~Chapter 20 (gone)~

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I walked inside after Irene. I swear this girl is the end of me. I walked up to the front door. Hold on, where are the guards.

I entered the house and turned the lights on, the place had an eerie feeling to it, “Alex” I called out, Alex was Irene’s personal bodyguard I had assigned to her. After I got no response, I made my way to the kitchen.

What I saw made my blood run cold, there laid Chocolate on the floor with a pool of her own blood surrounding her. Further into the kitchen were all the maids and guards laying in blood.

I walked up to one of them and checked his pulse. Nothing, his body felt cold which means this happened a while ago. At the same moment I heard a thud upstairs. Shoot Irene is there.

I raced up the stairs to her room ignoring the bodies lying on the floor, how did she miss this.

I opened her room door and turned the lights on, there was no one there so I went to her bathroom.

She wasn’t there except for a note taped to the wall. I grabbed the note and opened it.

Too bad your precious angel is now mine.

I ran out of her room and went to my office. I pretty much called every one of my men plus Elliot and Vince.


After they took forever to get here, I was finally able to get everyone together to come up with some kind of plan. I'm almost sure it was her brother who took her, but I needed to be sure.

“Elliot, you’ll be with me when we enter through the side door. We'll make our way through the house, starting with the basement and going up” I said looking at Elliot, he nodded his head and got up to get his things ready.

“Vincent” I asked looking around he wasn’t there during the meeting, and I couldn’t find him anywhere. “Elliot, where’s Vince.” he shrugged his shoulder “I haven’t talked to him since last week.” Maybe Elliot was right about Vincent.

After hours of talking and planning we finally had everything ready.


I opened my eyes and was met with complete darkness. The last thing I can remember is going into my room and suddenly everything was dark. I sat up and looked around the place. It’s a small cell with a tiny window almost reaching the ceiling.

There wasn’t anything in the cell but bugs and the smell of blood.

I Curled myself into a ball to avoid the dirty cell and the cold starting to settle In. Damn I wish I would’ve worn something much warmer.

Breaking my train of thought the door creaked open revealing a tall black figure. I shield my eyes from the bright light coming through the door.

“I see you’re finally awake” the voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t really tell. The dark figure closed the door and made their way towards me. They flipped on a switch illuminating the dark room with a soft glow.

My blood ran cold as I realized who it was.


Short chapter, but I had to add some suspense

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