~Chapter 18 (family reunion)~

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I woke up feeling suffocated.

Looking around I found the culprit lying on top of me. Why is he so heavy. I pushed Kai away and got out of bed, I made my way to the bathroom and turned the shower on.

I got inside the shower after undressing and let the hot calming water hit my back. I wish I could live here.

After my shower I got dressed and headed downstairs to the kitchen, Kai is still sleeping so I'm hoping I can make breakfast in bed for him.

I made some eggs, toast, and some fruits.

I brought the tray of food to his room and set it next to the bed on the bedside table, Kai was still asleep, so I gently shook him.

He groaned but turned his head around and squinted his eyes looking at me “why did you leave” was the first thing he asked me, I rolled my eyes. The mafia boss likes to cuddle.

I dragged him into a sitting position and brought the tray in front of him. He smiled groggily and dragged me down to sit next to him.

All of breakfast we pretty much just fed each other and talked. The family reunion wasn’t until afternoon, so we had time.

I was currently reading a book Kai recommended, I didn't expect him to be into romance, but he has good taste. Chocolate was curled up next to me sleeping. It was around 12 so I got up to get ready for the reunion.

After taking a shower and putting on my dress, I started doing my hair. I didn’t want to do anything fancy, so I just curled my hair and put a cute hair clip on it.

After I finished getting ready, I slipped my heels on and left my room to go to Kai’s room. I opened the door and found him fixing his tie, or at least trying to.

He noticed me at the doorway and huffed coming closer so I could fix his tie. After tying his tie, he mumbled a small thank you and kissed the top of my nose.

After we were both done getting ready, we got into his limousine and the driver started driving.

“How many people are in your family?” I asked, I should at least know about his family if I'm gonna meet them, he opened his mouth but paused for a second before replying. “There are a lot of people, like a lot. And they’re complicated. But you should be fine” he rambled out. I wasn’t nervus before but now I'm not so sure.

The drive to his parents' place is around an hour and it’s only been 20 minutes. “Who’s your favorite family member" Kai winced before replying “honestly all of them are assholes so I can’t say” I gasped and hit Kai in the arm. “How could you say that” he just shrugged. “Well then who do you like slightly better than the rest” I asked, he has to have someone he likes.

“Besides my parents and siblings, I suppose my uncle isn’t bad” I nodded my head. I hated my uncle he was super sexist and rude, I hope his uncle isn’t like that.

The rest of the ride we just chatted about our families, me leaving out the part where they were abusive obviously.

We made it to his parent’s house and holy pumpkins it was huge.

(Kai's parents house)

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(Kai's parents house)

We got out of the car and made our way up to the front of the house, there were two guards standing on both sides of the door, they each gave a small nod to Kai which he returned. We entered the house.

I thought the outside was pretty, but the inside is ten times prettier. A maid approached us smiling brightly, she was maybe in her 50s, her hair was chestnut brown with strands of white, and she had a small cardigan with white flowers on her. “Kai sweetheart it’s been so long” she made her way over to Kai and gave him a hug, she turned to me, and I could see her smile slightly faltering.

“who’s she” I could tell her smile was fake and forced, “she’s my girlfriend, Irene.” Kai came over to me and patted my back. I forced a smile and said hello.

The maid led us to a huge room, it was like a living room but 20 times bigger. There were people on the couch, people talking, children running around. It gave you a cozy kind of feeling.

There were a lot of people, at least 30 or 40, Kai came closer to me and whispered in my ear “This is only half of my family” My eyes widened “that’s only half” he chuckled and kissed my head.

We made our way to Kai’s parents and greeted them, both of them were thrilled that me and Kai finally got together. It was dinner time so all of us went to the dining room. Which consisted of a huge table with chairs all around it

I sat in between Kai and his mom, Elisa couldn’t make it since she had a huge exam today so it’s kind of awkward since I don’t really know anyone here.

After a couple minutes of sitting here a bunch of maids entered the room with huge plates of food. Finally, I thought I would die from hunger.

Once the first round of food was brought everyone started eating and talking. There were two women in front of me, one of them had a green dress and blonde hair while the other had a white dress and black hair.

They were both looking at me as if inspecting me, Kai must have noticed my discomfort because he leaned in and whispered, “those two are my aunts, be careful they might look nice but are the complete opposite.” I nodded my head.

They lady in the green dress finally spoke up after her inspection, “Kai honey, where did you find this girl.” I heard Kai’s mom sigh.

“We met on a mission, and really got along so we kind of just hit it off” Kai replied, the white dress women looked at me in disgust and turned to Kai, “you know Layla is still single, you two would match perfectly.”

I looked at Kai raising my eyebrows, I didn’t expect her to be so blunt. He looked at me apologetically before returning to his aunt, “I'm perfectly happy with Irene, Madeline.”

His aunt gave him a fake smile and rolled her eyes when he wasn’t looking. So, I'm guessing the white dress ladies name is Madeline.

We kept eating in awkward silence, until another girl sat down next to the green dress lady whose name, I learned was Leslie.

The girl had long blonde hair and striking blue eyes, she was wearing a blue dress that had puffy sleeves. “Hello, I’m Karina” she said looking at me with a look I couldn’t decipher.

“Hi, I’m Irene.” She nodded her head then looked at Kai, “Kai It’s been long since we’ve talked, we should catch up after dinner.”

“I’d rather not” Kai said looking at her with a bored expression. Well, it’s really awkward now.

We finished all 3 rounds of food now all was left is dessert, I really need something sweet in my system. The maids came around with a plate of chocolate cake placing one in front of everyone. I immediately started digging into my plate. As I was stuffing my face with cake, I noticed Karina stifling a laugh. There was definitely something on my face.

I looked at Kai, he was smiling at me, “is there something on my face” he nodded. Way to embarrass myself. Kai grabbed a napkin and gently held my chin with his hand as he started cleaning my face. I’m sure my face was a tomato by now.

After he cleaned my face, he leaned down and kissed my forehead, I turned around to see Karina clenching her jaw glaring at me. What's her problem.

After dinner we all went back to the living room and Kai pretty much dragged me and introduced me to his multiple aunts and uncles, luckily most of them were nice.

After a while we went to the backyard, it was around sunset, so the atmosphere was really pretty.

I wish there was no one here so I could enjoy the weather better.


New update!

(Sorry it took long)

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