Chapter Ten

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They ended up taking a nap together. Preston and Danni woke up before they did. He decided to do some steaks on the grill. He asked Danni if she wanted to ride to the store with him, and she said yeah. Thirty mins later they were dressed, and ready to go.

Danni- babe lemme go check on Tima before we go.

Danni goes into Fatima's room. She notices that she's not there. She told Preston, and he said he would ask Zac. When Preston opened Zac's door he saw him and Fatima cuddled up napping together.

Preston- *whispering* babe come look!

Danni- Preston what? *she says as she walks over*

Preston- look likes she good to me *he said while smiling*

Danni- *smiling* she looks at peace. Come on let's leave the lovebirds alone. *she said closing the door*

At the store Danni was getting wine for her and Fatima when she heard a familiar voice.

Ian- well well well, wassup Danni?

Danni- *turns around* nigga don't come at me like we cool. I can't stand yo ass.

Ian- the feeling is fucking mutual. Anyways where's your friend? I been looking everywhere for her.

Danni- I don't know. I haven't heard from her. She was complaining about how she had to get back home to you last time I saw her. Now if you'll excuse me, I would hate to have to show my ass in this damn grocery store. *she said as she was trying to walk away*

Ian- *blocks her in, in her face* bitch hear me, and hear me good. Let me find out you hiding her out somewhere.

Danni- *laughs* that shit might scare her but it doesn't scare me. If you really bout it then do some.

Preston had been looking for Danni all over the store. He then remembered that she told him she was picking up some wine. When he made it to the liquor section he saw that Ian had her blocked in. In a split second he went into protective mood.

Ian- you think im playing with you?! Bitch ain't no..

Before Ian could finish his sentence Preston knocked his ass off his feet.

Preston- I'd advise you to watch that bitch word. Watch how the fuck you talk to my woman. Matter of fact, don't say shit else to her. Baby you ready to go? *reaches his hand out*

Danni- *grabs his hand* yeah baby I'm ready.

Ian- this ain't over, I promise you that *he says as he spits out blood* I will find her.

Danni- I want you to come looking for her. You'll regret it *winks at him* let's go P.

They checked out and headed home. Back at the house Fatima woke up before Zac. She just stared at him wondering how did she get so lucky, and how she missed out on this opportunity by being selfish.

Fatima- *rubbing his face, slightly whispering* all this time I wasted looking for real love, and you were there from the beginning. I promise I'm never leaving. I don't know what I did to deserve you but I thank God... and God I'm coming to you, asking you to keep him out harm's way. Protect him from dangers seen and unseen. Help me to let go of the hurt so this man can love me properly. Help me to love him properly because he deserves it more than anybody, Amen.

Zac- *rubs her back* Amen. Not you going to big guy about me.. *puts one hand behind his head* yeahhh you love me.

Fatima- *smiles* yeah I do.

Zac- come on, let's get dressed before D and Preston come barging in.

Fatima- okay.

They got dressed and headed downstairs. As they were making their way to the living room Danni and Preston were coming through the front door.

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