~Chapter 7 (dresses)~

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Making my way downstair I could hear noises in the kitchen, so I went there. Everyone was there and they were drinking some sort of juice. “Good morning!” exclaimed Elisa, how is she so happy and bright in the early morning. “Why are you so happy” she turned to me with a big smile, “we’re going shopping and the guys are coming too!” Why are we going shopping, I turned to Kai with a confused face, “the Mafia ball is coming up, so you’ll need dresses. That’s why we’re shopping” that makes sense, I guess.

We got in the car and started driving to the mall.

We made it inside, and oh my pancakes the mall was huge. Kai took us to a dress shop and there were so many beautiful dresses, all distinctive styles and shapes. “Ok you can pick anything you want and try them on in the dressing rooms.”

I looked at the racks filled with dresses, I picked out a couple and made my way to the dressing room.

The first dress was a simple short green dress with a pretty lace, I wore the dress and came out of the dressing room, Kai was sitting there on his phone, “so how does this one look” he put his phone down and glanced at me, eyeing me up and down. “it’s pretty, the color suits you” I frowned, I was expecting a better reaction but sure.

I went back to the dressing room to try on the next dress, this one was a royal blue sparkly dress, and had over shoulder sleeves.

I walked out and stood in front of kai, “no, the other one looked better, the sleeves look weird.” I huffed and went back into the dressing room, does he even like any of the dresses. I put on the last dress, it was an elegant black dress with a really pretty design. And a slit down the left side.

 And a slit down the left side

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(The dress Irene chose)

If he doesn’t like this one, I'm gonna choke him.

I walked out and went towards Kai, he looked up and his eyes widened he looked up and down then smirked, he got up and came towards me, “you look pretty, I like the dress. It's beautiful.” I smiled, finally one he likes. I said a small thank you and went back to the dressing room.

As I was taking the dress off, I realized the zipper was stuck, oh great how and I supposed to remove this now. I opened the dressing room door and peeked outside hoping to find someone, no one was there, lovely.

“Who are you looking for.” I almost jumped out of my skin, I turned, and Kai was there looking confused, “you scared the crap out of me, don’t do that again” he rolled his eyes and started walking towards me “what do you need” I guess I had no other choice “I can’t unzip my dress it’s stuck.”

He smirked and pushed me into the dressing room and got in himself, he locked the door behind him and motioned for me to turn. I did.

I could feel his hands they were warm and soft as if he was afraid to hurt me. He tugged with the zipper for a while until it unzipped, he slowly unzipped the dress.

could feel his hand grazing my skin. It felt as if everywhere he touched burned, but in the best way possible. He finished unzipping the dress but kept his hand on my lower back as if he didn’t want to let go, neither did I.

He turned me around and pressed my back against the wall, we just stood there staring at each other. I thought he would kiss me, but he didn’t.

So, I thought if he wasn't going to do it I might as well do it myself, so with whatever remaining confidence I had I grabbed his collar and pulled him against me, our chests were touching, and I could feel his breath get faster and heavier. I leaned up since he was tall, and smashed my lips against his, he kissed back, and I could feel him smirk in the kiss.

I broke the kiss out of breath and looked up at him. He smiled before giving me a quick peck on the lips. We were so caught up in that moment that I didn’t realize Elisa was calling my name from outside the dressing room.

panicked “what are we gonna do they can’t see you and me coming out the same dressing room, what are they gonna think, they might get the wrong idea!”


I looked at her panicked face, she kept rambling, but I could only pay attention to her gorgeous face. I snapped out of my trance. I grabbed her arm and turned her around then handed her dress to change back into. turned around to give her some privacy.

“I'm done changing” she said. I nodded my head and turned around, “come on let's go.”

“Together like both of us come out at the same time” I nodded my head, she sighed in defeat and walked towards the door.

I opened the door and walked out. As soon as I did, I heard gasps, great.

Elliot and Elisa were covering their mouths with their hands, while Vincent looked unbothered. I think they were a little too dramatic.

“Oh my god, you two were in there together! What did you do in there” said Elisa wiggling her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, “we should get going, she found the dress she wanted so let's pay and leave.” I knew Elisa wouldn’t give up that quickly but a small glare at her way made her shut up, for now.

We got back home, and I was starving. Elliot yelled that he was gonna order pizza, so I made my way to the bathroom and took a shower.

The pizza was here, and we were eating it on the couch with a movie playing in the background. I could tell Irene was getting sleepy, so I moved my shoulder letting her rest her head on it, and oh my, she smelled so nice, kind of like fresh lavender but better. Soon I found myself asleep too.

I woke up to the sound of something clicking, opening my sleep filled eyes, I saw Elliot and Elisa taking pictures of us. I hate these two. I looked over to Irene and she was awake too, blushing. “you guys are so cute.”

We both got up and helped the rest of them clean the living room. It was around 10pm so everyone headed to their bed.

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