Chapter Six

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An hour has passed by. Danni helped Fatima out the tub being that she's still sore. She helped her get dressed, and she made sure she ate. Fatima went straight to bed while Danni, Preston, and Zac sat downstairs.

Zac- I think ima gone head out y'all.

Danni- now you know our motto.

Preston- yeah man *sips his beer* we've been throwing em back. Just crash here tonight. You gone be staying after tomorrow anyways. Go to your room.

Zac- y'all sure? I don't want to...

Danni- *cuts him off* shut up and go shower. Ima fix y'all something to eat.

Preston- thank you baby

Zac- yeah, thanks sis. I appreciate it.

Zac headed upstairs to his room. Once he made it in the room he hit the light switch. Fatima instantly jumped up in a panic.

Fatima- *scooting towards the headboard* what are you doing in here?!

Zac- *putting his hands up*  woah woah, my bad. This is where I always sleep when I stay over. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I'll leave *he says as he getting ready to leave out the room*

Fatima just nods her head as she begins to lay back down. Zac turns out the light and heads to the room across the hall. He proceeds to take his shower, and once he was done with his night time routine he headed back downstairs. He joined Preston and Danni in the kitchen.

Zac- thanks again for letting me crash tonight

Danni- you know it's all good *she says as she sips her wine* you hungry?

Zac- nah not rn sis..

Danni- ok, just let me know when you are

Zac- so... was that Fatima? She's staying too?

Danni- oh shit, I put her in your room. I'm sorry. 

Zac- it's okay, I think I scared her a bit when I walked in there, but she eventually laid back down. What happened to her if you don't mind me asking?

Preston- that bitch of a man she's engaged to happened her. He been doing that shit to her for the past couple of years. He beat her so bad one night man. She ended the intensive care unit for a week.

Zac- *pissed* yo what?? Who tf is this nigga?

Danni- Zac you know Ian!! High school star quarterback, mommy and daddy's spoiled little bastard.

Zac- that's who did that to her??

Danni- yeah, like P said. It's been going for years.

Zac- so where they stay? Y'all know where he be??

Preston- yeah I do.. what you got in mind? *he asked as he stood to his feet, smirking*

Zac- *gets up* I think we ought to pay him a quick visit.

Danni- Zac no! Not tonight.

Zac- Danni wtf? Did you not see her?!

Danni- I know, but play this one cool okay? Sooner or later he's going to pop up looking for her, and when he does y'all can beat his ass to a pulp. I just need y'all to be smart about how we move in the situation. Both of y'all have too much to lose now.

Zac- D, I want him and I want him bad!! *he slams his hands down on the kitchen counter* fuck man! So what you wana do D?

Danni- right now my only concern is keeping Fatima safe. That's all I care about. Knowing him though, he'll show his face sooner or later.

Zac- I'm glad I'm staying.

Danni- *smiles* why Zacccc?

Preston- aww damn, I see you still sweet on her *laughs* you really wanted her to be your wife back in high school.

Zac- I did but life had other plans I guess. I just want to make sure she's safe.

Danni- *smiling* I hear ya. Btw *she says as she stands up* she asked about you too. I'm about to get up and go check on her.

Zac- Danni chill *laughing* it ain't even like that. She ain't thinking about that.

Danni- oh but you are! Just gone admit it bro you wanted her, hell still do. You just thought she was out of your league.

Zac- I'm not lie, I did want her back in the day.

Preston- you want her right now too, stop playing man. Gone say it.

Zac- okay, so what if I do? With that situation she's in I know she's not looking for that right now.

Danni- you're right, but you can start with just being her friend. If it's meant to be then it'll be.

Unbeknownst to them Fatima was standing on the stairs. She was unable to go back to sleep. After all these years she never knew Zac felt that way. She made a mental note to ask Danni about it in the morning, and she return to bed. Zac, Preston, and Danni stayed up half the night laughing and reminiscing about old times. They eventually fell asleep downstairs.

It was the next morning, and Danni was up cooking for everyone. The guys were upstairs getting dressed for work. While she was plating the food, Preston walked up behind her.

Preston- good morning beautiful, how did you sleep? *he asked as he grabbed her waist and placed a soft kiss on her neck*

Danni- I slept good baby, how about you?

Preston- I slept good babe. *he says as he walks away to start fixing his coffee*

Danni- so babe... I have a question. I was wondering if...

Preston- you don't even have to ask. She's family and I'll be damned if I let her go back there. Do you think she'll mind staying here while Zac is going to be here?

Danni- I'll talk to her about it when I take her food up to her.

Preston- ok baby. You don't you didn't have to ask me that, but I appreciate you for coming to me. It means a lot.

Zac- good morning family *he says as he comes in the kitchen*

Preston- morning bro, Danni cooked you hungry?

Danni- I can fix you a plate.

Zac- sure, I'll take a plate.

Danni fixed their plates, and they sat down to eat. While they were downstairs eating and talking Fatima was upstairs in her room getting dressed. After 15 mins later, she comes downstairs and into the kitchen as the men are getting ready to leave.

Fatima- morning everybody *she says as she holds her head down*

Danni- *springs up* you're up!!

Preston- morning sis

Zac- good morning gorgeous

Fatima holds her head to look at Zac.  She shoots him a quick smile.

Preston- come on bro, let's go. Baby we will be back around 12. Y'all want us to get lunch and we can spend the day together?

Danni- I don't know if Fatima will be up...

Fatima- *cuts her off* uhh yeah sure I don't mind. It'll keep me distracted from everything that's going on *she says as she looking at Zac*

Zac is gazing at Fatima and smiling.

Preston- come on man, let's go. Bye baby *he kisses danni*

Zac-*kisses Fatima hand* see you later

Danni- be safe you two, and stay out of trouble!! I mean it, please!

Zac&Preston- YOU GOT IT *they said said as they laughed and walked out the door*

Danni closed the door and turned towards Fatima smiling.

Danni- sooo what was that Tima?

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