Chapter Fourteen

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Back in Danni and Preston's room.

Preston- babe just calm down, you know we're already two steps ahead of them. I'll reach out to my brother, and I'll tell Zac to reach out to his.

Danni- I know babe. I'm just pissed. What reason does she have to possibly betray Fatima? Shit she was there for her through everything.

Preston- I told you it'll be fine. I'll kill behind Tima and I know Zac will too. We'll be okay babe. Trust me.

Danni- okay okay I hear you. I'll try to relax baby, but I can't keep this from her. I have to tell her.

Preston- I figured that much. I will talk to Zac too. We need to prep them on what's about to go down.

Danni- I think that's a good idea.

Preston- now can you come lay down.

Danni- *climbs on the bed* can you hold me?

Preston- come here *he said while opening his arms*

Danni- Preston I'm trying to stay calm, I promise I am.. I just feel like that bitch gone try us.

Preston- just relax and we will deal with it in the morning.

Danni- fine *she said as she got comfortable in her husband's arms.

Over in the next room, Zac and Fatima were just about ready for bed. Zac is up closing the blinds that Fatima opened earlier. While closing then he noticed a car park across from the house. He made a mental note of it, and went on about his night. He laid down waiting for Fatima to join him. As he got comfortable in the bed she walked out the bathroom.

Zac- you look good in my button down.

Fatima- *posing for him* yeahhhh I know huh

Zac- *smiling* get in the bed.

Fatima climbs into the bed, getting under him. She traced his chest with her fingers while he stroked her hair.

Fatima- Zac.. thank you for what you said earlier. I didn't know how bad I needed to hear that.

Zac- it's no problem baby.

Fatima- I know he's going to come looking for me soon.

Zac- hey hey don't you worry about that or him... I got you.

Fatima- I don't want you to get hurt babe.

Zac- and I'm not. Let's be fr T. Ian ain't bout shit. He know who to fuck with. I don't do all the hype shit. I handle my business then I'm done... simple.

Fatima- just promise me you'll be safe.

Zac- I promise baby.

For the rest of the night they laid up enjoying each other's presence until they both eventually dozed off. The following morning Zac was up prepping for meetings while Fatima slept. He kissed her on his forehead and headed downstairs. He decided to go make some coffee before getting started. As he walked pass the kitchen window he notices that the car is still there. Just as he was making another mental note Preston joined him in the kitchen..

Preston- good morning.

Zac- morning bro.

Preston- say man, we need to talk.

Zac- wassup? Everything good?

Preston- it will be.

Zac takes a seat at the island, and Preston joins him. Judging by the look on his face Zac already knew what was up.

Zac- lemme guess.. it's some bullshit about Ian ain't it?

Preston- yeah man.

Zac- ain't nobody worried about him. You know how I get down. I can call Mike and you can call Alex. We will just use their help when it comes down to disposing the evidence. Does Alex still run that cleaning service?

Preston- yeah he does.. I'll make sure he brings the team with him.

Mike and Alex were Zac and Preston's little brothers. Although they were businessmen they didn't mind getting a little messy. Especially when it came down to family.

Zac- btw bro.. it's a car sitting across the street. Been there since last night. You think that's him?

Preston- can't be. He doesn't know where we live unless...

Zac- unless what?

Preston- unless Angela gave him the address.

Zac- she still mad about that shit?

Preston- she said she isn't, but a lie ain't nothing for a female like her to tell. I'll keep an eye on that car though.

Zac- alright bro well ima go ahead and get busy... we'll talk after work.

Preston- that's a bet.

The men went on with their work day. The women eventually got up. Danni wanted to go out and get groceries, but Preston wasn't allowing so she ordered a grocery delivery. Every now and then they would check to see if the car was still there which it was. They decided to let Danni know, but they didn't want to tell Fatima. They didn't want her worrying. As the day went on, the women cooked and they ended up having dinner together. After dinner and cleaning up, everyone went to their rooms. Fatima and Zac ended up showering together. As she was doing her night routine Zac glanced out the window. He wanted Ian to know that he knows it's him. After she finished up they laid down, and discuss their day. Zac much more than Fatima. She wanted to get something off her chest.

Fatima- babe, I have something to tell you..

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