Chapter Nine

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Fatima- *smiles* it went better than good D. That man is so sweet. I don't know what I was thinking.

Danni- I still don't see how you picked lil dick over him.

Fatima- *falls out laughing* Daniella pleaseeee. Stop it!

Danni- no you stop it. Me and Angela told you that you were better than us. Ain't no way I'm faking orgasms to make somebody happy. Ain't that much love in the world Tima.

Fatima- I know I know, I was foolish.

Danni- but fr T, how did it go? Did you tell him everything?

Fatima- Danni I did, and he was so understanding, so patient. He gave me a safe place to vulnerable, and I haven't had that in a long time.

Danni- be honest with me girl.. them panties soaked ain't it? *she says as she falls out laughing*

Fatima- Danni, I promise I wanted him to take me down right here. I just know it's good.

Danni- from the looks of it he wanted to take you down *laughing* T, why you got that man all hot and bothered like that?

Fatima- him?? D what about me?

Danni- what you mean what about you? I bet you're the who initiated the kiss. I just know you did.

Fatima- weeellllll *smiles* I couldn't help it. It was just suppose to be one kiss.

Danni- one kiss my ass. You knew exactly what you were doing.

Fatima- everything about that man makes me feel good. I'm just glad he's willing to give us another shot.

Danni- T, *sits up* before you get serious with Zac you need to be sure that you are done with Ian. If you can't give him all of you then stop while you're ahead. Don't break his heart again. He's too good for that and you know it.

Fatima- I know I know, but D I'm serious. I want this, and I want him. I can't go back to Ian. I won't.

Danni- I know it's going to be hard, but we are all here for you *grabs her hand* I promise okay?

Fatima- okay.

The girls spent a little more time downstairs before they headed upstairs. Preston was still sleeping so Danni decided to join him. Fatima was on her way to her room, but instead she decided to knock on Zac's door. After a couple of knocks he comes to the door in a towel.

Fatima- oh, im sorry I didn't know you were showering.

Zac- it's cool *steps back a bit* you wana come in? I promise I won't bite *he says while smiling*

Fatima- *softly* what if I want you too?

Zac- what did you say?

Fatima- nothing, but I can just go wait in my room til you're done it's fine.

She turns to leave but Zac grabs her hand.

Zac- come on. You can just chill on the bed til I'm done. No funny business.

Fatima- you promise?

Zac- scouts honor *he says while saluting*

Fatima- *laughing* okay I trust you.

Fatima walks into Zac's room, and he closes the door. She gets comfortable on the bed as he is getting clothes.

Fatima- you don't have to get dressed in the bathroom.

Zac- I just wanted to be respectful, but since you said something I'll leave them out here. Don't be trying to sneak in there with me either.

Fatima- boy *smiles* ain't nobody thinking about you. Why you taking a shower so early anyways? Going somewhere.

Zac- if you must know I need to calm myself down from our little episode on the couch so if you'll excuse me.

Zac walks into bathroom, leaving the door cracked a little. Fifteen mins go by, and Fatima is contemplating whether or not she should join him. She stands up and removes her clothes. She made her way to the bathroom, and closed the door. Before walking to the shower she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. She was unhappy with what she saw. Zac had been watching her the entire time. Holding her head down, she turn back towards the door. Zac opened the shower door.

Zac- you leaving gorgeous?

Fatima- *startled* umm yeah? I was.

Zac- no you weren't. Come on *holding out his hand* the water is still hot.

Fatima hesitates for a min.

Zac- we won't do anything you don't wana do, I promise.

Fatima grabs his hand, and into the shower they go. Zac held her tight against him, rubbing her back. She rested her head on his chest with her arms wrapped around his neck swaying from side to side. After they withdrew from their embrace he washed her body ever so gently. Being careful not to be so rough. She also returned the favor. As she washed his body she couldn't help but notice his physique. She washed his back while placing soft kisses along it. When she made her way to his manhood her eyes bucked. He was thick and it hung low. She's never had that before.

Zac- *smirking* what you looking at baby?

Fatima looks up at him and smiles. She began to kiss him as she stroked him slowly. She sped up as their kiss intensified. Zac pulled back as he groaned. She stopped stroking, wrapping her arms back around his neck.

Zac- *in between kisses* you know ima get you back right.

Fatima- yeah, I know. *kisses him* I want you too

After they finished up with their shower Zac told Fatima to come lay with him. They oil each other down and climb into bed.

Zac- come here.

Fatima- Zac, I am here.

Zac- no, get on top.

Fatima pulled the covers up, and climbed on top of Zac. She tucked her arms underneath his shoulder blades as he wrapped his arms around her.

Fatima- hmmm *closes her eyes* hold me tighter baby please.

Zac tightened his grip around her, and kissed her forehead. After a few mins he hears her sniffling.

Zac- T, you okay?

Fatima- yeah, im okay. Just in the moment... Zac, what are we doing? What is this?

Zac- what you mean?

Fatima- I want you. Hell I love you, but I'm scared. I can't take another heartbreak. I don't want to lose you again, so before I get too far gone I need to know what this is.

Zac- *starts playing in her hair* it's simple, it's me loving you.. the right way. Showing you that my intentions are pure. I don't wana hurt you. You're my butterfly. I'm here with you as long as you are here with me. I don't want to get my heart involved again just for you to run off with him though. I can't take that Tima. *he says as he's fighting back own tears* I want this more than anything, but you have meet me halfway.

Fatima- *softly* okay

Zac- okay?

Fatima- yeah

Zac- what does that mean?

Fatima- it means that I'm yours. Fuck that engagement and fuck him!! *tightens her grips on him*

Zac- *smiles* you promise?

Fatima- *raises her head, resting her chin on his chest* always and forever papa.

They share a sweet kiss.

Zac- I could stay like this forever.

Fatima- the feeling is mutual babe.

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