Chapter 10 - Interlude

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Wednesday March 30 1988 - 4:30 AM

Hawkins Indiana

Will woke up from his sleep to the voice of Vecna telling him to join him for the final showdown which will happen soon.  Will gotten only 3 hours of sleep due to thinking about the argument yesterday with Mike.  This argument may of been the nail in the coffin for their friendship.  Will knew there were risks opening up to his best friend and telling him his thoughts, but Will didn't think it would of blown up like it did.  Will knew the end was coming so he wanted Mike to know how he felt about him before one of them died. It was stupid after the fact but felt nessasary at the time. For now he has to put it behind him so he can concentrate on Vecna today before he attacks sometime soon.

Will knows there's limited time left for Hawkins until the attack and he kept the Party advised for the last 2 days of what Vecna was planning to do.  Vecna is
strong enough now to make an assult on Hawkins with his democreature army.  The extended Party kept Will out of the major planning of the attack against Vecna due to his true sight.  They didn't trust Will due to his connection to the Upside Down and Vecna.  They thought he unwittingly would be a spy and his connection would send their plans back to Vecna without Will realizing it. 

To keep the element of surprise, Will stayed at the cabin all the time while the rest of the crew stayed in town at their respective houses with only Jonathan and Nancy staying at the cabin at night to watch Will and to grill him on the latest plans from Vecna.  Will didn't like being kept out of the loop and felt used and worthless to them.  This Spring break sucked and he was looking forward to going back to Portland when he got the opportunity.  If they wouldn't let him go back, Will had a plan B he made with Aunt Laura to allow him to go back.

He only had the Supercom to selectively communicate with the Party and when he had an idea he would tell over the radio.  The extended Party and even his Mom and Hopper shot down any of his suggestions and at the end told him he was wasting their time.  Will stopped suggesting anything starting yesterday and was suppose to talk only when they had a question about what was going on in the Upside Down.  That is why he had his Supercom on. 

Nancy and Jonathan were in Jane's old bedroom while Will slept on a cot in the common area.

Will knew since 1986 when the gates were opened Vecna's plan to take out the world.  Once he arrived in Hawkins, Henry tried to recruit him.   Will knew he was essential to this plan and would be used to further it or he would have to forfeit his life to stop it.  Will would be the power source and creative force behind rebuilding the new world.  Will wondered how he would do this since he was a just an unremarkable 17 year old boy.  He didn't manifest any powers until 2 days ago.

Henry (Vecna) tried to appeal to Will by appearing as his human self in visions Will was getting steadily since he first arrived in Hawkins.  He told Will his friends and family were just using him like a radar set (argument deemed correct by them yesterday by them ignoring his contributions to their plan) and that he was only tolerated due to his connection to the Upside Down.  He also told him they will isolate him and kill him as a last ditch effort if their plans fail to disrupt Henry's takeover.  Will doesn't believe they would harm him but Henry was right on a couple of things.  Will gets a weird feeling from both Jonathan and Nancy.  Every time he looks at them they look back with guilty and pitying looks.  Could they be planning his death?

On his days at the cabin Will would go walking during the day to relieve boredom.  Two days ago when he was in the woods he was approached by Henry in his mind.  Henry told Will to look at the pine tree in front of him.  He told Will to the concentrate on the tree and to use his electromagnetic field to feel the tree's energy field.  Henry explained to Will how to use his electromagnetic field to reach around an object's field no matter how weak and when you feel it to disrupt it.  The key was using your feelings to amplify the energy by using memories, bad memories is what Henry said to use.  The bad memories harnessed the energy and caused the disruption wave.

Forced to move (glad I did) Ziggy Katz X Will ByersWhere stories live. Discover now