Epilogue - 1 year later

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“I'm not ready for this. What if she says no, what if she thinks it’s too early.” I asked pacing around the room. ‘Kai, you’ll be fine she’s going to say yes, you're overthinking it.” Elliot was sitting on the couch waiting for the girls to get here.

“Am I though?” he nodded his head before chucking another popcorn into his mouth.

Just then a ding of a phone sounded, I rushed towards Elliot who was looking at the message. “they’re here.” He sprung from the couch and went to the front door.

I nervously went into the backyard and waited.


Me and Elisa have been going shop to shop looking for clothes, even though both of our closets are filled to the brim with them.

“Elisa it’s been 3 hours we’ve been looking around can we take a break.” I’m convinced if I had to walk another minute my legs would fall off. She rolled her eyes at me, “Fine but after that we’re going to another mall, this one barely has any good clothes.” I groaned but nodded.

We headed towards a small café, Elisa ordered a coffee, and I got some tea with a croissant.

We finished eating and went to Elisa’s car to drive to the next mall. “What should we do when we get home?” Elisa grinned before looking at me, “we might just chill, Kai has a day off so let's watch a movie.” I nodded my head agreeing. Kai has been really busy lately and we barely get to spend time together.

We got to the next mall and started looking around the shops.


I can barely contain my excitement. I can't wait for us to go home, I knew exactly what Kai was planning the moment he asked me to keep Irene busy today. I can't wait for her to be a part of the family, well she is but just officially.

We are looking around the mall for things to buy, it’s not often Kai gives me his credit card to buy anything I want, so when he does, I use it to my advantage.

We looked through at least 8 stores before I got a message from Elliot saying that everything is ready.


I can’t believe what's about to happen. Kai finally man up and decided to propose to Irene. He showed me the ring a couple of days ago when we were having lunch, it was a really pretty ring I think Irene will like it

 He showed me the ring a couple of days ago when we were having lunch, it was a really pretty ring I think Irene will like it

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(How the ring looks like)


’m currently heading towards our front door to greet the girls, Kai asked Elisa to distract Irene for the day so we could prepare things here. The whole backyard is filled with flower petals, lights, and a pathway leading to Kai. It's perfect.


We finally reached home after an hour-long ride, Elisa motioned for the guards to take the clothing inside. The front door opened revealing Elliot who had a huge grin on his face... now that I've been thinking everyone has been more smiley today. Weird.

We both walked up to the house, Elliot engulfed me into a hug before ushering me inside.

He dragged me down the hall to the dining room that was connected to a sliding door that led into the backyard, “why are we going to the backyard?” He ignored my question and turned me around, so I was facing him. “Alright close your eyes.” He grinned at me.

I looked at him suspiciously but nodded. We got to the base of the sliding door. “Alright are you ready.” I nodded my head.

I heard the sliding door open. Elliot counted to three and turned me around.

I gasped, not believing what I was seeing. The entire backyard was filled with different colored flowers, there was a flower petal path leading towards the gazebo and fairy lights hanging around the place. It looked so pretty.

Kai was standing there with a bouquet of flowers looking as handsome as ever. Theo was sitting down near a bush with a camera while Elisa started throwing petals as I walked down the path.

I finally got to Kai, he handed me the bouquet and held my hand bringing me up to the platform.


Here I'm standing in front of the women I love, and I'm scared shitless.

I took a deep breath before speaking. “Irene, I've spent my whole life being lonely and thinking I couldn’t be loved by anyone, that all changed when I met you. You showed me there’s reason to live and breathe every single day, you’re the best thing to happened to me, I promise I'll love you every day no matter how grumpy you are, I'll hold you while you cry or laugh, I'll always be right next to you no matter what.” By now Irene had a single tear falling down her cheeks.

I wiped her tear and got on one knee holding out the ring box. “Irene Russio, will you make the happiest man ever. Irene, will you marry me.” Irene was full on bawling by now. She dropped the bouquet and kneeled down to me.

“ye- yes” she said between sobs. I smiled through my tears and held her hand as I slid the ring on it, both of our hands were shaking at this point. She smiled and lunged herself on me hugging so tight I thought I would suffocate, but it didn’t matter, nothing did. Because at this moment, holding the person, I loved so much, everything felt right.


*Screaming and crying at the same time*

Can't believe the end of the story is already here, it took a whole year to write yet it was an incredible journey. I want to thank everyone who gave my story a try, I can't even express how much I appreciate it.

But the end has come.....for now 🤫

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