Chapter Eighteen

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A few hours pass by, and everybody is getting ready for tonight. Zac came back up to the room after he finished installing the cameras downstairs. Just as he was walking in the room Fatima was walking out of the bathroom.

Zac- *walking over to her* hey gorgeous.

Fatima- hey babe. Everything set?

Zac- yeah, cameras are all set so I'll be able to see everything that's going on.

Fatima- okay good.

Zac- you okay?

Fatima- yeah baby, I'm fine.

Zac- you sure?

Fatima- yes, but I just wana say I'm sorry again. We would've never got here if I would've just chose you in the first place.

Zac- I told you, it's all good. We're gonna be okay, and you'll never have to worry about him again. I promise.

Fatima- I know, I just feel like I owe you everything.

Zac- you don't owe me anything. Loving you is good enough.

Fatima- I hear you, but I still have to take care of you *she said while wrapping her arms around his neck* and I plan on doing just that.

Zac- T, you got to chill.

Fatima- *kisses him* I can't wait to swallow you whole.

Zac- *slaps her ass* Fatima Taylor!!

Fatima- *bites his lip* mmmm, I like the sound of that.. yes Mr. Taylor?

Zac- what am I gone do with you?

Fatima- *whispers in his ear* fuck me.

Zac- *backing away from her* that's it you done, let's go before I been done folded yo ass on this bed.

Fatima noticed Zac's print through his pants, and she couldn't help but laugh.

Zac- ain't shit funny. Bring your ass woman.

Fatima- Danni was right babe. You have to stop being sassy.

Zac slapped her ass again, and pinned her against the door.

Zac- keep teasing me. I'll have your ass begging me to stop. Play with me and end up getting fucked. Do you hear me?

Fatima- *biting her lip* yes daddy.

Zac- now let's go and get this shit over with. I got stuff to do.

Fatima- *grabs his hand* lead the way.

They make it downstairs and everything is set to go. The men going to a disclosed location close to the house to watch everything that will be going on. Before they left Zac and Preston kissed the women goodbye. Fatima and Danni are now sitting on the couch talking and waiting for Angela to show up. Meanwhile, duck off across the street Ian and Angela are going over their plan.

Ian- ima give you thirty mins til I come to that door. I mean it.

Angela- baby just give me time okay..

Ian- the fuck you mean give you time?. I'm ready to end this shit now.

Angela- how come we can't just move on and raise our baby. We don't have to kill her.


Angela- okay baby okay.. just calm down I hear you...

Ian- you not getting scared on me are you?

Angela- *hesitant* no... I just wanted to make sure that this is what you really want to do.

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