Chapter 11 - Evelyn's Little Ally

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Ziggy woke up on Tuesday morning to get ready for college. The dream he had last night of performing in front of a couple thousand people while they cheered for more made his heart swell up. He would love to have a platform like that to share his music with people, but it isn't possible without having a music label involved. If there was a public access TV station nearby he could play on there to get his music out and get exposure to more potential fans and bypass the labels, but that is a dream. For now he has to play festivals and any open mic nights he can find in semi-rural Indiana.

Ziggy got dressed and went downstairs for a bowl of cereal before Will picked him up. When he was at the table his mom found him.

'I think you should invite Will over tonight for dinner at 6 if he wants to come. He can stay overnight too."

"You're not going to jump him about something from his past this time. I don't want you to make him feel uncomfortable."

"No Ziggy, I just want to visit with him."

"Ok Mom I will tell him." Ziggy was kind of worried what ambush Will will be exposed to.

Ziggy looked out and saw Will waiting.


"Hey Ziggy, are you ready for the Chemistry test today? I know I had a hard time studying last night." Since the anniversary on Sunday, Will couldn't concentrate on any school work this weekend and barely could study last night. He hoped he could drag at least a B out of this test.

"Yeah I got to study a little bit. My mom kept wanting to talk about the election last night. She was worked up about some poll on the news that said Bush was ahead of Dukakis. She said this country needs new leadership that will address issues affecting people in this country or something. I'm not very interested in that stuff but she keeps telling me about it. I am glad the election is today so I wouldn't have to hear it anymore."

"I am glad my Mom doesn't vote so I don't have to listen to that stuff. I can't see why anyone cares about that stuff in the first place." Will thought about Ted Wheeler and how Mike used to complain about his dad dragging on every group that didn't meet his worldview. Ted showed more interest in that stuff then his family members. He was glad his Mom wasn't like that.

"Can we switch Moms, Will? You can go to protest marches and champion lost causes. You can be her ally while I can enjoy normalcy at your house."

"No thanks I have enough issues to deal with."

"Oh by the way, Mom invites you over tonight for dinner. She said you can also stay overnight. Please do stay overnight so I don't have to hear her talk about the election." Ziggy had plans tonight that included Will.

"Ok, I will have to talk to my Mom first." Will is wondering what Ziggy's mom is up to.


Ziggy and Will were at lunch. Ziggy thought he did ok on the chemistry test but will find out his grade on Thursday. They sat with Jason Clinton, a acquaintance they met 2 months ago. Will was eating a chicken salad sandwich while Ziggy was eating fries and chicken nuggets. They were listening to Jason tell about his hometown's popcorn festival this weekend.

"You guys should come, we have a great parade. We also have an area at the park where people bring food trailers and stands, and there are live entertainers performing different things like music and mini-plays and stuff. We also have a flea market. At night there is a street dance with live music." Jason rambled on about the festival.

Forced to move (glad I did) Ziggy Katz X Will ByersWhere stories live. Discover now