~Chapter 19 (fight?)

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Me and Kai were having a fun time surprisingly, we were both cuddled up in a swinging chair talking, but mostly gossiping about his aunts, turns out Madeline was his step aunt and ever since he was fifteen, she’s been trying to hook him up with her daughter. Gross.

We were interrupted by of course Karina. She sat down next to Kai with a glass of wine in her hand, “how did you two meet” she said with venom lacing her voice. This is gonna be a long night.

“We met on a mission” Kai replied keeping his answers short, “you do know she’s Dimitri’s daughter. One of our Families biggest enemy.” She was looking at me in disgust, making me squirm in Kai hold. “Yes, I’m very much aware of that. But what her family does has nothing to do with her.” Karina only smirked “I suppose, but have you ever thought she was only with you to get information. Dimitri kids aren’t known to be the nicest.” With that she got up and left.

Damn was that supposed to hurt because it did. I looked up at Kai, he was looking at me apologetically and I didn’t like it. “Do you still think that way sometimes” I asked looking at the grass in front of me.

Kai turned my face to him “No, it was a mistake to ever think like that to begin with, I’m sorry Irene. I didn’t think she would go that far.” I nodded my head, my mood still ruined.

Kai pulled me closer and hugged me to his chest while stroking my head. After a while all my sadness started to turn into anger. Great now I'm in an even worse mood than before.

Madeline started making her way towards us with a new girl. I swear why can’t anyone leave us alone. “Hi Kai guess who just came” she said pointing towards to girl. “I’d rather she didn’t.” Kai muttered making me chuckle. “Layla sweetheart come say hi to Kai” Madeline said gesturing to Kai, the girl looked like the most fakest person ever. She came towards Kai extending a hand, Kai shook her hand. There was so much tension at the moment I thought I was gonna burst.

“So, Kai this is your girlfriend” she said sending me a glare. “Yes, know if you’ll excuse us, we have to go.” Kai said standing up with my hand in his, he dragged us all the way into the living room. Luckily it wasn’t so crowded.

“Sorry about them, maybe it was a bad idea to come” he said laying a kiss on my head. “Don’t be ridiculous I enjoyed today, for the most part.” he nodded, still not convinced.

“Alright but we should head home it’s getting late.” Kai said checking his watch. “Actually, I need to use the bathroom real quick.” He nodded his head and told me where the bathroom was.

As I was making my way to the bathroom I passed by Madeline and Layla.

“How long I wonder” Layla said, for a second, I thought she was talking to someone else until I turned around and she was looking straight at me.

“How long what” I asked. She grinned and continued talking “you know until Kai gets tired of you.” this little. “Even if he does get tired at least I know he’s not going after you.” her smile dropped, and that stupid smirk was there again. “What makes you think that. We have dated before so why wouldn’t he come back.” Wait they’ve dated before,

Before I could reply Madeline made her way towards me and gripped my chin. “Let me make it clear, stay away from Kai, or you’ll regret what happens.” this little, who does she think she is. I freed her grip on me and with the little physical strength I have, I mustered up a punch and sent it straight towards Madeline’s face.

She fell to the ground with her hand on her face, Layla just stood there shocked that I had punched her mother. Layla’s face turned to anger, and she started charging towards me, well shit.


I was scrolling through my phone waiting for Irene to come from the bathroom. I saw my mom make her way towards me. “Kai sweetheart, did you enjoy today.” There were a lot of people that I could hide my feelings from, but my mom wasn’t one of them.

With a sigh I answered “it was fine, even though Madeline and Leslie couldn’t leave us alone” my mom sighed. “I’m sorry sweetheart I really tried to convince your father not to invite them, but you know how he is.”

I nodded my head, even though my dad loves my mom a lot, he doesn’t always listen to her especially if it involves his sisters. Even though Madeline and Leslie are his half-sisters.

“Honey, have you seen Irene, I would like to apologize to her.” Speaking of Irene, she’s taking a really long time in the bathroom. Just as I was about to reply we heard a curdling scream followed by a *how dare you* that sounded a lot like Madeline.

We both raced towards the noise to find Madeline and Layla on the floor with Irene standing there looking like a guilty child. “Irene. What. Happened.” I asked emphasizing each word. “She started it” Irene replied pointing at them. Oh god.

I rubbed my temple and sighed, “alright let's go home” I grabbed her hand making sure to not trip over my aunt and dragged her out the house towards my car.



The drive back home was quiet, I'm not sure if he’s mad or not. Maybe I should say something. “So, outsides a nice weather” he sighed, alright he’s mad.

“Irene, why did you punch them.” He was using the same tone my teacher would when I got in trouble. “First of all, don’t use that tone. I’m not a child. Second, they deserved it. Third, Madeline said some mean things.” he sighed again. Why does he sigh so much.

“Fine just don’t cause any more trouble.” Trouble, this guy is ridicules. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. “don’t do that” he said eyeing me, “I'm not doing anything.”

We stopped at a red light, and he rubbed his temple before turning towards me. “Irene don’t give me that attitude” great so now he’s bossing me around. I leaned my head on the window and ignored his statement.

We made it home and I opened the door and got out not bothering to wait for Kai, “Irene don’t just run out” I ignored him and went inside.

I grabbed a bag of chips and went to my room.

It was relatively dark outside, and I couldn’t really see anything, but I managed to get to my room without tripping over anything, so I consider it a success.

I threw the bag of chips onto my bed and headed to the bathroom. Just as I was about to enter the bathroom, I heard a thud.

I turned around facing the noise, it was coming from near my bed, “who’s there” I asked staring into the darkness. I heard another thud, but before I could do anything a cloth was placed over my mouth.

I tried to get out of the person's grip, but they were too strong, soon I felt myself becoming drowsy, and the only thing I heard before blacking out was a familiar laugh.


Dun dun duuuun!

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