Chapter Two

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I was awaken by the sun beaming in my face. As I begin to move I felt a strong arm around me. As I tried to move, the grip kept getting tighter and tighter.

Ian- I'm so sorry baby.. I don't know what came over me.

Fatima is just laying there silent

Ian- come on baby, say something.. I'm sorry Fatima. It was an accident. I promise it won't happen again. It was a stupid mistake.

Fatima- *voice trembling* Ian... please let me go I have to use the bathroom.

Ian- baby say you forgive me, say you won't leave me.

Fatima- please just please.. let me go

Ian- *turns Fatima so that she is facing him* tell me you forgive me *he says as he's trying to muster up some tears* I fucked up, and I'm sorry.

Fatima- *softly* I forgive you.

Ian- what you say?

Fatima- I forgive you Ian

Ian- *smiles* you mean it babe?

Fatima- yeah baby *looking into his eyes* I didn't mean to make you mad.. I'm sorry and it won't happen again.

Ian- that's all I'm asking for baby. *kisses her* I love you so much

Fatima- *kisses him back* I love you more babe. I have to get up though, I promised the girls I would meet them for lunch today.

Ian- *looking sad*

Fatima- babe don't look like that, I'll just be gone two hours, max!

Ian- ok baby, two hours.. that's it. Don't keep me waiting too long.

Fatima- *kisses him again* I won't.

Fatima gets up to get dressed. She is careful, making sure she is covering up all the bruises from Ian's rampage the night before. Before she leaves she kisses Ian goodbye and she's out the door.

*hey guys. Sorry the chapters are so short. I'll try to make them longer as the story progresses. Constructive criticism and feedback is welcome as well. I'll try to be consistent, but I'm trying to get my masters' as well😂 I hope y'all enjoy

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