Chatper Five

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As i was laying here bloody and bruised, my mind began to wonder. What did I do to deserve to be treated like this? Why me? I've always been a good person. Why would he do me like this? I know that I can't take it no more. He'll kill me if I don't leave. I have to go. I built up my strength to stand. I searched for the quickest thing to put on. I grabbed my phone and my keys. I slowly walked downstairs to make sure he was gone. Once I was in the clear I ran to my car and I left. After about 25 mins I ended up at Danni's. I noticed another car there other than her and her husband Preston. I eventually got out and walked to the front door. With every move I made my body throbbed. I couldn't believe that this was my life. I stood at the door for a min before knocking. After I knocked on the door a few times, a familiar face appeared...

Fatima- *voice shaky* is Danni here?

After I asked that question I heard Danni walking up asking the person who was at the door.

Danni- Zac, I told you about opening my door, and not asking who is it first!

Zac- my bad D, uhhh she looks like she needs help.

Danni- who needs hel..

Danni is stopped dead in her tracks as she sees her bestfriend beaten and bruised.

Fatima- D *wiping her eyes* I need you... I need you to help me. Please.. I'm ready to let go *she says as she starts breaking down*

Zac and Danni caught her before she hit the ground.

Danni- *crying* Zac, can you help me get her to the bathroom?

Zac- *looking at Fatima* only if it's okay with her.. do you mind if I pick you up?

Fatima- *she looks up at him* yes please.. it hurts to walk.

Zac scoops Fatima up in his arms as she wraps her arms around his neck. He's walking slowly, being ever so careful to make sure he doesn't hurt her. Once in the bathroom he sits her down by the tub and leaves, allowing her and Danni to have their time.

Fatima- *softly* thank you Zac, I appreciate it.

Zac- it's no problem gorgeous. D, ima go chill with Preston.

Fatima looks up and cracks a smile.

Zac closes the door, and heads downstairs. Danni runs Fatima a hot bath with essential oils and soaking salts. As she helps Fatima undress, she begins to see all the bruises that she's been trying to hide.

Danni- T *voice trembles* I'm so sorry. We should've tried harder to get you to stay.

Fatima- *turns to face Danni* hey, look at me.. you had nothing to do with this. This was all him. Maybe I deserved it. I kept going back thinking he would change. It's my fault. D, I knew his triggers, and I still provoked him.

Danni- DONT YOU DARE BLAME YOURSELF FOR WHAT HE DID TO YOU!! You didn't deserve shit! You deserve a good man that's going to love and take care of you. And his triggers?! Hell T a pen could fall, and that would trigger him. Stop making excuses for him.

Fatima- I want out D. I can't take it anymore. I don't care how bad it hurts... I want out.

Danni- that's all you had to say, I got you. I'll talk to Preston about you staying with us until you get on your feet, but I'm pretty sure he won't mind. Let's get you in the tub.

Fatima eases down in the tub. As she's trying to relax she looks over at who has a worried look on her face.

Fatima- I'm okay, I'll be fine. I just need to rest. I have a question though. Was that Zac?

Danni- *smiles* yeah it was.

Fatima- what is he doing here?

Danni- him and Preston chill all the time, why you asked Tima?

Fatima- no reason D.

Danni- hmm, ok then *gets up* ima go get you some clothes and fix the room up for you. I'll be back okay?

Fatima nods her head.

Danni- I love you *she kisses her forehead*

Fatima- I love you too.

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