Chapter Eleven

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The next morning rolled around, and the house was quiet. Zac woke up before Fatima. He found himself staring at her, memorized by her beauty. He was at perfect peace. He had his lady, and he wasn't letting her go anytime soon. Even though what's understood doesn't have to be explain Zac couldn't wait to ask Fatima to officially be his girlfriend. He wanted to take her on a couples trip with Danni and Preston. He decided that he would run it by Preston when they could get some alone time. He figured she could use a change of scenery, away from all the bullshit. He noticed that Fatima was beginning to move around in her sleep. He started to gently rub her back letting her know that she was okay and he was right there. As he was rubbing her, he couldn't help but imagine their life together. Them being engaged.. their wedding and honeymoon... Fatima carrying his kids.. He finally had a chance at true happiness and he couldn't help but to thank God for this opportunity... this moment. An hour went by before Fatima actually woke up. Zac, who was still in his thoughts, didn't notice she was up. When he looked down she saw her staring at him.

Zac- well goodmorning gorgeous

Fatima- goodmorning papa

Zac- did you sleep good?

Fatima- *smiling* you know I did.

Zac- *returning the smile* Did I have something to do with that?

Fatima- wellll i think you did Mr. Taylor.

Zac- *looking in her eyes* I can't wait to make you Mrs. Taylor.

Fatima instantly looked away. Zac's words took Fatima by surprise. She knew Zac loved her, but being his wife was something that she wasn't expecting him to say so soon. Yeah, she has thought about it, but the title alone scares her. The last time a man asked her to be his wife he nearly killed her. He thought of her as his property that he could use and abuse in any way he wanted too. She knew he wasn't Ian, but she couldn't help her emotions. Zac sensed Fatima shutting down, and he decided to dead that shit right then.

Zac- baby listen to me, I'm not him.. I told you that we could go as slow as you wanted to go. I meant that. I don't want to rush this. I wana court you.. make your my girlfriend, then my fiancé, and finally my wife. I wana get to know you all over again. We aren't those teenagers anymore. I won't hurt you. I'm not saying everyday will be perfect, but I'll do my best to make sure that I'm being the best version of myself for you. I just wana love you. You deserve that much. You deserve peace and happiness. I want to provide that for you. I'm not trying to cause you any pain babe. Just let me lead, and you follow. I promise you won't regret it.

Fatima took in every single word he said. Anytime that man spoke she wondered why she chose Ian over him. She never thought she would ever experience something like this. A man who isn't afraid to love his woman out loud. A man who isn't scared to express his feelings. A man who has created a safe space for her to open and vulnerable. She decided to just let go, and see where this journey would lead her. She looked up at Zac.

Fatima- Zac... I'm trusting you with all of me... my body, soul, and spirit. Don't cause any more damage. I can't take it. I won't take it.

Zac- you don't have to worry about that. I got you, and I got us. Okay?

Fatima- okay *leans in to kiss him*

Zac- aht aht, I love you and all but hit that toothpaste and toothbrush for me *he said while laughing*

Fatima- ohhhh so it's like that? Fine then *laughing* I thought you weren't going to hurt my feelings. *she said while getting out of bed*

Zac- oh hush, what do you wana do today? Got any ideas?

Fatima- *walking to the bathroom* can I spend the day with you? I've been enjoying making up for lost time. If you can't though I understand.

Zac- *joins her in the bathroom* nothing would make me happier. I have a question for you mama.

Fatima- *brushing her teeth* shoot!

Zac- how do you feel about going on a trip with me? Just to get away from everything?

Fatima finished brushing her teeth, and she hadn't given him an answer yet. He can tell she was a bit skeptical about it.

Fatima- I uhhhh. I don't know about that babe.

Zac- you have no reason to be scared. To make you feel better I'll invite D and Preston as well as Ang and Jake whenever they asses make it back in town. I just want to get you away from this, and take you somewhere to truly relax you know? We can go wherever you want to go.

She still has yet to answer. Zac decided that he was going to leave the idea alone until she spoke.

Fatima- *softly* near the water...

Zac- *walks up behind her* what did you say?

Fatima- I'm most relaxed when I'm near or in water. Can we go somewhere that's near or surround by water?

Zac- yeah, I'll get on it asap. Why water though babe?

Fatima- it gives me a sense of calmness. It's still and peaceful. Nothing else matters when I'm there.

Zac- gotcha, well water it is babe *he said while wrapping his arms around her*

Fatima- thank you...

Zac- for what? I haven't even gotten started yet.

Fatima- everything... you literally just came back into my life, and you're doing everything I've been wanting him to do.

Zac- *turns her around* can I ask you something?

Fatima- yeah.

Zac- are you still in love with him? I understand that you probably still love him, but being in love and just loving somebody is two different things.

Fatima- honestly, I fell out of love with him a long time ago.

Zac- then why did you stay?

Fatima- Zac it's complicated..

Zac- but you can talk to me. You know that. No judgement zone whatsoever.

Fatima- he was all that I knew since high school. He gave me a comfortable life. I dropped out of law school to take care of the house, and help him run the business. I didn't want to throw that all away.

Zac- but at what cost, T? Your life?

Fatima- you don't get it.

Zac- nah, I do. He crippled you. He made you believe that you couldn't live without him. I'm pretty sure he talked you into dropping out.

Fatima- Zac..

Zac- no T. I know dudes like him. Is that what he did to you?

Fatima- *drops her head* yes

Zac- this nigga just keep on putting nails in his own coffin.

Fatima- Zac I'm not gone lie to you. I still do love him but I am not in love with him. You have to believe me.

Zac- can you see yourself going back to him?

Fatima- I don't want to.

Zac- that's not what I asked Fatima. Be real with me

Fatima- no Zac I don't.

Zac- look T.. just like you trusting me I'm trusting you. I don't want to get my heart broken either. Especially by the person I love most.

Fatima kept forgetting her heart wasn't the only one on the line. She was so guarded that she didn't realize that Zac was scared of getting his heart broke just as much as she was. She then realized that if she want this to work then she would have to put in effort as well to show that she's all in.

Fatima- *grabs his hands* baby I'm here with you, riding til the wheels fall off. I know you're scared just as much as I am. I didn't realize that at first, but I do now. As long as you got me I got you.

Zac- *pulls her in for a tight hug* that's what I like to hear. Look I can work from here. I just have to respond to some emails, and do a couple of video meetings. After that I'm yours.

Fatima- dinner and movie night with Danni and Preston? We can cook for you guys.

Zac- *kisses her* I like the sound of that.

Fatima- *returns the kiss* I bet.

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