Repairing The Family part 3 ch 5

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"Repairing The Family part 3 ch 5"
At Genevieve-Mateo was at home he hated that he was keeping this secret from his daughters but he wasn't ready yet to tell everyone who he was when a phone rang it was the bodyguard."Yes, let her in "Mateo said he hang up the phone and went by the door and open it was Selina," Selina WU, Come in" Mateo said as she came in," Mateo Alcazar or should I say Lorenzo" I don't know what you're talking about "Yes you do I know you fake you're dying with the help of Dr.Hayward and you're a mother "Alright! I did know what you want "I think we both could be very powerful in this town I have mired how you're daughter been running things when she thought you were dead she is your daughter "Yes Genevieve is just like me" Yes and my son is in town his single just imagine you're daughter and my son married "I haven't thought about it but now I'm "

At Carly's-Carly went home and picked off a picture of her and Michael and cried as Drew came in," I didn't think you should be alone" I have to bury another child, my three children to be taken from me, I want to blame someone even AJ but I can't it's not his fault "Drew hug Carly.

At Jeff/Bobbie-Jeff was at home when Bobbie came in," Michael is gone isn't he" Yes I just took his body to the funeral home I wanted to do it myself it's the least I can do" I'm sorry "I wish I could fix this for my daughter but I can't "Jeff hug Bobbie,

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Repairing The Family part 3Where stories live. Discover now