~Chapter 21 (captive)~

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Somehow the ride there felt longer than I would’ve liked. Elliot was trying to make small conversations to lighten the mood, but nothing can do that right now.

I can’t believe she was taken, I was literally in the house. I've failed her and I can never forgive myself for it.

“Kai we’re almost there” Elliot stated. Taking a deep breath, I made sure I had everything ready and with me.

We arrived at the place and parked the cars away from the safehouse to avoid being suspected.

All of us got out of our cars and made our way to the house. Me, Elliot and a couple of my men headed towards the side door while the rest of them surrounded the building.

I counted to 3 and we all busted through the doors. There weren't many guards but the few that were there were all dead within 1 minute. Elliot headed towards the kitchen while I made my way to the basement.

As I was walking down the stairs, I heard a loud scream followed by the loud bang of a gun.

My breathing started becoming uneven as I raced down the steps thinking of all the ways things could’ve gone wrong.



Vincent was behind this the whole time. Now it all makes sense he wanted Kai to hate me so his plans could work. But why?

“Not even gonna say hello” said Vincent with a smirk.

Anger coursed through me as I replied, “go to hell, how could you do this!” He clicked his tongue. “We all know exactly why you’re here.”

“Well, I don’t, so care to explain” I honestly have no idea why he kidnapped me, I don’t know maybe I ate his food one time. “I would love to explain but I think you should see one more person before that.”

He walked back towards the door and dragged a small figure with him. The figure had wavy brown hair, he looked familiar, but I couldn’t tell who it was.

Vincent dragged him closer and kicked him, making him kneel. He harshly grabbed his hair and pulled his face back, so it was visible.

I gasped looking into my brother's face, I haven't seen him in 3 years, he looks so different. His bright green eyes are now dull and dark, he has bruises littering his skin, his hair is a mess. He looks terrible.

“Irene” he whispered, I nodded my head not trusting my voice. Vincent threw him next to me and stepped back. As he was about to speak his phone started ringing.

Picking it up he cursed and left the room, leaving me and Theo alone.

“Irene, listen I know you have a lot of questions, but we need to figure out a way to leave.” He’s right, we can talk about what happened later.

I nodded my head, ‘how long have you been here” I questioned.

“I'm not sure I think ten months,” what was he doing here for 10 months. “Why did he capture you,” he shrugged in response.

“I was in a cell most of the time, but I remember one of the doors being less guarded than the rest, I think that’s our best bet right now.”

“I don’t know if we can take on any guards right now, worst case scenario we wait until Kai shows up.” He looked at me confused. Shoot he doesn’t' know who Kai is.

“he’s umm, well, he’s, my boyfriend.”

“Oh okay... Wait WHAT!” Theo screamed looking at me as if I'd grown two heads.

“Why do u have a boyfriend at such a young age, you're like what, 15” I rolled my eyes, even though I'm older than Theo by two years he still acts like the older sibling. “No Theo I'm 17 turning 18 in a month.”

He smiled sheepishly, “sure sista.” We were interrupted by the door opening with Vincent and someone else entering, “I've brought a friend,” Vincent cooed, he moved away only to expose dear old brother Boris. Honestly at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if the president walked in next.

Boris walked closer to us glaring at me. “Long time no see” I wish it was longer. He brought a chair and put it in front of us while sitting down on it. “Let me get straight to the point. You have two options. Option one you tell me what Kai has planned then I kill you. Option two you don’t tell me, and I torture it out of you, then kill you.”

“Both those options don’t sound so appealing” Theo muttered. “Well, you better choose quickly you don’t have much time.” with that both of them got up and left, might I add slamming the door behind them. Rude.


I slammed the door behind us and made my way to the office. This isn’t the most practical place, but I do have a mini office here.

I could hear Boris’s footsteps as he followed me. I've known him for a while now and when he asked me to help him, I was more than happy too. Kai really thinks he’s the best, he always got what he wanted. He had parents a life of luxury while I didn't have anything.

I sat on my chair and sighed, kidnapping a person is a lot of work. “What are we gonna do if they don’t answer our questions.” I looked at him like he was stupid, which he was.

“didn’t I say right in front of you that we would kill them.” He looked at me for a moment then nodded and sat down on the chair in front of me. “I think it would be good to start with Irene, I’m sure we could get some sort of information from Theo if we were to hurt her.” Maybe he’s not as stupid as I thought he was.

“Alright we only have at least 3 days before Kai come for us, so how about we feed them then torture them.” Boris raised an eyebrow questioning me, “why would we feed them first.” I smirked and looked at him. “How else am I supposed to drug them.” He nodded with a small smile, knowing what I was about to do, “your Evil.”


Me and Theo have been sitting here forever, there's no conversation both of us thinking about how Boris is going to kill us.

The door opened again, and this time Boris came in with food, he placed the plate of food in front of me. It was steaming pasta with garlic bread and a side salad, as much as I was hungry right now there was no way I was going to eat this who knows what he put in it.

“eat” was all he said, he grabbed the other plate and moved towards Theo. My eyes caught something shiny in his back pocket. A knife.

While he was distracted by Theo, I slowly crept to him and slipped the knife out of his pocket, Theo’s eyes went wide when he saw what I was doing.

I gripped the knife in my hand, he was distracted enough that I managed to bring it to his neck. I was about to stab him when all of a sudden, he turned around and grabbed my hand, “you really thought you could do something” his voice was laced with venom.

His grip on my hand tightened, “Boris let go” I tried to sound strong, but my voice came out small. He dropped the plate of food and grabbed the knife out of my hands. He yanked me towards another cell and threw me in. He was about to close the door when I heard a loud gunshot. Boris froze, eyes wide before dropping to the ground.

Theo stood behind him holding a gun with shaking hands. There was blood oozing out of Boris’s head and tainting the floor. Theo just killed Boris.

The silence was interrupted by the door slamming open.

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