~chapter 8 (ball)~

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It was morning and the big day of the mafia ball. I turned to the clock, it was 5am, I had to go to our base for some mission but after that we’d be going to the ball. I'm still not sure if it’s safe to take Irene to the ball there are a lot of dangerous people there, but I'll try my best to make sure she’s safe.

I got ready and went to work, they found the idiot who’s been bombing our bases, but their have no info on him, I ran my hand through my hair frustrated. Vincent knocked on my door and entered, “any info on the guy” he said, I shook my head no. “why don’t we torture him and find out. We have him and some driver of his.” that sounds like music to my ears.

We made our way to the basement where we tortured people and kept prisoners. I opened the hug metal door and entered, only to find two of my guards killed on the floor and one of the prisoner's chair empty. I was enraged, how did that guy flee and kill two of my best trained men. I kicked the chair and then punched the driver guy who was still here, that bastard didn’t even bother helping his own men.

The guy groaned in pain and opened his eyes, he looked around scared “please don’t kill me I didn’t do anything I promise.” He kept begging for me to spare him and I wasn’t in the mood for any of that.

I walked over to the huge table filled with weapons and picked out a small knife, I walked back to the guy tied up. His eyes grew with horror, before he could plead again, I slashed him in the face he screamed and started crying. How pathetic. “you’re going to tell me exactly where he is, or I'll kill you in the most painful way imaginable.”

He started crying harder, “I'm sorry please I don’t know where he went, I don’t know anything” is he that stupid, “you’re the driver. Of course, you would know!” I yelled, I
was livid at this point I just wanted to kill him.

It’s been around 20 minutes and the guy still hasn’t said anything, I'm covered in blood and the dudes barely alive, he isn’t going to answer. “Just leave him here to die slowly” I ordered one of the guards, he nodded quickly, I opened the door and slammed it shut making my way outside to my car.

I started driving home trying to calm down, then the ball came to my mind, I checked the clock, it was 4pm, we have two hours before the ball.

I got home and stepped out of my car, going inside the house, I walked down the hallway, right as I was walking past Irenes' room her door opened and she walked out. She had the gorgeous black dress she had got, she looked unreal.

Her eyes widened and I realized I'm covered in blood. “don’t worry it’s not my blood.” I said reassuring her, she nodded her head slowly “ok just don’t get any of it on my dress” I nodded my head and went into my room to shower, I hate the feeling of blood on me.

It was around 5:30pm and I was waiting for the girls, I don’t know why they’re taking so long. Vincent and Elliot are in the kitchen since they got bored and wanted to eat something. After a bit both Elisa and Irene came downstairs.

We were now driving towards the ball. The ball happens every winter, it's good for the mafia I guess, but I find it boring. We still have to attend though.

We made it to the place, it’s usually randomly picked every year on who hosts the ball, we hosted the ball 5 years ago but this year it’s hosted at one of my close friend houses so I'm kind of happy I get to see him again.

We stepped out of the limousine and walked to the front. You have to walk in with your plus one, so I held Irene’s hand, and we walked through. The whole place went quiet as we walked inside of the building, you could hear whispers from everyone, I mean I'm not surprised I am the biggest mafia leader currently.

“Stand tall, don’t show any emotions.” I whispered to Irene, I could tell she was tense and nervous, so I started rubbing small circles on her hand. The place went back to its loud talking and chattering as Vincent and Elisa came through the doors, Elliot decided to bring his little sister since he had no one else to bring.

“Hey there Kai, how are you? It’s been a long time since we last met.” I turned around annoyed, it was Mark, I hated him he was always bugging me somehow in every Mafia ball we’ve had, but I know he’s just trying to make allies with me so his mafia can be stronger.

"Hi Mark” I said with the most unenthusiastic voice I could.

“So, it’s been long since we met, how’s the mafia, and who's this pretty lady with you.” I turned to Irene, she looked nervous. “she’s my girlfriend” I said turning back to Mark. I could feel Irene tense next to me.

Mark continued to ramble on about something, but I just dragged Irene and myself out before he could talk more.
“Why did you say I was your girlfriends,” Irene said turning me around, so I was facing her. I wish I could say why but I didn’t really know myself, so I just made something up on the spot.

“If they knew we weren't dating they would try and hook up with you and that’s something I don’t want, plus you’ll be safer this way since they fear me too much to even try and do anything to you.” she nodded her head unsure but didn’t argue any further.

I was talking to some random guy when Irene tugged on my arm. “I'm gonna go to the food table.” I nodded my head “be careful.”

I made my way to the food table, they surprisingly had really decent food. I picked up a small cupcake and started eating it. This wasn’t so boring since it’s been long that I even attended a ball.

After having a couple desserts, I went to find the bathroom, as I was looking for the bathroom I got lost and somehow ended up in front of some sort of library. I walked past it still trying to find the bathroom. Why is it this hard to find a bathroom.

I turned a corner trying to find my way, but instead ran into a big hard chest. “Oh, I'm so sor-” I stopped midway once my eyes met with ones I feared and despised.
My father.

His dark eyes bored into mine as he got angrier. “There you are you disgrace, I've been looking all over for you,” he gripped my wrists tightly making it sting. “Stop, t- that hurts” I whimpered due to the pain.

“You think I care if you get hurt or not, you’re just a useless thing that keeps causing trouble.” He pulled me closer and turned me around, then reached into his pocket to pull out a small knife, it might be small, but it can still do damage.

“And that guy that came last time and punched me, where is he now huh, do you know he’s our biggest enemy,” his voice got louder, as he got angrier “is this how I raised you, to do this to your own father!” this time he practically yelled.

By now I was sobbing, hot tears stinging my face, and I guess he didn't like that because he started hitting me super hard on my neck with the back of the knife. This time I was crying because of the pain not the fear.

He tucked the knife back into his pocket, then gripped my hair pulling me to the ground. He repeatably punched me in the face, until the only thing I could feel was brutal pain as his fists made contact with my face over and over again.

The punches stopped but I could still feel the pain lingering. I opened my eyes even though I could barely see with the tears blurring my eyes.

I saw a figure come towards me, and I flinched backing away expecting to feel some sort of pain, but instead, the most gentle hands picked me up to my feet, their touch was soft and careful as if I was made of glass.

I looked up and to my relief I saw Kai, his eyes were filled with both worry and anger. He was holding something and as I looked, he was pointing a gun towards my dad.

My dad on the other hand was on the ground quivering in fear, Kai pulled me closer turning my head, so I was facing his chest, he smelled so nice it almost overpowered the smell of blood. I heard a gunshot fire knowing it was for my dad.

I didn’t feel bad, I think he actually deserved it. After years of torture and living in fear I could finally be free from him.

Kai gently lifted my face with his hands, so my eyes were level with his. He had a mix of emotions on his face. I felt myself being lifted off the ground and cradled, I buried my face in his chest, as he started walking towards the exit.

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