Chapter Nineteen

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It's been a month since everything happened. Zac and Fatima seemed like they were doing fine until he suggested therapy for them so that they could love each other properly. He also thought that she could use an outlet to talk about all the drama that she endured. Fatima felt as if Zac thought something was wrong with her, and it caused a huge argument that led to another break up. Zac told her that if he left he was not coming back this time. After he left D and Preston told Fatima that she could stay with them as long as she need to get herself together.

8 months later:

Danni and Preston are officially pregnant. They are having a little boy. When they first found out Danni was in denial of course. Preston was over the moon excited... his first child with the love of his life. He and Zac still do business together from time to time.

Alex and Mike are still around checking in when need be. They can't wait to be uncles, especially Alex.

Zac is doing fairly well considering everything that has happened. He throws himself into his work so that he won't think about Fatima. He misses her so much that it hurts. You would think after all this time he would've been able to move pass it, but when you lose the love of your twice.. it takes a toll on you. He started going to therapy a couple of months back to cope with his issues. He still talks to Preston and D. He's even the baby's godfather which Alex does not approve of. He feels like it should've been him, per usual. He often teases Zac about it. Unbeknownst to everyone, but his therapist, Zac is thinking about taking a job LA. He believes this is what he needs, a new start...

Fatima is also doing well. Danni actually convinced her that therapy may be the best outcome for considering everything that has occurred. Even though she gave therapist hell at first she eventually opened up, and you could basically say she was a new person. She was back in school for marketing, and working on getting her own place. She was just missing one thing though.. Zachary Taylor. She felt so bad for how she snapped on him, and she tried to apologize for the way she treated him.. especially after everything he did for her. She tried all methods of reaching out. Her attempts came to a halt when she was told by Preston that Zac changed his number. She replays that conversation in her mind most days. She even told her therapist about it. She told her if it's meant to be then they would always find their way.

Present time:

Fatima and Danni are in the backyard chatting while Preston is handling some business in his office.

Fatima- I'm so ready for you to have my godson. I'm tired of waiting.

Danni- bitch how you think I feel? I'm tied and he's heavy.

Fatima- *smiles* all jokes aside D... I can't believe you're about to be a mom.

Danni- I know huh, I'm actually about to be responsible for another life.

Fatima- *rubs her belly* I guess God be giving anybody kids nowadays.

Danni- *chuckles* watch it hoe.

Fatima- I'm just sayingggg

Danni- classes going good?

Fatima- oh D it's going so good. I never thought I would get this opportunity again. I know them student loans gone be a fool when I finish though.

Danni- aht aht don't you worry about that. Just focus on maintaining that 4.0.

Fatima- speaking of which of which I need to check on the balance before I start the new semester. I'll do it later though.

Danni- I'm not gone tell you to stop worrying no more. You gone do whatever you wana do it anyways hell.

Fatima- I'm glad you know this.

The girls sat quietly for a min soaking up the fresh air until Fatima broke the silence.

Fatima- can I ask you something?

Danni- if this is about Zac he's doing fine.

Fatima- *looks away* that's good then.

Danni- that's all you have to say?

Fatima- yep.

Danni- look Tima when I say this, know that I am coming from a place of love... but you were deadass wrong

Fatima- D, i-

Danni- no, let me finish. You broke him all over again, and for what? T he didn't deserve that and you know it! He was there for you from jump. Giving you the love and peace you deserved. You knew how he felt about you. You were so scared for him to break your heart, but you broke his once again. Zac is a good man. A damn good one because it ain't too many that would've done what he did. I don't blame him for not coming back honestly. His happiness matters just as much as yours. He doesn't even come around anymore because he can't stand to see you. I just hate you did him like that again.

Fatima- *in tears* I know and I'm sorry.

Danni- I'm not the one who you should be apologizing too.

Fatima- I can't, he won't talk to me. Which I understand why.. I tried to apologize, I promise I did.

Danni- look sis I'm not trying to make you feel bad.

Fatima- no *wiping her face* it's okay.. ima big girl.

Danni- T-

Fatima- no seriously *gets up* I'm okay.. ima just go lay down for a bit.

Danni- Tima wait

Fatima- D, it's fine *she said as she walked in the house*

Danni sits back and rubs her stomach..

Danni- see lil boy, look what you made me do.. you got me on 10 for no reason.

Preston walks outside just as Danni is finishing up her conversation with the baby.

Preston- I done told you to stop blaming my son for your attitude. It was like that before you got pregnant.

Danni- don't start with me cowboy

Preston- *leans down to kiss her forehead* where's T? I thought y'all were out here together.

Danni- *sighs* she asked about Zac, and it went downhill from there.

Preston- babe

Danni- I know I know, but he didn't deserve that.

Preston- I know he didn't, but Fatima was and still is going through a lot.

Danni- I know

Preston- hold on you didn't tell her about Zac paying her tuition did you?

Danni- no I didn't and you should be proud

Preston- ummhmm, come on. Let's get y'all in the house

Danni- okay, I need to nap before I go walking later anyways.

A couple days have passed since the conversation that took place between Fatima and Danni. She kept her distance from Danni until she was ready to address the situation. Fatima had a session scheduled for today with her therapist which was much needed. As she made her way to the building she bumped into somebody causing their eyes to lock.

Zac- Tima?

Fatima- *immediately looks down* hey Zac.

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