~Chapter 9 (sleep)~

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I woke up at midnight looking around the room, I felt something heavy on my chest, looking down I saw Kai’s face nuzzled in my chest, he looked cute sleeping, I'm used to seeing him so serious and cautious I barely see him calm and relaxed.

The moon was bright enough to see every detail on his face, his honey warm skin, his fluffy hair that was covering his face, there was a mole right under his eyes. He looked absolutely beautiful. I fell asleep on the way back home from the ball, so I don’t know what happened.
I was getting hungry, so I nudged Kai in his head, he didn’t move, just kept sleeping.

I didn't realize how much of a heavy sleeper he was. When he didn't budge, I started poking his cheeks. He groaned picking his head up and looking at me sluggishly, “what’s wrong” he said with his deep sleepy voice, how can this man be hot without even trying. “I'm hungry” I said pouting.

He groaned again then started getting up, once he was up, he came over to me and picked me up bridal style.
He made his way downstairs and to the kitchen.

He sat me down on a stool and started cooking whatever he was making. His eyes still half closed, he took some vegetables from the fridge and started cutting them. “don’t cut yourself” I warned, “I won’t” he muttered.

After some time, he got a plate and filled it with pasta before setting it in front of me, he brought a tall glass filled with icy water. “Thank you, but you didn’t have to make so much,”

He grinned “I enjoy cooking, especially if it’s for you.” I took a bite of the pasta, and it was really good, he just sat there and watched as I ate the rest of the pasta.
After finishing the meal, I put my plate in the sink and walked towards the backyard. “Where are you going, it’s late, you should sleep,” said Kai “I know, but I'm not sleepy” I wined.

With a sigh Kai made his way towards me, I thought he was gonna join me but to my surprise he picked me up and put me over his shoulder. “What are you going put me down!” I yelped, “no, I'm sleepy so we’re going to sleep.” why did he need me to sleep, “why can’t you just sleep by yourself.” I huffed annoyed. He ignored me and continued his way to his room.

Once there he gently threw me on the bed and climbed on top burying his head in the crook of my neck, with a satisfied sigh he fell into slumber. I started playing with his hair but soon I too dozed off.

I woke up feeling cold, turning around I tried looking for Kai, but he wasn’t there, I huffed disappointed. “I'm still here” I turned my head to see him sitting next to the window on his laptop typing away. “Why aren’t you in bed, I'm cold,” he got up dragging a blanket with him and brought to me, he plopped it on top of me and sat back down on the sofa near the window. Rude.
I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


I woke up before Irene and decided to get some work done, I sat in my favorite spot and started working. Sometime later Irene woke up claiming she was cold, as much as I wanted to cuddle with her, I had a lot of work to do. She got up to shower and I decided I should go make breakfast.

I went downstairs to make breakfast, I could hear some loud talking in the living room, so I went there instead. “Is everything ok” I asked since it sounded like someone was fighting, Elisa and Vincent both stopped talking, there were unshed tears in Elisa’s eyes. “Vincent what did you do.” I asked glaring at him.

“Why does everyone always think I did something wrong. Did you ever think your sister was the problem!” he yelled the last part. “Vincent that enough, go take a walk.” I said knowing how bad his temper can get. he muttered angerly under his breath while leaving the room.

Walking up to Elisa I opened my arms, and she hugged me, “what happened.” I asked hugging her tight, normally I don’t like showing affection much, but she’s my sister so I guess I'll survive this once. “Me and Vincent just had a fight that all” I wasn’t convinced of that answer but let it go. “Come on I'll make you some food” she nodded her head, and we made our way to the kitchen.

I was cooking some pancakes, when Irene came downstairs, she sniffed the air taking in the smell of pancakes, “it smells good” she said coming into the kitchen. “Somethings got you in a good mood,” said Elisa.

I finished cooking and served them both the food, I put the leftovers in the fridge for Elliot he wakes up. We started eating and talking, when Elisa brought up the idea of going on vacation, “that sounds fun but where would we go” said Irene while stuffing her face with pancakes,

“we could go to some sort of beach house” I said out of nowhere, both of their faces lit up, I guess it’s decided then. I was planning our trip and picked one of my many beach houses to stay in.

I went into my office where I had called Vincent in prior so we could talk. He was already there when I walked in sitting comfortably on the chair facing my desk. I walked to my desk and sat down, “so what happened between you and Elisa, you guys were at each other's throat when I came downstairs.”

“Nothing we just got into a little fight it’s not serious we’ll figure it out, but what happened to investigating that guy that bombed our base the other week.” I sighed I've been so caught up with other things I forgot to send Elliot to investigate the guy. “I'll figure that out by tomorrow. now get out I have work to do.” He grumbled and left my office.

It was late at night so I decided I should head to bed.
One my way to bed I thought I heard something but couldn’t make out what it was, I was too tired to care so I just shrugged it off and went to my room.

These past couple of days Irene has been sleeping next to me, which I'm not complaining about, I find it cute she says it’s too cold in her room even though I make sure her room is the right temperature every night.
When I stepped inside the room, Irene was sleeping peacefully, I took a quick shower and changed into some sweatpants.

Irene was hugging the pillow next to her and snoring lightly, cute. I laid next to her and snuggled my head in the crook of her neck, she groaned and turned around wrapping her arms around my torso, “good night” she murmured. “Good night angel” I replied before falling asleep.


It was early in the morning, and I woke up hearing some noises. I looked around the dark room but didn’t see anything, it was raining lightly. So, I assumed the noise I heard was the rain not some serial killer trying to kill me. Kai had his head stuffed in between my neck and head.
I was playing with his hair and admiring his face, I would be lying if I said I don’t have feelings for him.

But maybe right now is not the best time to admit this. I was still staring at his face, he just looked so perfect, “it’s not polite to stare” he said making me jump in surprise. “I- I was not staring.” he just chuckled.

Leaning down he pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead, then my cheeks and continued down my neck. I shivered at the contact “So, what are we?” he asked, looking at me. “What do you mean what are we” I said trying to avoid the question, he waited a bit then smiled and shook his head, “never mind, don’t worry” smiling he leaned down and pecked my lips, then laid his head on my chest. And went right back to sleep.

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