Chapter 7 - Party

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Ziggy and Will went to the diner uptown for some lunch. When they reached the diner they ran into Bart.

Bartkowski stood by the door when he saw two familiar faces "Hi Will and Ziggy. What are you guys doing tonight?" "We were planning on renting a movie" Will said. "Why don't you guys come to Chase's party tonight. Don't worry most of the Juniors and Seniors will be there including your sister so you are definitely invited. He lives on Pine Avenue, you can't miss it. It starts at 9. Find me when you arrive, ok." "Thanks Bartkowski" Ziggy nodded at Bart.

"I wasn't expecting that to happen. That's the guy who took my spot as Mike Wheelers friend. I wonder what Bart is up to?"

"Probably nothing Will. Maybe he just wants to hang out with you. Not everybody is your enemy you know."

"Probably. Let's order and sit at that booth."

After their food arrived, Ziggy asked Will "who is this Mike Wheeler everybody seems to talk about?"

    "He is a guy that looks just like you for one thing, but you two have different personalities."

    "I realize that Will, tell me your history with him."  Will decided to tell Ziggy at the diner since nobody was seated around them so they had a sense of privacy.

    "Ok, it started when we were 5 years old. I was at the swingset alone when this boy came up and asked if I would be his friend. I said yes and we were really close friends. When my dad would get drunk and nasty I would go to his house to get away from dad. One time I stayed 4 nights in a row on a school week. He was sweet and protective when there were bullies, which always picked on me. We had a lot of interests in common and got along really well. This went on until I was 13 years old."

    Will tried to come up with an explanation that didn't mention the Upside Down. "When we were 13 my now step sister Jane moved to town when Hopper adopted her. Mike took an interest in her and during the summer of 85' he spent most of his time with her dating. I was ignored because our other friend Lucas Sinclair was dating Max Mayfield while I wasn't interested in dating at the time. I wanted to play Dungeons and Dragons with them that summer but they were more interested in their girlfriends. One time I got them to play D&D with me. I spent alot of time setting up a campaign but when we played one afternoon their hearts weren't in the game at all. Mike found an easy way to end the campaign so he took it. I realized at that moment my dream of hanging out with my friends that summer was over. When I was leaving Mike confronted me about leaving his house because it was raining hard. I wanted to leave and he told me I had a cool campaign but he wasn't into playing it. I got angry and told him he was runing everything so he could kiss girls. He blew up at me and told me that it was dumb to think we were going to spend all summer playing games in his basement. He told me other things which translated into grow up like the rest of us are. I went home and destroyed my playhouse/shelter called Castle Byers with a baseball bat I was so angry.  I just wanted to enjoy some time with my friends"  Will with glistening eyes and a wobbly voice almost whispered the last part out.

    "What a douchebag."  Ziggy was angry and also saddened by what  Mike did to Will, especially with the events Will told about his dad and being kidnapped.  Ziggy always remembered his mom saying that people recovering from traumatic events needed time, a sense of purpose and normalcy to rebuild their lives.  Playing this D&D game for Will was probably helping him recover and feel normal and was cruelly ripped away from him.  Ziggy squeezed Will's shoulder than said "Will, when I was 13 I had a couple of friends, actually more like acquaintances, that I hung around with.  We used to do things like play games and hung out toegheter watching movies and exploring town.  One of these friends, Turner, gotten a girlfriend and quit hanging out all toegheter.  Him leaving caused my other friend Oliver to find new people to hang around with.  I was left all alone and was lonely that summer so I really dug into my music and started to play at the parks and other public spaces.  Having people watch me and throw some money in my coffee can helped me cope and made me feel better about the situation.  I wasn't interested in a relationship at that age either so I understand being abandoned.  Did you spend more of your time drawing and painting to help you feel better about things?" 

Forced to move (glad I did) Ziggy Katz X Will ByersWhere stories live. Discover now