painkillers?' she shook her head. Rick stood up and kissed his forehead. 'Thank you again, Anna. and thank you for coming back safe.' then he walked off. I sat there still taking it all in.

Rain and Snow are asleep. She didn't say anything either. I lifted her and walked her to the bathroom I undressed her before I undressed myself and I helped her into the shower. I helped her wash her and we both went out in the underweare before we lay on the bed. 'Are you okay?' she slowly nodded curling up and ready for sleep. I didn't want to bother her tonight she should get some good night's sleep.

She fell asleep in my arms and I held her close scared of losing her again.

I woke up with her still in my hands. she was awake but she stared at the wall behind me. 'Anna.' i tried she didn't move her eyes. 'I love you.' she whispers finally meeting my eyes. 'And I love you anna.' i kissed her. 'you still want to be with me after all this time?' she looked so worried and unsure. 'Anna will you marry me?' i asked taking the ring from the nightstand. she looked shocked but looked into my eyes. 'but what if I can't stay here I don't get along with humans Daryl you need to think about yourself.' she tried to argue I knew it. 'I am thinking about myself and all I can think about are you I love you I always did. I never looked at another woman I waited for you and I will wait 10 more years if I have to.' She was crying now. 'I love you Daryl Dixon.' she kissed me and I took that as a yes before let the ring fall into her finger.

'Daryl I might want a child in the future.' she said red-faced scared to meet my eyes. 'A little Dixon running around would be good.' She smiled meeting my eyes and we kissed the kiss ended up getting heated and before we knew it we made love but with no condom.

We eat breakfast together with Snow and Rain. I felt like the happiest man alive to have this beautiful woman by my side. She looked stronger today. We got visit from the Grimes family in the evening and everyone was smiling and having a good time the walker situation was no problem we sat here inside these four walls and laughed.

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