Chapter Seven

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The girls are sitting on the couch talking as they wait for the men to come back with lunch.

Danni- *smirking* so are we going to talk about what that was earlier with Mr. Taylor?

Fatima- what was what D? *smiling* I didn't do anything.

Danni- cut the shit, I thought you didn't like Zac. At least that's what you told me years ago.

Fatima- you know why I did that Danni.

Danni- no I don't. What I do remember is both of y'all being scared to act on your feelings? Then you friend zoned him for that bastard

Fatima- D, don't do that okay?

Danni- okay okay, but can I ask you something and you be completely honest? Like no judgement at all.

Fatima nods her head.

Danni- seeing Zac after all these years.. did that rekindle anything or make you feel anything? Tima let's be real, he was almost your first time. You know that's the one secret we've always kept. Preston doesn't even know. Zac never told him.

Fatima- *smiling* I know that D, but I don't think that's he is interested in me. I mean look at me. Look at my face, look at my body. Hell look at the baggage that I'm carrying. He can't handle that.

Danni- do you ever think about that night? You never told me what happened.


Fatima, Danni, and Angela were bffs throughout grade school. During their summer break Danni started dating Preston. Preston had two bestfriends Zac and Jake. They would all hang out as a friend group. Eventually Jake and Angela started dating. That left Fatima and Zac third-wheeling. They became extremely close during this time. They were inseparable. Everyone thought they were dating but they always said they were just bestfriends. One weekend Fatima's grandmother was away visiting family, and Zac came over to keep her company. This had become their thing. He called to make sure she didn't need anything from the store.

Zac- are you positive you don't need anything from the store T? Because when I make it I'm not leaving back out.

Fatima- I'm sure boy. Hurry up it's getting late.

Zac- okay, I'll be there in 15. See you then butterfly.

Fatima- *smiling* okay papa.

Zac ended up getting all of her favorites snacks and headed that way. 20 mins he makes it. After a couple knocks she opened the door.

Zac- hey, I got your favorites T. *he says walking in and closing the door*

Fatima- thanks papa, I appreciate it. You can go ahead and shower. I'll be down here waiting with the snacks. Remember i get to pick tonight.

Zac- yeah, you do.. make sure it's scary though *he said as he heads up stairs to take his shower*

An hour and a half has gone by and they're watching Nightmare on Elm Street. Zac wanted tonight to be the night that he was going to let Fatima know how he felt about her, but he ultimately decided against it. Instead they just watched the movie until Fatima scooted closer to Zac.

Fatima- thanks for coming to stay with me, it means a lot. *she says she wraps her arm around him*

Zac-*wraps his arm around her* you know it's all good. The movie is almost over what do you wana do nex...

Zac was cut off by Fatima crashing her lips into his. What started out as a simple peck turned into full blown makeout session in which Zac ended up on top of Fatima. Clothes began to come off which left them in just their bare skin.

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