Chapter Four

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The women spent a little more time talking, and before they knew it four hours had flew by. When Fatima noticed she shot up.

Fatima- I gotta go yall. I promised Ian I would be back hours ago.

Danni- *rolls her eyes* T you can stay here or with me. You don't have to go back.

Angela- Tima, she's right. Just stay okay.

Fatima- no, it's fine. I promise to call y'all when I make it home. I mean it. *she says as she walks out of the bathroom*

The girls eventually gave up on getting her to stay. It was a losing battle. They say their goodbyes, and Fatima leaves. About 30-45 mins later she makes it home. She honestly was happy to go back home so they could talk and make up. At least that's what she thought. As she made her way to the front door she took a deep breath. Nothing could've prepared her for the hell on the other side of that door.

Fatima- *calling out to Ian* babe!! I'm home

When he didn't answer she called out to him again. Since he didn't answer she just assumes he's not home. She makes her way upstairs to change. While she's in the closet changing he comes in the room. He's standing watching her as the rage builds in his body.

Ian- where you been?

Fatima- *jumps* babe you scared the shit out of me. I told you where I was going. I went to the girls for lunch.

Ian- you sure about that?? *he asked while rubbing his face*

Fatima- yes I'm sure.. I went there and I came straight back home to you

Ian- *laughs* yeah okay.

Fatima- what was that?

Ian- you lying to me? *he asks as he moves in closer to her*

Fatima- no I'm not lying to you babe

Fatima has her back turned. In one swift motion Ian has her pinned up against the wall with his hand around her neck.

Ian- don't fucking lie to me Fatima. You said you were going to be back two hours ago. *yelling in her face* WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!!

Fatima- with the girls *softly crying* I promise

Ian- *lets her go* you think ima damn fool huh?

Fatima- *rubbing her neck* no baby I don't *she says as she walks up to him, she places her hands on his shoulders* I know you're not a...
Before she could get her last word out Ian backhanded her causing her to fall, and hit her face on the corner of the island in their closet.

Ian- nah, you gotta think ima a fool, but that's okay.. *standing over her* ima show you a fucking fool!!

Fatima- *now crawling backwards to get away from him* baby please don't do this. I'm sorry!!

As Fatima is crawling away Ian grabs her legs pulling her back.

Fatima- *crying hysterically* IAN PLEASE LET ME GO!! IM SORRY AND IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN!!

Ian- yeah *raises his hand* I know it won't!

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