A Long Way to Go

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Chapter 1:

*Stephanie's POV*

Working the 9 to 5 shift every single day at a pizza place was something I hadn't envisioned for my life. I went to college and got an education, but unfortunately no one was hiring and I was stuck here. Tonight was my night off and I was supposed going to a live match. WWE was always my guilty pleasure in high school and it was always a piece of my dream to be along the superstars there. I also wanted to play music, but that was something I could do whenever unlike wrestle. Anyway, tonight I was supposed to going to my first live match and I was beyond excited.

It was around 3 in the afternoon when I decided to start getting ready since I had passes to meet some of the superstars before the event tonight. Luckily for me, my first event would end up being a Thursday Night Smackdown episode. I quickly did a natural makeup and straightened my short, dark brown hair. Honestly cutting my hair was a pretty good decision because it was getting long anyway and a bob was just the way to go. Anyway, I quickly finished looking around my house for things I needed. I quickly grabbed one of the posters I made and as well as grabbed my bag, phone and meet & greet stubs. I quickly stepped out of my house and locked the door. As I made my way down the front steps, I quickly pressed the car remote and opened my car. I quickly started my car and plugged in my phone to the car. As I waited for my car to warm up, I began scrolling through songs and decided to play "If It Means A Lot to You" by A Day To Remember. As the song started to blast through the car, I drove out of my driveway and began to head towards the arena.

The drive to the arena was nice and everything at the arena was pretty cool. I got to meet Paige and Roman before the event started and honestly they were so awesome. I loved how chill they were and so calm to talk to. Now I was actually buying merch because I needed to get Seth's shirt and the Unstable Ambrose shirt before it was all sold out. I quickly made my way to where I was supposed to be sitting for the night and I was more than happy for where I was gonna be sitting. I was gonna be sitting near Tom Philips, Byron Saxton and Jerry "The King" Lawler. I made my way towards my seat when I noticed someone had their bag on my seat. I stood right next to my seat and took the bag off and placed on the seat to my right. In a matter of seconds, the bag on the next chair was taken off and placed into a girl's lap who sat next to me. She seemed to be about my same age and looked just as pumped to be here. She glanced my way and picked up a sign next to her chair. I did the same and showed her my sign. Hers was for Dean Ambrose and mine was for Seth. Just as I was about to ask her name, Roman's theme played through the arena and the crowd went wild. Screams were heard and the whole arena went bonkers. Roman was speaking through the mic and I couldn't help but try to realize that I was actually seeing roman speak. Funny thing was that I hadn't realize what he had actually said. Roman was entering the "Money in the Bank" match.

The girl next to me was freaking out as well, but then Dean Ambrose came out behind the gorilla. She and I began to freak out. Dean was actually here and he just looked fantastic. Dean's music came to an end and he began to say that he was going to be the WWE Heavyweight Champ. I was ecstatic because Dean was also one of my favorites, but Seth was one of my all time favorites. Kane came out as well and announced that Dean was going to be fighting Bray Wyatt. Dean didn't really care and accepted it with open arms. Kane even announced that Roman wasn't officially in the MITB match, but seemingly enough I thought it would be in it.

Matches passed and some of them seemed to drag on. I was just excited to seem some really interesting matches instead of The New Day trying to have people like them or having Tamina take out Nikki. I turned back to the girl who had the Dean Ambrose sign and said a few words.

"Hey." I said as I put my sign down for a bit resting my arms. She replied with, "Hey, I can see you're a Rollins fan."

I nodded and hugged my poster real quick since I had always declared Rollins as one of my baes. She laughed and then spoke once again, "I'm an Ambrose fan."

"I can tell," I responded with a laugh and then replied, "I'm an Ambrose fan too."

"I'm so excited to see him fight, I just know he's gonna take down Bray."

I said making a fist in the air and shaking it.

The girl extended out her hand and said, "I'm Jada."

I took her hand and shook it and replied, "I'm Stephanie."

Just as we were about to say more about the rest of the matches that we were supposed to see, Dean Ambrose's Theme rang through the arena.

*Jada's POV*

I was at a RAW event and just met a new friend. We were talking until I heard a song. Not just any song, but Dean Ambrose's theme song.

"Oh. My. God." I started freaking out. I finally get to see my idol in person! I looked to the side to see Stephanie freaking out, too. I was holding up my sign.

"This is the best night ever!" Stephanie shouted.

"It just started!" I yelled as the crowd roared when he made his way to the ring. He grabbed a microphone as the crowd started to quiet down.

"I'd love to hear him on the mic in person!" I fangirled a little.

"I was thinking the same thing," Stephanie laughed. We listened to what Dean had to say. I've been thinking of this day since I was little. To come to a live event like this. All your idols in person is like I always dreamed it would be.

Dean was just talking a little before his match against Bray Wyatt about how the Authority sucked.

Bray Wyatt came out as Dean put the mic back. It was time to watch Dean Ambrose fight.

Let me tell you, it looked a lot better in person. It may all be fake, but it sure looked real in my eyes. They question is, when I use their finishers on people how does it hurt them? If it doesn't hurt in WWE how come it hurts in real life?

Anyways, Dean was beating up Bray Wyatt. Dean was having a pretty good match over all. I mean at Elimination Chamber he is going to be versing Seth. He is going to win that title no doubt.

Then as Dean was just about to knock out Bray with a Dirty Deeds, J&J security came out and interfered. Bray got out of the the hold and J&J went after Dean. Bray got his energy back up as Dean got J&J on the ground. Then, Roman came out and helped Dean beat up Bray.

Seth came out to help his security guards. After about a good 5-10 minutes it was everywhere Authority bodies left and right. Until Seth and Dean came face to face. They looked each other in the eyes.

That's how the show ended.

Me and Stephanie went backstage to get autographs. We might actually get to meet Dean and Seth.

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