Chapter Twenty-One

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Angela was in full panic mode back outside. She didn't even notice Fatima when she ran outside to retrieve the bat. She was wondering what was taking him so long. She just chalked it up to Nick killing Zac, and then finishing up what he started with Fatima. Oh was she in for a rude awakening though. She was knocked out of her thoughts when she saw another truck drive by going towards the house. She immediately recognize the man getting out, and she knew it wasn't good.

Back at the house Fatima was still holding a wounded Zac. She didn't want to let him go and she refused to leave his side. It didn't matter if the nigga was dead or not. She was not leaving her man.

Zac- T, I'm not dying.. you know that right? I'll be fine. *he said as he was trying to sit up*

Fatima- *pulling him back into her lap* boy lay yo ass down. Alex said he will be here soon.

Zac- Fatima I'm okay, alright?

Fatima- *getting emotional* Zac I-

Zac saw the tears forming in her eyes.

Zac- hey look at me T. I'm fine. It's just a cut okay?

Fatima- *looking down, softly* okay.

Zac- don't do that. I told you I don't like that. Look at me when you speak.

Fatima- *looks him in his eyes* I'm sorry.

Zac- can you help me to the couch?

Fatima- yeah.. come on let's get you up.

Fatima stood to her feet and grabbed his hand. Zac rose to his feet, wincing from the pain he was feeling. Fatima wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and her arm his back helping him to the couch. Just as she was getting him situated Alex came through the door with a medical bag. He immediately noticed the body.

Alex- damn who the fuck is this laid out in here?

Zac- nobody man.

Alex- Zac you ain't have to beat his brains out now.

Zac- first off that nigga deserved that plus more. Secondly I didn't do that.

Alex- then who did?

Fatima- *smiles* guilty.

Alex- *laughs* damn y'all be killing folks right and left huh.

Zac- shut up. Can you get somebody out here to clean it up and get rid of him?

Alex- you know I got you.

Alex made his way closer to the couch joining Zac and Fatima.

Alex- *shaking his head* damn my boy. You got sliced and diced for some pussy. It gotta be good.

Fatima just shook her head.

Zac- do you think before you speak? I mean at all?

Alex- I'm just saying man. Nah fr though let me take a look at it. Fatima if you don't mind moving to the other side.

Fatima- uh yeah, sure. Matter of fact let me go put on something more appropriate. I'll be back.

She made her way upstairs as the guys engaged in conversation.

Alex- *looking at Zac's wound* what the fuck happen bro?

Zac- *rubs his face* man I don't know. I came to knock on the door. Soon as I raised my hand I heard her scream, and the door flew open. She begging me to help her while I see some nigga standing in the background talking shit. Next thing I know we fighting, then he cut me.

Alex- *still cleaning Zac's wound* that doesn't explain why buddy's skull is smashed the fuck in Zachary.

Zac- well when Fatima came back in the house, and she saw me on the floor she lost it. She beat his ass til she got tired. Even I was like damn.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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