~Chapter 4 (fight)~

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Kai started making his way to the arena then signaled for me to join him. Was I supposed to fight against Kai. There is no way, he’s way too strong for me, I'll lose within a second. “don’t worry I'll make sure you don’t get hurt, at least not too much” what's that supposes to mean, “Kai are you sure, she might not be ready for that yet” Vincent said. “Like I said I won’t hurt her, I just want to see what level she’s at.”

We both went to the middle of the arena getting ready to fight. I knew how to fight. I learned from Theo obviously, he would teach me everything he learned. So, I had some experience. But I was still scared.

I tried to swing a hit towards his stomach, but he blocked it with his forearm. He moved his leg to hit the back of my knee, but I dodged it. We continued like that, but it was obvious he was holding back for me. I swinged my leg and aimed for his stomach, but he caught my leg and turned me around, so my back was facing his chest, I moved my feet and made him lose his balance. We ended up falling on top of each other with our face's inches away.


Our faces were so close I could feel her breath, I saw her blushing, she does that a lot, it’s cute. Now that I look at her more closely, she’s even more beautiful. I could spend hours looking at her face, I don’t know what’s happening, but I feel something that I don’t quite know.

A whistle noise brought me back from my thoughts, I stood helping her up. She was still blushing. “You did nice for your first time, excellent job,” she smiled and said a small thank you.

We finished up and I headed to my office, some bastard has been bombing our bases, and we need some information. Vincent came with me so we could brainstorm what to do. “Why don’t you send Irene her skills seem good enough” I thought before answering “I'm not sure it’s kind of dangerous, maybe we should start with something small.”

“Kai stop it, said Vince in a stern voice, whats his problem “stop what, I don’t know what you're talking about Vince” “Kai you know exactly what I'm talking about, you’re getting too soft for that Irene girl, and that's not good for the mafia” I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, “I’m actually interested in someone and that's what you're saying. Vince, I'm not sure what's happening or how I feel, but I like the feeling so I'm not gonna shut it out. She'll be mine soon.”

“Just don't mess things up, you’re complicated to be with” I knew he was speaking the truth that’s why I didn't say anything, but I promise I'll change, if it means she’ll be mine.

It was past midnight and I decided it was finally time to go to bed, I made my way upstairs and decided to check up on Irene, I slowly opened her door to find her sleeping peacefully. She looked gorgeous, the moonlight was shining just enough for you to see all her features, from every mole to how delicate her eyelashes looked, she was breathtaking. I exited her room and went to mine, I was exhausted.

I changed into some sweats, and tried to go to bed but as always, I couldn’t. I had a tough time sleeping for some reason.


I woke up, even though I didn’t want to. My bed was too comfortable. I looked at the clock, it was 6:00am perfect I could eat breakfast with everyone else. I rushed out of bed, threw on a random hoodie and made my way downstairs.

I walked into the dining room, Elisa and Kai were already there, I sat next to Kai again. “So, I have decided you can start you first mission today after breakfast” Finally I've been waiting for this, “what is my mission about” I asked eagerly “you need to go to a club, find someone, drag him outside then let Vincent take care of the rest” It was simple but for my first mission it was good. “Ok that sounds good.”

We ate food and Kai told me to go get ready.

I went to my room, changed to a short black dress and matching heels, I really like wearing the color black. I did some simple makeup and went back downstairs. Vincent was waiting for me there with some weapons. “Alright strap this to your thigh it will hold a gun some knives and a syringe filled with sleeping medicine.” “I don’t know how to use a syringe though” I didn't want to mess this up “don’t worry much about that, it’s not like he is a good guy to be spared.”

I made sure everything was in place and now all we needed was for Kai to come. “When is Kai gonna get here.”

“Kai won’t be joining us he has an important meeting, but he wanted me to give you this phone, our numbers are already in it.”

“Ok so when are we gonna leave” I don’t know why we are still standing here if Kai won’t come. “We can leave now I was just waiting to make sure Elliot was in place, he will be monitoring the cameras and making sure things go smoothly.” I nodded my head.

We arrived at the place, I think. “I’ll drop you off here to make sure no one sees our car, the club isn’t far just keep walking down two streets then turn right.” I got out of the car and started walking down the street. Here goes nothing.

I found the club, it wasn’t that far. Vincent gave me an earpiece so Elliot could talk though it and help with the mission.

I walked inside and surprisingly it was very crowded even though it was only 12pm. I walked through the crowd of sweaty drunk people, and made my way to the bar, “Hello I'd like a water please” the waiter nodded and went to get my drink, I wasn’t about to get drunk while on a mission. I scanned the room looking for the guy, Vincent showed me a picture of him, so I know what he looks like. "Hello, Irene, can you hear me,” “yes, I can, I can’t seem to spot the guy do you know his location.”

He should be near the bar. I saw him through the security cameras, I looked around until I made eye contact with someone, bingo.

I made my way to him and sat next to him “what do I owe to have the presence of such a beautiful woman.” he said, not gonna lie he was hot but not as much as Kai. “Why, am I not allowed to talk to someone so hot” I cringed at my words. He smirked and moved closer to me. Ew, I had to pretend I was interested so I put my hand on his shoulder, “I’m kind of bored why don’t we go and do something else.” I knew from his smirk that he had fallen right into my trap.

We both started making our way outside to the alley way, as soon as the door was closed, he pushed me against the wall trying to kiss me. But I had other plans, I pulled out a knife from my thigh strap, and lodged it into his shoulder, he groaned in pain but before he could do anything, a hand pulled him away from me.

Vincent nodded his head in approval “good your job here is done throw the earpiece in the trash when you go inside and wait here Elliot will come pick you up” I nodded my head and went back inside.

I was sitting at the bar drinking my water, honestly, I don’t know why Vincent couldn’t just take me himself. If I didn't know any better, I would say he hates me. My eyes scanned the room, seeing a bunch of people dancing on one another, some getting so drunk they could barely walk. I looked around but stopped when my eyes met one, I knew too much, those dark green eyes that terrified me so much. My father.


This is my rist story, so it's probably cringe. But it gets better. I think 🙃

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