~Chapter 15 (conversation)~

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It was lunch time and Elisa decided we should watch a movie while eating. We were sitting on the couch watching Enola Holmes, one of my favorite movies.

We were too lazy to cook anything, so Elisa just ordered us some pizza. “So, I heard you and Kai became official.” She looked at me grinning.

I sighed, he certainly doesn’t act like it. “Yes, we made it official but, he’s been acting really distant. And he yelled at me this morning.” Elisa finished swallowing then replied, "That’s not like him, I mean I don’t think I've ever heard him yell at me. You must’ve pissed him off really bad.”

I groaned. Great, “that’s the thing I don’t know what I did. I might ask him when he comes back from work.”

Elisa nodded her head, agreeing with me.

After lunch we finished the movie, and I headed up to my room to finish the painting I was working on.

Opening my door, I inhaled. This is nice, the great smell of paint. I removed the cloth covering the painting, I'm almost done with it just have to finish the detail work. I hope he will like it.


I walked into out of the bathroom after taking a shower, I have one built in my office in case I do some torturing and it gets messy. I’m confused on what I should be doing, I have a bunch of paperwork for today but I can’t finish them my mind is just blank. Whatever.

I decided I had enough for today and grabbed my keys going to my car. On the way there I saw Vincent. “Hey Kai how are you doing.” I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone, “bad, I can’t focus on anything.”

“You know, you should ask Irene about the whole situation, maybe get some information from her.” why is he acting like this. “listen Vince, we haven’t comfirmed anything, your just acussing her without knowing the truth.”

He raised his hands in defeat, “i’m just saying, maybe instead of being a lovesick puppy you should do something about the problem.” here we go again, ‘don’t you trust me Kai, I've known you for over a decade. Just take my advice, it’s for the better.” I nodded my head.

Maybe he’s right, I can’t just sit here and let the problem get worse. Even if me and Irene are together. It's always Mafia before anything, right.


I got back home around 5 pm, I wasn’t in the mood to eat so I just headed to my room. The lights in Irene’s room was on again, maybe this is a good time to talk.

I went towards her door and knocked. There was some crashing sound before she opened the door, only a smidge though. “Hey, your back early” I nodded my head.

“I wanted hang out. I mean I have nothing else to do.” she looked behind herself unsure of what to answer. She finally nodded. “i just have to clean up but I'll come to your room. We could watch a movie.’ I replied with a yes then left going into my room.

She finaly came into my room hands filled with snacks. I turned on a random movie and put the sound low. So we could talk, she was snacking on chips really freaking loud. I ran my hand through my hair.

“Irene, do you know whats been happening” she looked at me confused and asked, “what do you mean.” is she gonna try and play dumb. “with the Mafia. Do you know whats going on with it.”

She luaghed while answering “Kai, why would I know whats happening. You’re the one running it.” she thinks this is funny. ‘do you rememeber the maids we found dead a couple months ago.” she nodded, “yeah they weren’t the only ones, so far there has been over a hundred people in my Mafia randomly found dead. All of them shot in the head.”

She just stared at me. “Kai, I'm sorry about that but how does this have to do anything with me.” I sighed, I was about to speak but she cut me off. “Kai, I know your upset about what happened, but you can't be a grumpy person and take your anger out on others.” I don’t know what happened to me, but I snapped.

“You know what, I'm done, get out of my room and don’t show your disgusting face again!” I regretted the words as soon as they came out of my mouth.

Irene was standing there with tears in her eyes. The tears I caused.

“Irene, I didn’t mean it like that, it’s jus-” she cut me off “no, you have no right to tell me your gonna put effort in this relationship then come here and blame me for something I didn’t even do.” Why does she have to be so stubborn. “Who said I was blaming you,”

“You don’t have to say it, I already know. I heard your conversation with Vincent.” With that she left my room slamming the door.

I ran my hand through my hair. I messed up.

I should’ve never gotten mad or suspicious of her especially since I don’t know if she is the one betraying me. I should talk to Elliot or Elisa. Just then my phone rang snapping me ou6 of my thoughts. I picked up the phone. “hello” it was an unknown caller, so I had no idea who I was talking to.

“yo sup Kai we need to talk. Are you free.” came Elliots voice. Just the person I need. “Yes, actually, where would you want to meet.” He told me the address and I left the house still on the phone.

“Why are you calling from a different phone?” I questioned, “weeell, you see I was peacefully eating my lunch while doing some hacking stuff, and I grabbed the ketchup bottle for my fries but as I was squeezing it, the bottle exploded all over the place including my phone, so I had to ask the super nice lady next to me if I could barrow her phone.”

I sometimes wonder why we’re friends, ‘wait, so you still have the women's phone.” he answered with an overexaggerated yep, “idiot give the women back her phone we’ll talk when I get there.” Without waiting for a reply, I hung up.

I need some alcohol.


I walked inside the little restaurant and found Elliot sitting there typing on his laptop. I pulled the chair opposite of him and sat down, “so what did you want to talk about.” He held up a finger indicating for me to wait. Rolling my eyes, I called over a waiter and ordered some coffee.

“Alright, Kai I wanted to talk about something important.” There’s only been one time I've heard Elliot use that tone and usually it means it’s something serious cause Elliot is never serious. “Yes, what’s wrong.”

“Kai, I heard from Vincent that you think it’s Irene betraying us. So, I did a little digging myself to be sure.”

“Hold on I didn’t say it was Irene I just agreed when Vince said it,” he rolled his eyes, “same thing.” It’s not the same thing but sure.

“So, I did some research and Vince has been oddly suspicious these past couple of months, there is video footage of him meeting Irene’s brother at a café, unfortunately there is no sound, but you can see them shake hands.” That’s weird, what if it’s actually been Vincent this whole time.

“So, you're thinking it’s Vincent and he was trying to set Irene up.” he shakes his head “i don’t think, I know it’s Vincent.” He’s getting really confident. “Alright we should keep an eye on Vince, I still don’t want to do anything until I know for a fact, he’s the traitor.

He rolls his eyes, “same way you waited until you were sure it wasn’t Irene.” shoot how did he find out about that, “well, no I jus-” he cut me off “no, I know exactly what you did. And now you need to go and apologize to my bestie.” he’s right I probably should.

“Yeah, you're right I was being an idiot. I'm gonna go and apologize.” He nods his head yes and goes back to typing on his laptop.

I exit the restaurant, heading to my car. I really messed up, how am I supposed to make it up to her.


Slightly shorter chapter but I hope you guys like it.

Honestly have no idea how to finish the story 😃

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