Chapter 17 - Spring has Sprung

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Will and Ziggy enjoyed themselves the last few weeks.  They were having fun enjoying each other's  company.  College was going well and Ziggy was teaching Will more of his music to play on the guitar.  Mike and Jane spent more time at the Wheeler's house so Ziggy and Will could make out and other things without Hopper coming up the stairs to check out what is going on as often as he did with Mike and Jane. 

"Will, did you hear from Steve and Robin lately?"  Ziggy was curious.

"No, not for a couple weeks Ziggy." 

"I called Steve last night, they are getting close to a contract.  Right now they are playing at a couple clubs during the week while he works part time at a convience store.  I guess Robin got a part-time gig with a local community newspaper.  She wrote a couple submitted stories and does research with the newspaper.  After college is over next week I think we should go visit them and your friends."  Ziggy wrapped his arm around Will.  He felt that Will was tense.  "What is wrong Will?  You seem like you are preoccupied."  Ziggy held a worried look on his face. 

"Ziggy, please don't get mad.  Are you planning on moving to Portland this summer?  You seem so interested in what is going on there.  I just need to know Ziggy."  Will looked at Ziggy with a sad look on his face.  Ziggy was panicking inside knowing that Will was onto him.  Ziggy wanted to take part in the scene but he also loves Will and doesn't want to ever hurt him.  He knows a conversation has to happen but doesn't know how to broach the subject.

"I am interested in what is going on in Portland.  I am planning to visit Steve and Robin after college is out.  You are coming with me when I go though.  I need you to be with me when we visit.  Just say yes Will."  Ziggy was flashing his best smile to Will. 

Will knew Ziggy wasn't going to tell him until he was ready.  Somehow Ziggy is a lot like his doppelganger in that he will keep things from you until he drops them onto you.  Will knows that Ziggy is conflicted between his music and his relationship with him.  Will sees how Ziggy's eyes get when he is talking about or playing music.  The same eyes as when he gets intimate with Will.  Will is worried that Ziggy will leave him for the chance at fame and fortune.  That Will isn't enough for Ziggy after offering him everything in recent history.  If Ziggy leaving happens, Will is worried that he will just be a footnote in Ziggy's life.  Will doesn't dare push Ziggy anymore in this moment, he will have to wait to either confront or react to Ziggy's news.

"Yes, I want to go with you Ziggy.  Did you ever plan anything yet?  If not, I could help."  Will would like to go back to visit Steve, Robin and his friends.

"Actually, we are leaving on the 12th which is next Friday.  I am driving this time since Mom and Dad just bought me a car.  I plan to stay for a week.  This time we are going to have some quality alone time; just the two of us."  Ziggy wiggled his eyebrows at Will.  Ziggy was frustrated that Will was always bothered or interrupted by his friends and family.  This meant Ziggy didn't get to be intimate with Will as much as he craved, which if he was honest, would be every other day.  Ziggy was happy Will took the reins once in a while in his snarky and sassy way, but Will was the most  happy playing Ziggy's #1 groupie.  Will loved feeding Ziggy's ego but wasn't a total pushover like most are in that situation.  Ziggy loves picking Will's brain for potential song lyrics since he is understanding music better.  Will is humble when he says he knows almost nothing about music, but Ziggy knows he isn't totally dumb on the subject, especially since he is taught by someone who knows.  Ziggy finds Will to be helpful, cool and loving in his eyes.  People shit on Will, but Ziggy finds Will to be one of a handful of people worthy of Ziggy's full attention because he is special and unique to him.  Ziggy cupped the sides of Will's face and gave him a kiss, which led into 3 more deep kisses.  After Will pulled away, Ziggy went home to think about the future and how Will fit in it.

Forced to move (glad I did) Ziggy Katz X Will ByersWhere stories live. Discover now