Chapter Three

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Fatima pulls up to Angela's house, trying to put on a brave face. As she walks to the door, she's tempted to turn around and go home. She knows how her girls can get about her, especially Danni. After a few deep breaths she finally knocks on the door.

Angela- *opens the door* bout time you made it. Danni was bout to pull up on you. *she goes in for a hug and Fatima winces at the slightest touch*

She stares at Fatima with tears in her eyes.

Angela- what did he do to you T? Did he hurt you again?

Fatima- No Ang *holding back tears* I'm fine.. I just ran into the door, and I'm still a little sore.

Danni- *walks up to them* you a damn lie, you ain't run into no door Fatima. Is he putting his hands on you again?

Fatima doesn't answer. She just stands there with tears in her eyes.

Danni- *grabs Fatima by the hand* come on, let's go the bathroom. Angela get the makeup wipes.

As the girls make their way to the bathroom Fatima begins to pull away.

Fatima- D, I'm fine! We don't need to do this *she says as the walk in the bathroom*

Danni- Fatima!! Be fucking forreal. He beating on you again!!! I know it. Angela?! Hurry the fuck up!!!

Angela finally makes it to the bathroom with the wipes. Danni takes a couple out of the pack.

Danni- either you take it off or I will.

Fatima grabs a wipe. She is hesitant at first, but she eventually begins to wipe away all of the makeup. When the girls see her face they immediately cling to her as she breaks down.

Fatima- *crying uncontrollably* I tried to stop him. I promise I did! He got mad because some dude was trying to talk to me. He didn't even wait until we were out of the car before he started whooping my ass. After the first couple licks in the car, he came around to my side and drugged me from the garage to our room. Once we made it there he didn't stop. I begged him over and over again to stop. I guess when he realized what he did he left, leaving me balled up in a corner crying my eyes out. I don't know how long it took me to get off of the floor. My whole body hurts.. my heart hurts. How can he love me, but he treats me like shit?!

Danni- Tima, that's not love. You can't go back. He won't stop until he kills you. I know his type baby. He won't stop

Angela- she's right T. He's going to hurt you or worse and we can't have that. We love you too much.

Fatima- *still crying* Ian is all that I've known since my grandma died. He loves me, I know he does.. I just have to stop provoking him that's all.

The girls look at her and shake their heads.

Danni- baby listen to me. Let this go. Come stay with one of us. You don't have to go back. Please don't go back *grabbing Fatima's hands* please..

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