Chapter Twelve

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Fatima decided to lay back down while Zac worked. She ended up dozing off. Zac was downstairs in the spare office finishing up his last meeting. As he was closing his laptop Preston knocked on the door.

Preston- well well, look who came up for air. *laughing*

Zac- *looks up* wassup bro. I see Danni has had you busy

Preston- well we trying for a baby so you know how that goes.

Zac- bout fucking time. I been waiting on some god kids. Who else kids am I suppose to spoil besides you and Jake?

Preston- shit your own!

Zac- in due time my brother.

Preston- *smiling* sounds like you and Fatima got started on that last night. Where she at? Knocked out.

Zac- *returns the smile* I was a complete gentleman last night if you must know, but yeah she's sleeping.

Preston- complete gentleman my ass. What you do to that girl?

Zac- nothing she didn't want *he said while smirking*

Preston- don't be taking advantage of my sister now.

Zac- she put my hand down there!! Your sister took advantage of my weakness. Besides she teased me in the shower so I had to get her back in the best way possible.

Preston-I'm happy for you.

Zac- bro can I ask you something?

Preston- yeah wassup.

Zac- well I got a couple questions.

Preston- okay shoot!

Zac- number one, you think I'm moving too fast with Tima? Be honest

Preston- honestly, love doesn't have a time limit. She loves you, and I know you love her. I can see it. It's like y'all picked up where y'all left over before Ian came into the picture. Zac, she needs you just as much as you need her. I can't remember the last time I saw her at peace like this. She's so relaxed, and you my guy haven't stopped smiling since she's been here.

Zac- I know man I know. I'm glad she's back in my life, but I just don't want to get hurt again you know?

Preston- everything will be fine. Don't be in your head about it. Do what you feel is right. If you wana be with her then be with her. Don't let shit get in the way of that. You both deserve that much.

Zac- ok, second question. Has Ian ever took her on a vacation before?

Preston- no, not that I know of. I mean he would go places, but she never went. When he was gone she would always be over here or with Ang.

Zac- wack ass nigga. Look I want to take her away for about a week. Maybe two. She wants to go somewhere that is surrounded by water. Maybe a private villa in Belize with an ocean view is what I'm thinking.

Preston- does she know you're thinking about doing this?

Zac- yeah. I even told her I would ask you and D to go so she could feel comfortable.

Preston- you know Danni will go. Hell she'll leave my ass at home and go with y'all.

Zac- *laughs* you right.

Preston- so when you trying to go?

Zac- ASAP bro. I want to officially ask her to be my girl while we out there too.

Preston- well I'll ask D tonight before we go to bed but I'm pretty sure she's gone be down. 

Zac- I just hope I'm making the right decision P. I just want to be happy.

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