Chapter Thirteen

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Fatima came and sat beside Zac, and laid her head in his lap. She looked up at him, and he couldn't help but smile.

Zac- you are so damn gorgeous *he said as he stroked her hair*

Fatima looked away. She was so use to being tore down by the man she loved, but Zac was different. She didn't know how to accept it especially in the state that she was in. While she was lost in her thoughts Zac called out to her

Zac-look at me gorgeous..

Fatima- Zac stop, please..

Zac- stop what??

Fatima- I'm not gorgeous, I'm not beautiful.. look at me.. look at my face.. don't act like you don't see it. You don't have to lie to me.

Zac- T, that's physical characteristics, and although I appreciate them they don't excite me.

Fatima- see you don't even care for em. Look can we just go to bed I'm...

Before she could get another word out Zac crashed his lips into hers. They kissed for a bit before Zac tried to pull back. When he did she grabbed his face, and bit his lip. Zac had to grab her neck before he lost all control.

Zac- don't start shit you can't handle, you hear me?

Fatima- yes.

Zac- yes what?

Fatima- *smirking* yes daddy.

Zac- now back to what I saying before you went left. What I meant when I said that is your beauty shines from within. *looks into her eyes* You are so much more than your looks, your body, and that ass. You have a such a pure soul, and genuine heart. The way you care about others,and the way you're always giving. That's what makes you beautiful babe.

Fatima- Zac...

Zac- I'm serious. Why do you think I call you butterfly? You have so much beauty that can't wait to be released from within, but you've dimmed your light trying to be the perfect woman for a man who doesn't care about you. Those days are over. When we get together I don't want you to forget about you T. I can't have you pouring from an empty cup. Now I'm not saying that I want you to be perfect. Whenever you lack I got you. I'll be there to hold you up. What I'm saying is I don't want you to lose yourself in me, and us. Especially when we have kids.

Fatima- *softly* papa, what if I can't carry anymore?

Zac- shit adoption or surrogacy. It doesn't matter long as I'm with you I don't care.

Fatima- you're just saying that...

Zac- no, I'm not.. I mean it. Look we can do whatever you want to do.

Fatima- I appreciate that but your feelings matter too Zac.

Zac- listen to me. I thank you for considering my feelings but I want you, and nothing can make me change my mind.

Fatima- okay...

While Zac and Fatima were engaging in their conversation Danni and Preston were having one of their own. He had asked her about the vacation, and she immediately said yes like he knew she would. Danni's phone began to ring. It was Angela.

Danni- hold on cowboy, I gotta get this. *answer the phone* hey Ang wassup?

Angela- hey girl.. how's everything going?

Danni- everything is good actually. How's the trip? Tired of fucking yet?

Angela- Danni stop! *she said while laughing* anyways how's Tima? I called and she hasn't been answering. She must be back with Ian.

Danni- nope, she's actually here with Zac.

Angela- with Zac??! For what?

Danni- you know for what. Don't act like you didn't know they had a thing for each other.

Angela- I don't think that's a good idea D. I feel like he's taking advantage of her because of the state she's in. Besides everybody knows her and Ian belong together. He actually reach out to me, and explained everything. I think he's really sorry this time.

Danni- chill with that bullshit before you piss me. She's happy and she's okay. Zac has been a complete gentleman. I don't really like you speaking on him like that either after you damn near threw yourself on him that night. Let's not be bitter because he refused to take it there.

Angela- girl I'm not bitter about that shit. That's in the past.

Danni- it just happened four months.

Angela- look I'm just saying we know how Tima and Ian can be. We know she's going right back. It's just a matter of time tbh.

Danni- that's my cue to hang up this fucking phone before I go tf off. Bye Angela *she said as she hung up the phone* I can't believe this bitch..

Preston- what babe?

Danni- oh nothing, I just gotta watch Angela.

Preston just shakes his head. He already knew what that meant.

Preston- don't worry.. if he shows up here he's a dead man.

Switches to Angela's POV:

She decided that she had to call Ian to let him know that she had found Fatima. She double checked to make sure that Jake was still sleeping, and proceeded to make her way to the balcony. She pulled his number up, and hit the green button. After about 3 rings he picked up.

Angela- hey, you busy?

Ian- never too busy for you baby, wassup? You bored without me?

Angela- yes, I'm tired of this shit.. that's a topic for another conversation though. I found your girl.

Ian- where is she?

Angela- she's at Danni's with that nigga Zac.

Ian- Zac who?? Zac Taylor?? That nigga who almost raped you??

Angela- *putting up a fake ass front* yes baby him.

Ian- ima head over there right now. What's their address? I'm going to get Fatima.

Angela- no no no baby wait til I get home. I want to see you whoop his ass.

Ian- how many more days Angela?

Angela- 2 that's it. Soon as I land I'll go home and change then we can head there.

Ian- alright, I'll wait, but if you not here after those two days I'm not holding out any longer.

Angela- deal, look I gotta go before he wakes up. We love you daddy.

Ian- I love y'all too. Send me the ultrasound pictures.

Angela- okay bye.

After that phone call Ian was fuming. He couldn't believe that Zac Taylor had his girl.

Ian- *thinking to himself* yeahhh, ima make her kill him, and ima kill her. Fucking play with me.

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