~chapter 1 (found)~

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I sat in my office after a long day at work. It was midnight, but I still had a lot of work to finish. There was a knock on my door, I muttered a small come in and the door opened. Vincent, my best friend and one of my most trusted men walked in, he sat comfortably in the chair in front of my desk looking exhausted. "Why are you here" I asked him awaiting his answer.

He looked tired but answered. "Elisa wanted to go out with some friend, she wants to know if you wanna come." I honestly don't remember the last time my sister was doing actual work rather than partying with her friends. But unlike her I have things to do like run the Mafia. I sigh running my hand through my hair, I do that a lot. "She can go but I have work to do, so just tell her to be safe." He nodded his head and left my office.

It was maybe around 2 am and I was starting to become tired, suddenly my phone went off and it was a call from Vincent, I sighed before answering "yes Vince what do you want" He was breathing heavily and took a moment to answer "She's gone Kai, they took her" I was confused but also concerned they took who "Vincent who, who's gone what happened" I replied with a stern voice.

"They took Elisa, The Russians, they kidnapped Elisa." I couldn't believe what I heard, the Russians have been messing with us for a while and now they have the audacity to kidnap my sister. They don't know who they're messing with. "Vince, I need you to calm down, come back to the base and we'll set up a plan." I hung up before he could reply. Me and my sister are really close so I can't risk her getting hurt.

I called my men and told them we'll be going on a mission. I gave Elisa a necklace on her birthday that had a tracker in case things like this happened, I called Elliot my computer guy and best friend, and told him to track her tracker.

After 10 minutes Vincent came with a couple of my other men including Elliot. "Did you guys find her, where is her location" I said as Elliot sat down on my chair with his computer and chips "yep, we found her she's not too far away actually, we can get there in a couple of hours they're near the forest in a small base." "Good, is everything set up" I asked, I had sent the plan earlier to everyone and was hoping they got everything we needed. "We have everything set up and in place, we just need to get there ourselves." "Alright let's go" I said taking my gun out of the drawer.

We were on the road for 3 hours and it was all spent with Elliot singing his heart out to every song, I sometimes wonder how he does have so much energy. We finally made it and parked a couple meters away from the small base, I had my men surround the base and were armed.

I counted to 3 then we all busted inside. There were a couple of guards in the front who tried to shoot at me, but Vincent shot them in the head before they could, while they were fighting, I tried to look for Elisa. I saw a small metal door and asked Elliot through my earpiece if he could open the door, he scoffed and told me a friendly shut up, I swear if we weren't on a mission, I would have punched him so hard for that. A couple seconds later the metal doors opened, and I walked into the dark interior.

There were rooms lined up next to each other and the place was dark besides a small light bulb in the middle of the hallway. I walked inside and the place looked empty except for the last cell, I rushed to the sound and looked inside the cell.

There lay my sister Elisa. I shot the lock on the door and entered the small cell. As soon as I went inside, I engulfed my sister into a hug, she was cold, shivering, and beaten up, she could barely speak but managed to say a couple words. "Kai h-help the girl ne...next to m.me" my brows knitted in confusion. The girl next to her? I turned my head around and there was a girl lying next to her, she was small, fragile, and looked cold. I turned my attention back to Elisa who was on the brink of passing out. "Why who is this girl" She looked at me with her remaining energy and gave me a pleading look "please she helped me" with that she passed out.

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