~Chapter 14 (Anxious)~

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I was working on some files when Vincent came into my room, without knocking. I swear one person doesn’t knock and everyone else thinks it’s fine.

“Yes Vince, what do you want” he settled in the chair across my desk, “I sent the file of everyone who we recruited in the last 5 months.” I nodded my head, I'll look at it later.

“You know Kai, I wonder if the traitor is someone we know,” I looked at him, what is he on about. “What do you mean, if it’s one of our men of course we would know them.” He shook his head “no, I mean someone we are close to, or at least know personally.”

What is he trying to say, “and who do you suggest.” He stayed silent, then leaned forward on the chair, resting his chin on his hands.

“I’m not sure, it’s just. All of this started when we found Irene so-” I cut him off standing up from my chair “don’t you dare accuse Irene! It's not her, she wouldn’t do something like this. Not after everything that has happened in the past 5 months.”

“Kai calm down, your being emotional” I'm being emotional, he literally just accused my girlfriend. I slumped back into my chair. “It’s not Irene, she was literally thrown into a dungeon by her brother. Why would she want to work with him.”

“Kai, I know you don’t want it to be Irene but think about it. What if everything was planned, what if her being trapped in the cell was all a set up.” he sighed before standing up, “don’t forget Kai, it always the Mafia before anything” with that he left the room.

Leaving me to think about everything.


I painstakingly finished some paperwork, with only one thing on my mind. What if it is Irene. What if in the end she leaves. What if she’s betraying me. What if she doesn’t actually feel the same way.

All these thoughts just kept multiplying. I don’t think I've felt this anxious before, the last time I remember feeling this way was when I took over the Mafia, and that was around three years ago. But even then, I was only nervous, right now though, I'm terrified.

I exited my office and went down the stairs, it was 7pm and I was exhausted, not only physically but also mentally. Reaching down to my pocket I pulled out my phone.

I opened the file Vince had sent me with all the people’s names. Scrolling down I looked at their names and description.

Jake Mellow

(Recruited 3 months ago, has been mostly on tech missions. Is known to have a slight mango obsession)

Orlien Rob

(Recruited 5 months ago, has been really helpful when it comes to physical missions. Known for his witty humor)

Irene Russio

(Recruited 5 months ago, has been on only 3 missions. The daughter of one of our biggest enemies)

My heart nearly stopped seeing Irene’s name on the list. I shouldn’t be assuming anything about her, but every sign so far points to her.

“I made lunch” I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard Irene’s voice. Shoving my phone into my pocket I turned around facing Irene “hey what did you say.”

She flashed me a beautiful smile “I made you lunch, well I've been taking lessons from the maids, and thought I should make you something.” my heart ached at the thought of even thinking she would do any harm. “let's eat then, I'm starving.”

I sat on the kitchen stool, and she plated me the food, it was steak, pasta and a small bowl of soup on the side. “I learned the same dish that the maids made when we had our date in the garden.” I nodded my head, taking a bite of the food. It was surprisingly really good.

“I really like it, I mean you went from burning eggs to cooking five-star meals.” she smiled, “I'm glad you like it, I thought I burned the steak a little.” The steak was a little burnt but I'm not telling her that.

We finished eating and she headed up to her room, claiming she had something to do. I’m sure it’s not Irene who’s the traitor but I have to be a hundred percent sure.

I walked up to my room deciding to take a shower, maybe that will clear my thoughts. I was about to enter my room until I heard a loud crash coming from Irene’s room.


I moved the canvas so I could reach it, it was a bad idea to get such a huge canvas but I'm sure he’ll love this painting. Grabbing the bottle of paint, I accidentally knocked down my tray of palate knives. So much for being quiet.

There was a knock on my door followed by Kai’s worried tone, “Irene, are you alright.” great just the person I wanted knocking on my door.

I quickly covered the painting with a long cloth and went towards the door. I opened it after making sure you couldn’t see the painting.

“Yep, I'm fine. Just knocked some stuff over that’s all.” He eyed me weirdly, nodded and left.


I glanced at the clock. I’ve been painting for four hours straight. I should go to bed.

I used the bathroom in my room to shower and once all the paint was gone, I headed to Kai’s room.

He was yet again sitting next to the window on his laptop typing away. “Are you gonna sleep. You've been working all day.” he huffed and nodded getting up and heading to the bathroom.

I went climbed the bed smiling when I saw Chocolate climbing in after to me.

Kai came out of the bathroom in his usual sweats and no shirt, then settled himself next to me on the bed. “Are you going to work tomorrow?”

“Yes, I'm going to work, it’s Monday.” was his reply harsher than usual or am I imagining things. “Oh alright. Good night.” he didn’t even say good night back.

Maybe he regretted saying he wants me to be his girlfriend, or maybe I did something to upset him, or my cooking skills aren’t that good, and I made him sick. I'll ask him tomorrow, yeah, communication is part of a good relationship.


I woke up before Kai, it was around 4 in the morning. I'm kinda hungry if only Kai would cook for me right now. But if he’s mad, I don’t want to make things worse than they already are.

I slowly got up from the bed making sure to not wake up Kai. Maybe a nice relaxing bath will help. I could go to my room, but Kai bathtub is bigger so.

I added my lavender bath soap to the water, inhaling the nice calming scent of lavender. I got inside and leaned back laying my head on the edge of the tub. This is nice.

After a while, I'm not sure how long. I started hearing knocks on the bathroom door. Shit I completely lost track of time. “Hold on I'm taking a bath, I'll be out in a minute.”

I heard cursing on the other side, most likely Kai. “Irene I'm really not in the damn mood to deal with you so get the hell out of my bathroom, you have 30 seconds.” I don’t I've ever heard him sound that scary before.

I quickly got up wrapping myself in my towel and draining the water. I grabbed my phone and rushed out of the bathroom. Kai was sitting on his bed with his phone. “Sorry, I know I took a little long, if you were in a hurry, you could’ve used my bathroom. I don’t mind.” He stood up and went to the bathroom without another word.

I went to my room and got changed, I didn’t feel like wearing anything fancy so I threw on the cleanest hoddie I could find. I really need to talk to Kai after he comes back from work.


Yay got another update out. Honestly have no idea how to end the story 😃

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