~Chapter 10 (plan)~

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I woke up before kai and was just lying there staring at the ceiling. It was around 7 in the morning. Kai stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes. He leaned towards me to kiss me but stopped, “do you hear something” he asked looking stern. I nodded my head no. We were interrupted by a blood curdling scream.

Kai sprung from the bed and grabbed his gun from the drawer, “stay here until I come get you, lock the door and go to the bathroom.” He left the room, and I locked the door heading to the bathroom.

I was sitting on the bathroom floor with my knees up to my chest, I wonder what happened, will Kai be ok, what if he gets hurt, what if it’s an enemy. All these thoughts were running through my head.

After a while the whole place was quiet, too quiet. I slowly stood up and opened the bathroom door, peeking out I could hear absolutely nothing. My door handle started twisting, catching me off guard, before I could start thinking of ways to protect myself the door opened.
Kai walked inside the room still alert, holding his gun. ‘What happened did you find someone.”

He cursed and sat down on his bed, “we found no one but....” he stopped talking after that and laid down on the bed, “but what, did something happen.”

He sighed and looked at me before pulling me onto the bed, so I was laying next to him. “One of the maids, two of the guards and one of my drivers, were all found killed. Shot in the head.”

I was horrified, all of those people just dead in such a short time. How is that possible. “But that’s not something you should be worried about,” I nodded my head.
He pulled the blanket on top of us, and I soon fell asleep.

I woke up and looked around, there was no one next to me. I got up and freshened in the bathroom. Once done I slowly left the room and made my way downstairs. I was starving.

Gliding down the hallways I started to realize how big this place was, it would take at least twenty of me stacked on top of each other to reach the ceiling. I was staring at the ceiling I didn’t realize where I was heading until I ran straight into a door. Ouch that hurt.

Looking up at the huge door there was a small rectangle-like sign that said (DO NOT ENTER) on all caps. I wonder whats in this room, I would have to look into it when I'm not hungry.

Turning around I started heading back the way I came. It's been a couple of months, but I still haven’t gotten used to this place.

I entered the kitchen and found no one. Strange, I haven’t seen anyone today.

I made my way to the cupboards in the kitchen and grabbed a plate with a cup. Going to the fridge, which was at least twice my size. I grabbed some eggs with butter. I’m not a cook but I can make a basic breakfast.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a cup smash on the floor. Turning around, I found the cup shattered on the ground but no one to be seen. Is this place haunted. Maybe it was just the wind. I was about to turn back to cooking my eggs, when I heard distant whispering and laughing.

Turning back around I could see some dark hair peeking out from the corner of the stairway.

I grabbed my spatula and headed towards the corner, I waited behind the wall until I saw someone's head peek around, I jumped out and was ready to smack whoever it was.

Before I got the chance to do so, someone grabbed my hand, threw me on the floor and started tickling me. Looking up I saw Elisa with a huge stupid grin on her face and Elliot with a nurf gun laughing his head off. “Alright stop! I- I can’t b- breath" I said, half laughing and half screaming.

She finally stopped letting me catch my breath. “You should’ve seen your face, you looked horrified.” Elliot said laughing so hard he was crying.

“It’s not funny, I nearly had a heart attack.” I grumbled. I got up, but started smelling something burning, I shrieked. “The eggs!” Running back to the stove I saw the pan with my eggs completely burned to a crisp.

I sighed in defeat, there goes my breakfast. “How bad do you have to be, to burn eggs.” said Kai entering the Kitchen. Elisa snickered behind my back.

“For your information I didn’t burn them” I said scuffing.
“Then who did. The eggs magically burned themselves.” Kai said in an amused tone.

“Yes, they did” I said defensively, he flashed me a childish grin then grabbed the pan from my hand and went to the sink.
“I can cook my own breakfast you know” he ignored me and grumbled something about how I woke up on the wrong side today.

After what seemed forever, he finally finished breakfast for everyone. About time I'm starving.

We were sitting at the dining table and eating the food Kai made, which was annoyingly delicious. And I was feeling a lot better now that I had food in my system.

“We should go shopping” suggested Elisa. I was about to reply but Kai did before me.

“No, no one is going anywhere at least not until we figure it out this morning” he sounded kind of anergy. I was already bored and wanted to go out but guess I'm stuck here. “How long” I asked.

He sighed before replying “I'm not sure but at least a couple weeks.” How was I supposed to survive that long alone in this huge house.

“Does that mean our vacation is canceled” Elisa whined.
Kai just rolled his eyes and nodded.

It was quiet until Elliot spoke up, “you know it’s Kai’s birthday next week we should do something.” wait it’s his birthday. Kai ran his hands through his hair, “that's really not necessary, I don’t do birthdays.” Elliot gasped then leaned over to whisper something to Elisa's ear, she grinned and nodded to him. I wonder what he said to her.

After breakfast I went to my room with the book I stole from Kai, I didn’t know he had such good taste in books. I sat down on my bed and opened the book. It was the third book in the series. As I was just starting to read, I heard a knock on my door, sighing, I got up and opened the door.

It was Elisa, she cracked a mischievous grin and pushed me aside to enter my room.
She went and comfortably laid down on my bed, “so partner, ready to hear our plan.”

I looked at her confused, plan. What plan.
“What plan are you talking about” she smiled and sat up before explaining.

“Sooo, we had an idea of inviting my parents and grandparents to throw a surprise birthday party for Kai.” I grinned, I do the idea of making Kai mad. She started explaining the whole plan to me while I sat there smiling, he’d get so angry.

After Elisa left, I continued to read, this was probably my favorite book I've read so far in the series. I looked at the clock and didn’t realize it was already dinner time. I did wake up quite late. Putting my book down I got up and left my room.

As I was walking down the hall, I noticed that door again. I'm not sure if it’s the sign or just my 6th sense. But something is telling me to go inside that room. I'll have to do it on a day when no one is home.

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