Chapter Eight

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Zac- why you didn't you tell me? I would've understood.

Fatima- Zac no.

Zac- no what?

Fatima- no, you wouldn't have. I chose him over you, and I broke your heart. Now I'm paying for it.

Zac- don't say that.

Fatima- Zac it's true. I did that to you thinking I was making the best decision for me, and in actuality I was hurting myself. *voice breaking* I want you to know that I'm so sorry. I never intended on you finding out that way, I promise.

Zac- *gently wiping her tears* T, I forgive you. I been forgave you. I just hated to lose my bestfriend in the process. I would've understood. I would've respected your boundaries. I would've done anything I had to do to keep you in my life.

Fatima- I didn't deserve you then, and I sure as hell don't deserve you now. I just was stupid. So stupid.

Zac- can I touch you?

Fatima nods her head yes, and Zac proceeds to wraps his arms around her pulling her in a tight hug while kissing her forehead.

Zac- you weren't stupid, you just did what you thought was best at the time based off the lies he was feeding you. You don't have to worry about him though. Ima see him, and when I do his ass is mine.

Fatima jumps up.

Fatima- Zac please don't hurt him okay? Promise me you won't hurt him.

Zac is looking at her crazy.

Zac- T, I'm not promising shit, but I will say I won't lay a finger on him unless he comes here on some disrespectful type shit, or if he starts fucking with me. You already know how I get down.

Fatima- I hear you.

Zac- how long has he been beating on you?

Fatima- since college. He started cheating and I found out. I threatened to leave him. We got into a huge argument, and before I knew it he slapped me. He's done any and every thing you can think of to me. I can't tell you how many nights he came home cross faded and forced himself on me. If I screamed or cried it only made it worse..

Zac- *pissed* that motherfucker raped you???

Fatima- it's not rape, I'm his woman and I'm suppose to be ab...


Fatima- *tries to rub his face* Zac calm down please.

Zac- fuck that, no!!

Fatima- *turns his face to hers* papa please!!

Zac is stunned to hear her call him that. After all these years it still had the same effect.

Zac- don't do that T.

Fatima- well, can I finish please?

Zac- I'm sorry. Go ahead.

Fatima- I woke up so many days not being able to recognize myself in the mirror. I lost life because of him.. twice. The first time he stressed out me out to the point to where I miscarried. The second time was way worse though. I thought he would be happy, you know. I was at least. I was wrong though. He beat me when I told I wasn't getting an abortion. While I was bleeding I asked him to take me to the hospital. He looked me dead in my face and told me he'd rather me bleed out than to have the baby. *voice cracking* my babies didn't deserve that. They never even had a chance. *she says as she breaks down*

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