Chapter 5- New Beginnings

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    It was the Thursday of the first week of school.  Ziggy and Will were called to the office during second period to get news about Ridgeline.  "Mr. Katz and Mr. Byers, you have both been accepted to Ridgeline Community College for this semester.  You two need to fill out these class schedules and return them Monday so we can fax them to the college.  If you have any questions about classes call the number on the post-it note and you can talk to your academic advisors.  The classes in grey on the schedules are your required classes to graduate high school.  Also you need your parents or legal guardians to sign these release forms so you can attend Ridgeline.  They need to be back Monday also.  Congratulations, now return to class."

    "I know my dad will be happy to sign this"  Ziggy looked at Will.  "Is there something wrong Will, you seem lost in thought."

    "No, I am concerned that my mom will not sign off on this.  She would probably make me go to school here for Jane's benefit instead of my own."

    "If you don't go I can't go either.  Maybe we should talk to your mom tonight so we know if you can go."

    "I would like that.  You can come after our afternoon classes to my house and you could stay for dinner.  In the meantime we could find something to occupy ourselves with."

    "Yeah, I could try out that Casio DG-20 you say you have!"

    "Ok, but I was thinking about something a little more personal"  Will turned red.

    "Eew, get your mind out of the gutter, me playing for you is extremely personal Byers.  You get to see everything in my heart and mind poured out for you.  You just don't seem to appreciate it."  Ziggy teased Will.

    "It's hard to appreciate something that I never had a chance to witness.  As far as I know you are a hack."  Will tried to say with a straight face.

    "Take that back right now" Ziggy stared with a critical face to Will ready to challenge him.  "My music will make you feel things."  "Like nausea and heartburn."  "Fuck off Zombie boy."  Both boys laughed at each other and left their lockers to head to class.


    After their afternoon class Ziggy and Will went to Will's house in the Pinto.  "Is this death trap the car we are taking to college everyday.  I don't know if I want to die a fiery death before I turn 18."  "This is my favorite free car I have ever owned.  Don't worry my dear spoiled child, we had a steel shield applied around the gas tank so if we do get rear-ended the gas will be directed around the exhaust system instead of on it.  Now get the hell out of my car!"  Both boys arrived at the Hopper-Byers house.

    Ziggy and Will went up to Will's room and Ziggy began touching and playing with Will's guitars while Will grabbed his sketchbook and began drawing Ziggy; on the down low of course.  "Who the heck tuned this guitar?  It's so bad that it doesn't sound right, that and it is cheap crap"  Ziggy admonished Will on his acoustic guitar.

     "I think I did.  Anyway not all of us peons can afford top shelf instruments like you can."

    "You could at least learn to tune for cryingoutloud.  Instead of serenading your audience you will drive them to madness.  You are so lucky you have a great guy like me around to take care of you."

    "Yeah real lucky.  I have something you could take care of"  Will grabbed his crotch.  Will would of never acted like this 2 months ago but a month ago a wise-ass person told Will to embrace who you want to be and what you think right away if you meet someone new.  The worst that will happen is they will leave, the best is that they will lean more into you.  Dumb advice but it seems to work with Ziggy.

Forced to move (glad I did) Ziggy Katz X Will ByersWhere stories live. Discover now