Chapter One

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As I lay back in the tub with a tear stained face I begin to wonder where everything went wrong. We were happy, we were in love. I thought we were soulmates... boy was I wrong. The same man that says that he loves me is the same man that constantly abuses me. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. Tonight he was on one of his rampages. It ended with me balled up in the corner begging him to stop. After a while... he did and he left. He hasn't been back since. After what seemed like forever I finally got enough strength to get off the floor, and I limped into the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I didn't recognize this woman. She was beaten and battered. I limped over to the tub and ran me a hot bath. This became a routine for me. As I'm trying to get my body to relax, I hear my phone ringing. It eventually stopped, and I was able to relax. After an hour or so I got out and began to dry off. I then oiled my body, put on my robe, and made my way to my side of the bed. I just wanted to sleep the pain away. As I'm laying down my phone begins to ring again. This time I'm able to pick up....

Fatima- *softly* hello..

Danni- Tima, are you okay??

Angela- yeah T, we saw you and Ian arguing before y'all left.

Fatima- *holding back tears* everything is fine. I just got out the tub, and he's out and about. I'm just going to relax and get some rest.

Angela- T, please... don't lie to us. What happened?

Fatima- nothing happened.. *voice cracking* I'm fine I promise.

Danni- Fatima you are lying!! You're lying to cover his ass like always! I'm coming over right now, Ang do you want me to pick you up??

Angela- yeah D, I'm about to get dres...

Fatima- *cuts them off* no please okay.. I just want to rest tonight. I promise we can meet up tomorrow for lunch.

Danni- don't bullshit me Fatima, we better see you tomorrow. I mean it!!!

Fatima- Dani, I promise. *softly crying* I just want to get some rest please. My body hurts.

Angela- we love you and we only want what's best for you. You know that.

Fatima- yeah *sniffling* I do

Danni- *fighting back her own tears* just get some rest and we will see you tomorrow afternoon. We love you girl.

Fatima- I love y'all too, see you guys tomorrow.

After that, Fatima hung up the phone.

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